Downgrading with NAND flasher

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Revision as of 23:12, 24 August 2011 by Keperfear (talk | contribs)
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Downgrading with NAND Flasher

If your console has NOR and not NAND, look here : Downgrading with NOR flasher

This article is written based on firmware 3.60 (but also works on other firmwares) and Infectus for NAND bases consoles. See Hardware_flashing


  • NAND based console : CECHA, CECHB, CECHC, CECHE or CECHG. see SKU_Models
  • Infectus with < firmware (allowing dual NAND flashing)
In case you need to downgrade the Infectus:

Accessing the NAND

Power the Infectus, it crashes the PS3 and leaves the NANDs in powered mode:

Use the console to power the NANDs: power it up until the PS3 crashes and halts with red flashing LED, press power again to stop the flashing, but keeps the console powered on. The NANDs are not accessed by the PS3 in this way, so it doesn't matter if the NAND content is already messed up. After that, you can read/write the NANDs.

Use the Infectus to read the 2 different NAND chips. You get 2 files this way, one for each NAND : flash0.bin & flash1.bin

Interleave the 2 previous mentioned bin files into 1 single flash dump: flashfinal.bin (256MB)

( work in progress )

Posted on request by author: dospiedras1973

Original Spanish text

Original text :

Hola , llevo trabajando en este proyecto cerca de dos meses y ahora mismo ya que he conseguido que funcione lo publico para que todo el mundo pueda usarlo, este tutorial es para consolas con NAND flash de 256mb , no significa que no funcione en las de 16mb , en sí se modifica casi lo mismo en las que tienen nor flash , pero debido a que aún tengo jodida mi fat 80gb de 16mb no lo he podido ni probar ni verificar.

Al turrón ( la frase se la debo a algún forero de por aquí que me gustó mucho la expresión ) :

Con infectus sacamos nuestra nand flash0.bin y flash1.bin y como en el tutorial de lukin para reparar las bad nands hacemos el mismo proceso hasta que obtenemos nuestro dump flashfinal.bin de 256mb

esta nand la abrimos con un editor simple hex editor y buscamos esta parte

"00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6F FF E0"

vereis que justo debajo ay una linea muy parecida , yo estos datos los encuentro en el offset 000C0020 , puede variar segun la nand y aqui empieza la fiesta :-D

reemplazamos INCLUSO ESA LINEA con el archivo 1patchcos.bin si usais el hxd poneros en el primer 0 de esa linea ->boton derecho y pegar escribiendo , antes teneis que tener abierto el 1patchcos.bin en el hxd y copiar en hex todo su contenido para poder pegarlo..

luego vamos a buscar el segundo archivo a parchear buscamos en el hxd en nuestro dump la parte :

"00 00 00 00 00 00 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 40"

y de la misma manera que se parchea el primero se parchea este también , cojemos el archivo 2patchtrvk.bin del pack y reemplazamos todo el contenido incluso el "00 00 00 00 00 00 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 40"

luego cogemos con el flowrebuilder usamos la opcion reescramble this dump para que nos vuelva a generar nuestro flash0.ECC.bin y flash1.ECC.bin

y flasheamos el resultado , cuando termineis notareis que la ps3 ahora enciende pero tiene un bonito black screen , vale cojemos nuestro jig para ponerla en factory service mode y la ponemos en factory , luego cojemos el tipico lv2diag de marras y el pup que querais

( AVISO : el primer pup que metais se quedará en la consola como la versión minima que podeis downgradear luego , por si quereis bajar de 3.55 a 3.41 luego tendreís que meter el pup 3.41 antes de subir a 3.55 o se quedará en 3.55 por que si no os costará volver a escribir el dump de nuevo para poder downgradear mas bajo del pup que pusisteis la primera vez. )

luego poneis el lv2diag para salir del factory service y ya está ;-)

Notas : esto vale para reparar el brick de waninkoko SIN NAND DONADA incluso en las placas sem-001 ( probado ) ( y de paso downgradeas xD )

agradecimientos :

a todo el canal #darkps3 de irc-hispano por apoyarme durante tanto tiempo ;-)
a austaquio32 por donar el infectus que lograra que siguiera con mi proyecto
a Nodial2ne por la ayuda que prestó localizando archivos en la nand
a robs1 por ayudarme en todo el proceso con ideas para que esto fuera posible

y a todo el que tuvo paciencia y no me atosigó por privado xD

pack :

Desagradecimientos :

er_poty : post que hago , post que viene a crear peleas y a mandarme privados diciendome que le llego a la suela de los zapatos a PDNKED

pd: llevo 4 años en paro , quien quiera donar algo desinteresadamente pueden ponerse en contacto conmigo via privado ( lo siento pero tengo 2 hijos y la ps3 no me da de comer ni a mi ni a ellos xD )
o eso o dadme un trabajo leñe!

