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3.41/3.55 patches


Ego lv1 mmap lv2 p&p debug pkg pseudo-retail pkg unsigned app install pkgs app_home Notes
geohot NO NO NO YES NO YES NO installs via ps3swu patcher
w00tangrza YES YES NO NO NO NO NO
waninkoko v1 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES bricks all 256MB NAND SKU's
waninkoko v2 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES extensive lv2 patching
f0xtr()n YES YES YES YES NO YES YES repackage of kmeaw?
  • lv1_function_114 mmap (lv1.self)
  • lv2 peek (lv2_kernel.self)
  • lv2 poke (lv2_kernel.self)
  • debug pkg (nas_plugin.sprx)
  • pseudo-retail pkg (nas_plugin.sprx)
  • unsigned app (vsh.self)
  • install pkgs (category_game.xml)
  • app_home (category_game.xml)


geohot patch

Allow: pseudo-retail pkg installation
< 00003250  7c 06 03 78 48 04 b7 21  e8 41 00 28 7c 60 1b 78
> 00003250  7c 06 03 78 48 04 b7 21  e8 41 00 28 38 00 00 00

waninkoko patch - PL3

Allow: debug pkg installs
--allow-debug-pkg (ps3mfw command-line option)
< 00037350  41 9e 00 4c 38 00 00 00  81 22 8b 10 81 62 8b 14
> 00037350  41 9e 00 04 38 00 00 00  81 22 8b 10 81 62 8b 14

kakaroto patch

Allow: debug pkg installation
--allow-debug-pkg (ps3mfw command-line option)
< 2f 89 00 00 41 9e 00 4c 38 00 00 00 81 22 8b 10 81 62 8b 14
> 2f 89 00 00 60 00 00 00 38 00 00 00 81 22 8b 10 81 62 8b 14

ecdsa check patch for fw 4.50 cex

Allow: pseudo-retail pkg installation
< 00003260  E8 41 00 28 7C 60 1B 78  F8 1F 01 80 E8 7F 01 80
> 00003260  E8 41 00 28 7C 60 1B 78  F8 1F 01 80 38 60 00 00


PL3 patch

Allow: unsigned apps
< 030a7d0: 409d 0008 3960 0000 8122 ea60 9969 0000
> 030a7d0: 409d 0008 6000 0000 8122 ea60 9969 0000
   31a7c8:	38 03 ff 7f 	addi    r0,r3,-129
   31a7cc:	2b a0 00 01 	cmpldi  cr7,r0,1
   31a7d0:	40 9d 00 08 	ble-    cr7,0x31a7d8
-  31a7d4:	39 60 00 00 	li      r11,0
+  31a7d4:	60 00 00 00 	nop
   31a7d8:	81 22 ea 60 	lwz     r9,-5536(r2)
   31a7dc:	99 69 00 00 	stb     r11,0(r9)
   31a7e0:	88 09 00 00 	lbz     r0,0(r9)
< 05ffee0: 6063 8c06 4bff fe80 f821 ff81 7c08 02a6
> 05ffee0: 6063 8c06 4bff fe80 3860 0001 4e80 0020
   60fedc:	3c 60 00 04 	lis     r3,4
   60fee0:	60 63 8c 06 	ori     r3,r3,35846
   60fee4:	4b ff fe 80 	b       0x60fd64
-  60fee8:	f8 21 ff 81 	stdu    r1,-128(r1)
-  60feec:	7c 08 02 a6 	mflr    r0
+  60fee8:	38 60 00 01 	li      r3,1
+  60feec:	4e 80 00 20 	blr
   60fef0:	38 61 00 70 	addi    r3,r1,112
   60fef4:	f8 01 00 90 	std     r0,144(r1)
   60fef8:	4b ff ff e1 	bl      0x60fed8


