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Revision as of 15:09, 23 February 2017 by Aerosoul94 (talk | contribs) (more info, second load segment is nothing special (maps to .data, .opd, .toc, etc). nothing new.)
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Signed PPU Relocatable Executable (SPRX)


First LOAD segment p_paddr points to module info.

Module Info

Offset Type Description
+0 short Module attributes
+2 char[2] Module version
+4 char[28] Module name
+32 long TOC address
+36 long Pointer to the start of exports section
+40 long Pointer to end of exports section
+44 long Points to the start of imports section
+48 long Points to the end of imports section


Offset Type Description
+0 char[2] Structure size (0x1C 32-bit or 0x28 64-bit), padding
+2 short Version
+4 short Attributes
+6 short Number of functions
+8 short Number of variables
+10 short Number of thread local storage variables
+12 char Hash info
+13 char Thread local storage hash info
+14 char[2] Reserved
+16 long Pointer to exported library name
+20 long Pointer to function NID table
+24 long Pointer to function stub table


Offset Type Description
+0 char Structure size (0x2C)
+1 char Unused
+2 short Version
+4 short Attributes. AUTO_EXPORT=0x0001, WEAK_EXPORT=0x0002, NOLINK_EXPORT=0x0004, WEAK_IMPORT=0x0008, 0x2000 seems to indicate a non-PRX library (like "stdc" or "allocator") that comes from somewhere else (LV2?)
+6 short Number of functions
+8 short Number of variables
+10 short Number of thread local storage variables
+12 byte[4] reserved
+16 long Pointer to imported library name.
+20 long Pointer to the list of NID's for the exported functions.
+24 long Pointer to the list of exported functions.
+28 long var_nid_table
+32 long var_entry_table
+36 long tls_nid_table
+40 long tls_entry_table


Relocations can be found in either PT_SCE_PPURELA segments or SHT_SCE_PPURELA / SHT_RELA sections. RELA relocations are standard relocations while PPURELA relocations have 2 segment (program header) indexes stored in r_sym of r_info.

  • The first index can be extracted with 0x7FFFFF00 as a mask and is used as a base address for r_addend. This sum will be the value applied to the patch.
  • The second index can be extracted with 0x000000FF as a mask and is used as a base address for the target segment to patch and is added to r_offset.
  • The first bit (0x80000000) is also set on earlier PRX's but it is currently unknown what it is used for.

FNID generation

symbol name suffix

symbol_name_suffix: 6759659904250490566427499489741A

To calculate FNID value of exported/imported symbol from .PRX you need to take SHA-1 hash over concatenation of symbol's name and symbol_name_suffix and then grab first 4 bytes from it and reverse these bytes (because of little-endian). Let's take, for example, _sys_sprintf:

 SHA1('_sys_sprintf' + '\x67\x59\x65\x99\x04\x25\x04\x90\x56\x64\x27\x49\x94\x89\x74\x1A') = FEEAF9A123D7D1A7619B40CD52500F9735A852A4
 FNID('_sys_sprintf') = swap_uint32(0xFEEAF9A1) = 0xA1F9EAFE.

For C++ functions you should use mangled representation of symbol's name. For example, mangled name of std::runtime_error::what() const is _ZNKSt13runtime_error4whatEv and FNID('_ZNKSt13runtime_error4whatEv') = 0x5333BDC9. More complex example: FNID(mangle('std::basic_filebuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::seekpos(std::fpos<std:: _Mbstatet>, std::_Iosb<int>::_Openmode)')) = FNID('_ZNSt13basic_filebufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE7seekposESt4fposISt9_MbstatetENSt5_IosbIiE9_OpenmodeE') = 0xB6A4D760

noname_nid_suffix: 0xbc5eba9e042504905b64274994d9c41f

For import stub's with no names, you must use SHA1 over concatenation of symbol's name and noname_nid_suffix as an ascii string. Some examples of noname imports are module_start, module_info, and module_stop.

 SHA1('module_info' + '0xbc5eba9e042504905b64274994d9c41f') = 1630f4d70bf3df419db9d481983411fd3130482a = 0xD7F43016