Translate Google English text

Google translate (sorry, i'm lazy atm) :

256 with 3.6x downgrade INFECTUS nands [and other consoles repair waninbrick]

Hi, I've been working on this project for about 2 months now and, now that I know it works, I'm making it public so everyone can use it, this tutorial is for PS3s with 256mb NAND flashes, this doesn't mean it might not work on 16mb ones, the modification part is almost the same with NOR flashes, but since my 80gb PS3, which has a 16mb, is still ****ed up, I haven't had the opportunity to try it or verify it.

Let's go to the point (Translator's Note: a jargon is being used here, "turron" is replaced for "grano" since both are hard things):

With infectus, we extract our NAND flash0.bin and flash1.bin and, just like in lukin's tutorial for repairing bad NANDs, we do the same process until we get our 256mb flashfinal.bin dump.

We open this NAND with a simple hex editor and search for this part:
"00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6F FF E0"

You'll see that right below there's a very similar line, I found this data in the 000C0020 offset, it might vary depending on the NAND. Ok, so here's where the fun starts :D

Replace, INCLUDING THAT LINE with the 1patchcos.bin file.
If you're using hxd, put it in the first 0 (zero) of that line -> right click and paste while writing. Before that you need to have open 1patchcos.bin in hxd and you need to copy all its content to be able to paste it.

Next, we're going to patch the second file, let's search in our dump with hxd the following part:

"00 00 00 00 00 00 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 40"

Just like with the first file, you need to patch this one the same way. We grab the 2patchtrvk.bin from the pack and replace all its content, including

"00 00 00 00 00 00 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 40"

After that, open them with flowrebuilder and use the "reescramble this dump" option so we can have generated our flash0.ECC.bin and flash1.ECC.bin again.

Flash the results. When you're done, you'll notice that when you start up your PS3, you'll have in front of you a nice little black screen. So now, grab your jig and put it in factory service mode, choose factory. Then, grab your good old lv2diag and whatever PUP you want.

(WARNING: The first PUP you put, will remain as the lowest downgradable version (Translator's note: does that make sense? Lol), now if you want to downgrade from 3.55 to 3.41, you'll need to put the 3.41 PUP before upgrading to 3.55, if not, it will stay at 3.55 because, otherwise, you'll have to go and write the dump all over again to be able to downgrade lower than the first PUP you put.)

Now, put lv2diag to get out of factory service and you're done.

this also goes for repairing Waninkoko's brick without a donated NAND including sem-001 boards (proved) (and were downgraded that in the process xD)


to everyone at #darkps3 from irc-hispano for supporting me all this time.
to austaquio32 for donating infectus that made me finish this project.
to Nodial2ne for his help tracing files in the NAND.
to robs1 for helping in all this process with his idea that made this possible.

and to everyone that was patient and did not annoyed me with PMs.

Ungrateful to:

er_poty : every post I make, he starts a flame, and annoys me with PMs saying I'm not even at the same level of PDNKED

PS: I've being unemployed for 4 years. If anyone wants to donate anyways, you can contact me via PM (I'm sorry but I have 2 child and the PS3 doesn't feed them or me xD)
Either that or give me an f'n job! xD

PS3s compatibles with this method (Thanks pdnked):
PS3 Fat:

Reposted on :


hola , este tuto es pequeñito pero lo pongo en un hilo nuevo por que va a traer miga y no quiero mezclar contenidos :

el infectus se instala de la misma manera que en las demas consolas la unica diferencia es que en esta consola tenemos una nand a un lado de la consola y otro al otro , imaginad que esa nand que cambia de sitio es la segunda nand , en la que en el esquema oficial está por encima del conector del hdd los puntos a soldar son iguales , PERO

el infectus tiene un punto de 5v , NO LO SOLDEIS DEJADLO NO HACE FALTA

hace falta colocar un diodo zener en la nand que está en la otra vuelta de la placa para darle corriente a las 2 nands directamente con el infectus aqui las fotos :
aqui el zener a utilizar para alimentar las nands

aqui el punto a donde va el diodo soldado directamente sin cables preferiblemente :


el GND que está al lado de los 5v del infectus porfavor soldadlo con un cable gruesín eh ...