Allow: unsigned act.dat and *.rif files
version       addr       old data          new data                   function
3.55retail   0x30b230  4b cf 5b 45  ->   38 60 00 00     // fixed  allow unsigned act.dat *.rif
3.55retail   0x30ac90  48 31 b4 65  ->   38 60 00 00     // fixed  act.dat missing after reboot
3.55debug    0x312308  4b ce ea 6d  ->   38 60 00 00     // fixed  allow unsigned act.dat *.rif
3.55debug    0x311d68  48 31 b7 d5  ->   38 60 00 00     // fixed  act.dat missing after reboot
3.41retail   0x305dc4  4b cf af b1  ->   38 60 00 00     // fixed  allow unsigned act.dat *.rif
3.41retail   0x305824  48 31 43 ad  ->   38 60 00 00     // fixed  act.dat missing after reboot
3.41debug    0x30cedc  4b cf 3e 99  ->   38 60 00 00     // fixed  allow unsigned act.dat *.rif
3.41debug    0x30c93c  48 31 47 1d  ->   38 60 00 00     // fixed  act.dat missing after reboot

4.30debug    0x2481e4  4b db 8b 91  ->   38 60 00 00     // fixed  allow unsigned act.dat *.rif
4.30debug    0x247c44  48 3d 59 61  ->   38 60 00 00     // fixed  act.dat missing after reboot

(Source :

XMB InGame ScreenShot Feature

Allow: taking screenshots in every game (ps3,psp,minis,... - except ps2)

4.21 retail:

  • Export: vshmain_981D7E9F is retrieving enabled(1)/disabled(0) Screenshot feature-flag from dword_720A4C+4
seg001:0000000000193498 _Export_vshmain_981D7E9F:               # DATA XREF: OPD:_Export_vshmain_981D7E9F_opd�o
seg001:0000000000193498                 lis       r9, dword_720A4C@h
seg001:000000000019349C                 lwz       r9, dword_720A4C@l(r9)
seg001:00000000001934A0                 addi      r9, r9, 4
seg001:00000000001934A4                 lwarx     r0, r0, r9                                ->  li    r0, 1
seg001:00000000001934A8                 srawi     r9, r0, 0x1F
seg001:00000000001934AC                 xor       r3, r9, r0
seg001:00000000001934B0                 subf      r3, r3, r9
seg001:00000000001934B4                 srwi      r3, r3, 31
seg001:00000000001934B8                 extsw     r3, r3
seg001:00000000001934BC                 blr
seg001:00000000001934BC # End of function _Export_vshmain_981D7E9F

This fix will make xmb enabling screenshot save button, but it will error out when trying. it requires another patch inside vsh.self:

sub_195084:  (4.21 retail as well)
seg001:00000000001950A0                 lwz       r9, dword_720A4C@l(r9)
seg001:00000000001950A4                 stfd      f31, 0x190+var_8(r1)
seg001:00000000001950A8                 std       r22, 0x190+var_68(r1)
seg001:00000000001950AC                 std       r23, 0x190+var_60(r1)
seg001:00000000001950B0                 std       r24, 0x190+var_58(r1)
seg001:00000000001950B4                 std       r25, 0x190+var_50(r1)
seg001:00000000001950B8                 std       r26, 0x190+var_48(r1)
seg001:00000000001950BC                 std       r27, 0x190+var_40(r1)
seg001:00000000001950C0                 std       r28, 0x190+var_38(r1)
seg001:00000000001950C4                 std       r29, 0x190+var_30(r1)
seg001:00000000001950C8                 std       r31, 0x190+var_20(r1)
seg001:00000000001950CC                 addi      r9, r9, 4
seg001:00000000001950D0                 lwarx     r0, r0, r9                                ->  li    r0, 1
seg001:00000000001950D4                 cmpwi     cr7, r0, 0
seg001:00000000001950D8                 li        r3, -0x270D
seg001:00000000001950DC                 beq       cr7, return
vsh.elf (CEX, 4.50)
< 00184278  7C 00 48 28
> 00184278  38 00 00 01

< 00185EB0  7C 00 48 28
> 00185EB0  38 00 00 01

Thats it! Enables Screenshot-Feature working fine. Have fun, i do !

Remote Play with PlayStation 3 (Windows Software)


for 4.50
< 0xB7E4 38 60 00 00  li r3, 0
> 0xB7E4  38 60 00 01 li r3, 1


for 4.50
< 0xC9E4 38 60 00 00  li r3, 0
> 0xC9E4 38 60 00 01  li r3, 1

Enables playing Remote Play enabled games (via SFO) to be played via sonys official remote play pc software.

