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The IDPS is a 16 byte value that contains console specific information. Exactly what information this stores is not completely known.


                                  ∧ * ∧ 
00000000  00 00 00 01 00 89 00 0B 14 00 EF DD CA 25 52 66  .....‰....ïÝÊ%Rf
                         ^^    ^^
                 Target ID      PS3 Model type
    (Internal:Product Code)     (Internal: Product Sub Code)

6th byte represents your Target ID

8th byte represents your PS3 Model

9th and 10th byte : chassis check

The IDPS can be found in EID0 and EID5, see Flash (NAND @ 0x80870 / NOR @ 0x2F070)

Displayed under setting information on MultiMan or on registry/application_persistent file inside playstation Store folder (as DeviceID).