y la parte roja del diodo con un cablecito lo conectamos aqui en el infectus :


vale , con eso y el resto de la instalación como era , la ps3 la teneis que leer y escribir perfectamente SIN DARLE CORRIENTE a la fuente , no hace falta ya con el infectus alimentas las nands lo suficiente para leer y escribir , porsupuesto he de decir que nunca tengais conectado con este metodo la fuente a la corriente y el infectus al usb , por que podría pasar algo malo xD

gracias al que subió las fotos xD

PD: el diodo lo podeis sacar de muchas placas rotas que tengais por ahi , casi todos los aparatejos calzan un zener de esos xD

por cierto el unico programa compatible con sem-001 es el infectus nand flasher 1.03 ay que instalar otros drivers del libusb que vienen incluidos con el programa que está por ahí xD

When downgrading from 3.66 to 3.15 on NAND:

fail BD correct BD
manufacturing updating start
PackageName = /dev_usb000/PS3UPDAT.PUP
settle polling interval success
vflash is disabled...
boot from nand flash...
creating flash regions...
create storage region: (region id = 2)
format partition: (region_id = 2, CELL_FS_IOS:BUILTIN_FLSH1, CELL_FS_FAT)
create storage region: (region id = 3)
format partition: (region_id = 3, CELL_FS_IOS:BUILTIN_FLSH2, CELL_FS_FAT)
create storage region: (region id = 4)
format partition: (region_id = 4, CELL_FS_IOS:BUILTIN_FLSH3, CELL_FS_FAT)
create storage region: (region id = 5)
create storage region: (region id = 6)
taking a while...
start Updating Proccess
Initialize elapsed time = 61 msec
check UPL
Check UPL elapsed time = 33 msec
check Package Size
get package size elapsed time = 8 msec
start Updating Package
Update packages num = 29
Update packages total size = 160699026
Update Package Revoke list
read package revoke list package (576 bytes) elapsed = 7 msec
update package revoke list elapsed = 331 msec
Update Package Revoke list done(0x8002f000)
Update Core OS Package
read core os package (5193774 bytes) elapsed = 320 msec
update core os package elapsed = 1950 msec
Update Core OS Package done(0x8002f000)
Update VSH Package
sys_memory_container_create() success(id = 0xc0effffe)
Update VSH's package : 1/21
read vsh package (2070 bytes) elapsed = 8 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 23 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 9193 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 0 msec
Update VSH's package : 2/21
read vsh package (5616383 bytes) elapsed = 351 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 340 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 1722 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 402 msec
Update VSH's package : 3/21
read vsh package (3357780 bytes) elapsed = 212 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 227 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 2903 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 312 msec
Update VSH's package : 4/21
read vsh package (5240122 bytes) elapsed = 328 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 308 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 2757 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 399 msec
Update VSH's package : 5/21
read vsh package (24029 bytes) elapsed = 10 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 24 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 1171 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 9 msec
Update VSH's package : 6/21
read vsh package (9831317 bytes) elapsed = 597 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 280 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 11705 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 466 msec
Update VSH's package : 7/21
read vsh package (8662380 bytes) elapsed = 533 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 272 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 16403 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 474 msec
Update VSH's package : 8/21
read vsh package (8657372 bytes) elapsed = 542 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 360 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 5872 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 448 msec
Update VSH's package : 9/21
read vsh package (10445426 bytes) elapsed = 639 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 254 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 5374 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 467 msec
Update VSH's package : 10/21
read vsh package (10252830 bytes) elapsed = 642 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 261 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 8594 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 476 msec
Update VSH's package : 11/21
read vsh package (9922968 bytes) elapsed = 621 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 253 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 6913 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 467 msec
Update VSH's package : 12/21
read vsh package (8214459 bytes) elapsed = 514 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 197 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 5812 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 387 msec
Update VSH's package : 13/21
read vsh package (9428094 bytes) elapsed = 593 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 245 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 5217 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 443 msec
Update VSH's package : 14/21
read vsh package (7973335 bytes) elapsed = 483 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 346 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 13579 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 456 msec
Update VSH's package : 15/21
read vsh package (9766737 bytes) elapsed = 589 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 359 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 17261 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 528 msec