Make Remote Play SFO Flag obsolete


original bytes:

41 9e 00 1c 2f 83 00 03

patched bytes:

41 9e 00 28 2f 83 00 03


graf chokolo patch

lv1_undocumented_function_114 (mmap)
< 000f5a40  39 08 05 48 39 20 00 00  38 60 00 00 4b ff fc 45
> 000f5a40  39 08 05 48 39 20 00 01  38 60 00 00 4b ff fc 45
   2d5a38:	7f 87 e3 78 	mr      r7,r28
   2d5a3c:	e8 89 00 00 	ld      r4,0(r9)
   2d5a40:	39 08 05 48 	addi    r8,r8,1352
-  2d5a44:	39 20 00 00 	li      r9,0
+  2d5a44:	39 20 00 01 	li      r9,1
   2d5a48:	38 60 00 00 	li      r3,0
   2d5a4c:	4b ff fc 45 	bl      0x2d5690
   2d5a50:	38 00 00 00 	li      r0,0

wutangrza patch

hash fixing
< 00136bc0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  72 73 78 20 64 72 69 76  |........rsx driv|
> 00136bc0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  72 73 73 20 64 72 69 76  |........rss driv|
< 00136be0  3a 20 63 6f 72 65 2f 63  6f 6e 74 65 78 74 2e 63  |: core/context.c|
> 00136be0  3a 20 63 6f 72 65 20 63  6f 6e 74 65 78 74 2e 63  |: core context.c|


PL3 patch

lv2 peek / poke
< 00029330  7c 63 07 b4 38 21 00 a0  4e 80 00 20 3c 60 80 01
> 00029330  7c 63 07 b4 38 21 00 a0  4e 80 00 20 e8 63 00 00
< 00029340  60 63 00 03 4e 80 00 20  3c 60 80 01 60 63 00 03
> 00029340  60 00 00 00 4e 80 00 20  f8 83 00 00 60 00 00 00
 8000000000019330:	7c 63 07 b4 	extsw   r3,r3
 8000000000019334:	38 21 00 a0 	addi    r1,r1,160
 8000000000019338:	4e 80 00 20 	blr
-800000000001933c:	3c 60 80 01 	lis     r3,-32767
-8000000000019340:	60 63 00 03 	ori     r3,r3,3
+800000000001933c:	e8 63 00 00 	ld      r3,0(r3)
+8000000000019340:	60 00 00 00 	nop
 8000000000019344:	4e 80 00 20 	blr
-8000000000019348:	3c 60 80 01 	lis     r3,-32767
-800000000001934c:	60 63 00 03 	ori     r3,r3,3
+8000000000019348:	f8 83 00 00 	std     r4,0(r3)
+800000000001934c:	60 00 00 00 	nop
 8000000000019350:	4e 80 00 20 	blr
 8000000000019354:	3c 60 80 01 	lis     r3,-32767
 8000000000019358:	60 63 00 03 	ori     r3,r3,3

wutangrza patch

hash fixing
< 002d6e00  6f 75 6c 64 20 6e 6f 74  20 67 65 74 20 50 50 50  |ould not get PPP|
> 002d6e00  6f 75 6c 64 20 6e 6f 74  20 6e 6f 74 20 6e 6f 74  |ould not not not|
< 002d6e10  6f 45 20 68 65 61 64 65  72 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00  |oE header.......|
> 002d6e10  20 6e 6f 74 20 6e 6f 74  20 6e 6f 74 20 6e 00 00  | not not not n..|
< 00359380  a0 40 36 6b 2d 8a 50 99  1e b3 0c 53 e5 9b 5d 6e
> 00359380  5e b8 a5 00 8c f3 bc 24  08 91 19 61 e6 db 19 cb
< 00359390  61 2c ac b8 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> 00359390  0d ca fd 2f 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

4.21 patches



kakaroto's sigcheck patch

In memory 0x800000000005A2A8 (which corresponds to offset 0x6a2a8 in lv2_kernel.elf) replace : "e9 22 99 90 7c 08 02 a6" with : "38 60 00 00 4e 80 00 20".

disable epilepsy message

patch to disable (not just replace), the warning screen that is show on boot since FW 4.00 and when patched, no longer delays the VSH bootprocess

