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Revision as of 05:53, 4 September 2021 by Sandungas (talk | contribs)
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Ambox speedy deletion.png Wrong Usage, read Template:Notes


  • Some of the icons are just a temporal placeholder, for the tests
Syntax Results
{{notes}} Ambox speedy deletion.png Wrong Usage, read Template:Notes
{{notes|worksfine}} Ambox notice.png Works fine
{{notes|emptyconfig}} Config.png Empty config
{{notes|config}} Config.png Config
{{notes|cd}} Icon media ps2 cd.png Requires CD image
{{notes|libcrypt}} Ambox protection.png Requires LibCrypt patch
{{notes|ps3port}} Logo PS3.png port available
{{notes|usberror}} Ambox move.png Unsupported USB peripherals
{{notes|neterror}} Icon category network.png Unsupported NETWORK functions
{{notes|hdderror}} Icon media ps2 hdd.png Unsupported HDD functions

Some of this labels can be configured optionally to either, create a "link", and to show a custom "title" text that is displayed inside the box, some examples

Syntax Results
{{notes|worksfine|title=as a PSP Mini}} Ambox notice.png Works fine as a PSP Mini
{{notes|worksfine|title=as a PSP remaster}} Ambox notice.png Works fine as a PSP remaster
{{notes|config|link=PSP Official Configs|title=Requires official config}} Config.png Requires official config to fix this and that
{{notes|config|link=PSP Custom Configs|title=Requires custom config}} Config.png Requires custom config to fix this and that
{{notes|config|link=PS2 Official Configs|title=Requires official config}} Config.png Requires official config to fix this and that
{{notes|config|link=PS2 Custom Configs|title=Requires custom config}} Config.png Requires custom config to fix this and that
{{notes|usberror|title=buzzers}} Ambox move.png Unsupported USB peripherals (buzzers)
{{notes|usberror|title=guitar}} Ambox move.png Unsupported USB peripherals (guitar)
{{notes|usberror|title=keyboard}} Ambox move.png Unsupported USB peripherals (keyboard)
{{notes|usberror|title=eyetoy and lightgun}} Ambox move.png Unsupported USB peripherals (eyetoy and lightgun)
{{notes|usberror|title=Whatever}} Ambox move.png Unsupported USB peripherals (Whatever)