Update VSH's package : 16/21
read vsh package (9199234 bytes) elapsed = 583 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 407 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 23183 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 689 msec
Update VSH's package : 17/21
read vsh package (7260896 bytes) elapsed = 465 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 284 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 14740 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 689 msec
Update VSH's package : 18/21
read vsh package (6563380 bytes) elapsed = 423 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 155 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 1905 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 357 msec
Update VSH's package : 19/21
read vsh package (6092245 bytes) elapsed = 376 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 226 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 1457 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 406 msec
Update VSH's package : 20/21
read vsh package (9859067 bytes) elapsed = 592 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 238 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 2189 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 498 msec
Update VSH's package : 21/21
read vsh package (6492084 bytes) elapsed = 413 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 321 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 17483 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 674 msec
Update VSH Package done(0x8002f000)
Bul-ray Disc Player Revoke
read bdp revoke package (1904 bytes) elapsed = 22 msec
decrypt and verify bdp revoke package elapsed = 30 msec
write bdp revoke package elapsed = 2235 msec
compare bdprevoke package elapsed = 57 msec
Bul-ray Disc Player Revoke done(0x8002f000)
Update Program Revoke list
read program revoke list package (704 bytes) elapsed = 8 msec
update program revoke list elapsed = 330 msec
Update Program Revoke list done(0x8002f000)
move_2block_status_into_the_region(): region id = 3
rewrite_region() region id = 0x3, start_lba = 0x0, end_lba = 0x4000
rewrite region done (ret = 0x8002f000)
rewrite region elapsed time = 1265 msec
touch_1st_sector_in_block() region id = 0x3, start_lba = 0x0, end_lba = 0x4000
touch_1st_sector() done (ret = 0x8002f000)
touch_1st_sector() elapsed time = 1128 msec
rewrite_region() region id = 0x3, start_lba = 0x0, end_lba = 0x4000
rewrite region done (ret = 0x8002f000)
rewrite region elapsed time = 1264 msec
Update BD firmware
read BD firmware package (1966992 bytes) elapsed = 141 msec
update BD firmware elapsed = 29828 msec
Update BD firmware done(0x8002f14e)
update package elapsed time = 238316 msec
Updating or Verifying failure 0x8002f14e
UpMng.UpdatePackage() failure
manufacturing updating FAILURE(0x8002f14e)
Total Elapsed time = 239526 msec
manufacturing updating start
PackageName = /dev_usb000/PS3UPDAT.PUP
settle polling interval success
vflash is disabled...
boot from nand flash...
creating flash regions...
create storage region: (region id = 2)
format partition: (region_id = 2, CELL_FS_IOS:BUILTIN_FLSH1, CELL_FS_FAT)
create storage region: (region id = 3)
format partition: (region_id = 3, CELL_FS_IOS:BUILTIN_FLSH2, CELL_FS_FAT)
create storage region: (region id = 4)
format partition: (region_id = 4, CELL_FS_IOS:BUILTIN_FLSH3, CELL_FS_FAT)
create storage region: (region id = 5)
create storage region: (region id = 6)
taking a while...
start Updating Proccess
Initialize elapsed time = 61 msec
check UPL
Check UPL elapsed time = 34 msec
check Package Size
get package size elapsed time = 8 msec
start Updating Package
Update packages num = 29
Update packages total size = 160699026
Update Package Revoke list
read package revoke list package (576 bytes) elapsed = 6 msec
update package revoke list elapsed = 331 msec
Update Package Revoke list done(0x8002f000)
Update Core OS Package
read core os package (5193774 bytes) elapsed = 324 msec
update core os package elapsed = 1965 msec
Update Core OS Package done(0x8002f000)
Update VSH Package
sys_memory_container_create() success(id = 0xc0effffe)
Update VSH's package : 1/21
read vsh package (2070 bytes) elapsed = 8 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 23 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 9259 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 0 msec
Update VSH's package : 2/21
read vsh package (5616383 bytes) elapsed = 351 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 341 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 1725 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 402 msec
Update VSH's package : 3/21
read vsh package (3357780 bytes) elapsed = 214 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 227 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 2926 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 312 msec
Update VSH's package : 4/21
read vsh package (5240122 bytes) elapsed = 328 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 309 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 2776 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 399 msec
Update VSH's package : 5/21
read vsh package (24029 bytes) elapsed = 9 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 24 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 1185 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 9 msec
Update VSH's package : 6/21
read vsh package (9831317 bytes) elapsed = 599 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 279 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 11830 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 466 msec
Update VSH's package : 7/21
read vsh package (8662380 bytes) elapsed = 539 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 272 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 16532 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 474 msec