PS3 MFW builder - disable_epilepsy_warning task (using the same search/replace as below)

seg024:00000000006E75F9 byte_6E75F9:    .byte 1                 # DATA XREF: sub_CAC70+314�o
seg024:00000000006E75F9                                         # sub_CAC70+324�w ...
                                                                # 1 = show health care msg, 0 = dont show


the message and all about it are done in Sysconf_plugin, but it is loaded with special parameter from VSH

Retail/CEX + Shop/SEX

 set search  "\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02\x01\x01\x01\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF"
 set replace "\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02\x00\x01\x01\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF"


 set search  "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF"
 set replace "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF"

Tool/DECR + Arcade/GEX

nothing to patch, not set by default

 seg025:000000000070F8B9 unk_70F8B9:     .space 1


vsh.elf 4.00 4.01 4.10 4.11 4.20 4.21 4.23 4.25 4.26 4.30 4.31 4.40 4.41 4.45 4.46 4.50 4.55 4.60 4.65 4.66 4.70 4.75
 CEX  0x6D7100 - 0x6D7230 0x6D7230 0x6E7758 0x6E7758 - 0x6E7760 - 0x6E7860 0x6E7860 0x6E79C0 0x6E79C0 0x6E7C88 0x6E7C88 - - 0x6E8958 0x6E8960 0x6E8978 0x6E89E8 0x6E8370
 SEX  0x6D6F90 - 0x6D70C0 0x6D70C0 0x6D75F0 0x6D75F0 0x6D75F0 - 0x6D75F8 - 0x6E7878 0x6E79D8 0x6E79D8 0x6E7CA0 0x6E7CA0 - 0x6E88C8 0x6E8970 - 0x6E8990 0x6E8A00 0x6E8388
 DEX  0x6E7A68 0x6E7A68 0x6E7B98 0x6E7B98 0x6E80C0 0x6E80C0 - 0x6E80C8 - 0x6E81C8 - - - - 0x6F85F0 0x6F9200 0x6F9218 0x6F92B8 - 0x6F92E0 0x6F9350

disable wait for coldboot view sleep


 set search  "\x88\x1D\x00\x06\x3C\x60\x00"
 set replace "\x38\x00\x00\x01\x3C\x60\x00"




vsh.elf 4.00 4.01 4.10 4.11 4.20 4.21 4.23 4.25 4.26 4.30 4.31 4.40 4.41 4.45 4.46 4.50 4.55 4.60 4.65 4.66 4.70 4.75
 CEX  0xBEA98 - 0xBEA88 0xBEABC 0xBF1DC 0xBF1DC - 0xBF1E4 - 0xBF4E4 0xBF4E4 0xBF4E4 0xBF4E4 0xBF4E4 0xBF4E4 - - 0xBF3B0 0xBF3B0 0xBF3B0 0xBF30C 0xBF30C
 SEX  0xBED04 - 0xBECF4 0xBED28 0xBF44C 0xBF44C 0xBF44C - 0xBF454 - 0xBF754 0xBF6E8 0xBF6E8 0xBF6E8 0xBF6E8 - 0xBF5F4 0xBF5A4 - 0xBF5A4 0xBF500 0xBF500
 DEX  0xC3AA8 40xC3AA8 0xC3A98 0xC3ACC 0xC41D4 0xC41D4 - 0xC41EC - 0xC44EC - - - - - 0xC43D4 0xC43F0 0xC43B0 - 0xC43B0 -
 DECR  0xC3F58 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0xC5110 - - - - -

Enforce gameboot animation

on higher Firmwares

game_ext_plugin.sprx : 
38 80 00 00 7B E3 00 20 -> 38 80 00 00 38 60 00 02 + add gameboot_multi + gameboot_stereo
if not found on newer fw try:
2F 89 00 00 7B C3 00 20 -> 2F 89 00 00 38 60 00 02 + add gameboot_multi + gameboot_stereo

Main XMB icons removal

Extract the contents of: xmb_plugin_normal.rco

  • In the .xml file that represents the .rco structure (aka RCOXML)
    • Locate the tag XMenu, is composed by a long line of attributes... locate the attribute menus="0xa", this defines the number of columns in main XMB (there are 10 main icons for 10 columns in XMB)
      • Replace the number of icons by the new number
    • Under XMenu tag there is a XMList element for every icon in main XMB
      • Erase the XMList that defines the icons you want to remove

Sample for 4.70 firmware --->