Update VSH's package : 8/21
read vsh package (8657372 bytes) elapsed = 541 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 361 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 5911 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 448 msec
Update VSH's package : 9/21
read vsh package (10445426 bytes) elapsed = 635 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 255 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 5408 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 467 msec
Update VSH's package : 10/21
read vsh package (10252830 bytes) elapsed = 641 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 262 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 8646 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 476 msec
Update VSH's package : 11/21
read vsh package (9922968 bytes) elapsed = 621 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 252 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 6950 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 467 msec
Update VSH's package : 12/21
read vsh package (8214459 bytes) elapsed = 505 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 199 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 5843 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 386 msec
Update VSH's package : 13/21
read vsh package (9428094 bytes) elapsed = 594 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 244 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 5238 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 442 msec
Update VSH's package : 14/21
read vsh package (7973335 bytes) elapsed = 498 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 346 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 13617 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 456 msec
Update VSH's package : 15/21
read vsh package (9766737 bytes) elapsed = 603 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 360 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 17267 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 529 msec
Update VSH's package : 16/21
read vsh package (9199234 bytes) elapsed = 583 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 407 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 23189 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 689 msec
Update VSH's package : 17/21
read vsh package (7260896 bytes) elapsed = 466 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 286 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 14751 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 689 msec
Update VSH's package : 18/21
read vsh package (6563380 bytes) elapsed = 422 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 155 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 1906 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 357 msec
Update VSH's package : 19/21
read vsh package (6092245 bytes) elapsed = 373 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 227 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 1457 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 405 msec
Update VSH's package : 20/21
read vsh package (9859067 bytes) elapsed = 590 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 238 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 2187 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 498 msec
Update VSH's package : 21/21
read vsh package (6492084 bytes) elapsed = 419 msec
decrypt and verify vsh package elapsed = 321 msec
write vsh package elapsed = 17509 msec
compare vsh package elapsed = 674 msec
Update VSH Package done(0x8002f000)
Bul-ray Disc Player Revoke
read bdp revoke package (1904 bytes) elapsed = 23 msec
decrypt and verify bdp revoke package elapsed = 29 msec
write bdp revoke package elapsed = 2240 msec
compare bdprevoke package elapsed = 57 msec
Bul-ray Disc Player Revoke done(0x8002f000)
Update Program Revoke list
read program revoke list package (704 bytes) elapsed = 7 msec
update program revoke list elapsed = 331 msec
Update Program Revoke list done(0x8002f000)
move_2block_status_into_the_region(): region id = 3
rewrite_region() region id = 0x3, start_lba = 0x0, end_lba = 0x4000
rewrite region done (ret = 0x8002f000)
rewrite region elapsed time = 1262 msec
touch_1st_sector_in_block() region id = 0x3, start_lba = 0x0, end_lba = 0x4000
touch_1st_sector() done (ret = 0x8002f000)
touch_1st_sector() elapsed time = 1121 msec
rewrite_region() region id = 0x3, start_lba = 0x0, end_lba = 0x4000
rewrite region done (ret = 0x8002f000)
rewrite region elapsed time = 1262 msec
Update BD firmware
read BD firmware package (1966992 bytes) elapsed = 142 msec
update BD firmware elapsed = 184 msec
read BD firmware package (951040 bytes) elapsed = 78 msec
update BD firmware elapsed = 142 msec
read BD firmware package (951040 bytes) elapsed = 80 msec
update BD firmware elapsed = 13959 msec
Update BD firmware done(0x8002f000)
Update Multi-Card controller firmware
read MCC package (28636 bytes) elapsed = 25 msec
update MCC elapsed = 24 msec
Update Multi-Card controller firmware done(0x8002f000)
Update BlueTooth firmware
read BT package (639368 bytes) elapsed = 62 msec
update BT elapsed = 56 msec
Update BlueTooth firmware done(0x8002f000)
Update System controller firmware
read SC patch package (4864 bytes) elapsed = 24 msec
read SC patch package (4864 bytes) elapsed = 24 msec
read SC patch package (4864 bytes) elapsed = 23 msec
Update System controller firmware done(0x8002f000)
update package elapsed time = 228361 msec
post processiong...
post processiong done
cleanup update status (ret = 0)
os version = 03.1500
build_version = 38031,20091206
region of core os package = 0x40000000
build_target = CEX-ww
build target id = 0x83
manufacturing updating SUCCESS(0x8002f000)
set product mode (ret = 0)
Total Elapsed time = 230556 msec