User talk:Xxmcvapourxx

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Factory Service Mode PS4 -

found this on ebay with the video.

16:11, 24 August 2014‎ User:Xxmcvapourxx

PS4 Factory Service Mode
00:21, 7 May 2014‎ - 14:19, 24 August 2014 User:Euss  ;)

SAMU - AES-CBC-256 encryption - if people don't under stand. enjoy the read..!

ELF Info

ELF header:

 File Class:                  ELFCLASS64
 Data Encoding:               ELFDATA2LSB
 Type:                        REL (Relocatable file)
 Machine:                     x86-64
 Entry point:                 0x0000000000000000
 Program Header Offset:       0x0000000000000000
 Section Header Offset:       0x0000000000000064
 Flags:                       0x00100000
 Number of Program Headers:   0
 Number of Section Headers:   5
 Section Header String Index: 1
0x00000000  7F 45 4C 46 02 01 01 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  .ELF............
0x00000010  18 FE 3E 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ..>.............
0x00000020  40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  @...............
0x00000030  00 00 00 00 40 00 38 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  [email protected].........
0x00000040  01 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00  .........@......
0x00000050  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0x00000060  64 8B 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 8B 00 00 00 00 00 00  d.......d.......
0x00000070  00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 61 04 00 00 00  [email protected]....
0x00000080  00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0x00000090  00 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 A8 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0x000000A0  00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00  .@.......@......
0x000000B0  01 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 40 01 00 00 00 00 00  .........@......
0x000000C0  00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0x000000D0  60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C 04 00 00 00 00 00 00  `...............
0x000000E0  00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 61 04 00 00 00  [email protected]....
0x000000F0  00 40 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00  .@..............
0x00000100  00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0x00000110  18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0x00000120  02 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 F8 58 01 00 00 00 00 00  .........X......


any one got an update kexec please? fail overflow not updated it to 4.07 i was wondering if it's the same up to 4.07.

strings, SceUpdaterEapMutex list<T> too long generic unknown error invalid string position string too long iostream stream error St23_Generic_error_category St14error_category St24_Iostream_error_category St22_System_error_category client-type: auth-type: app-type: model: user-credential: SRCH * HTTP/1.1 WAKEUP * HTTP/1.1 device-discovery-protocol-version: CompanionAppService DeviceDiscoveryService SceDeviceDiscoveryServiceThread DeviceDiscoveryService sendResponse N12EventService10ParserBaseE N12EventService18ParserNotificationE eventId requesterOnlineId invitationId receivedDate eventStartDate lastUpdate N12EventService16NotificationInfoE np:service:events: updateStatus userEvent:update userEvent:closed userEvent:cancel userEvent:takedown userEvent:takedown:eventOwner userEvent:takedown:participants userEvent:userStatus userEvent:register userEvent:unregister userEvent:invite userEvent:reject N12EventService6ConfigE SceGameUpdate 00.00 f&N=WcnS sp-int prod-qa mgmt e1-np PS4GameUpdate/1.00 Accept-Encoding Accept-Charset titlepatch selective_tag package entitlement_list delta_info_set paramsfo entitlement title titleid name mandatory true bootable_app_ver patch_check_disabled_app_ver distro_type percentage entitlement percent version size digest manifest_url content_id system_ver remaster patchgo SceNetApctlInt SceNetApctlCallback SceNetApctl SceNetApctlEventFlag SceNetCtlInt SceNetCtlCallback SceNetCtlInet SceNetCtlInet6 SceNetCtlEventFlag SceRtcUtilThread SceUserService LoadUserInfoFromRegistry /user/home /system_data/priv/home vector<T> too long LoadUserRegistry sceNpPushVshRegisterNotificationPacketCallback sceNpPushVshUnregisterNotificationPacketCallback sceNpManagerVshOnlineId2UserId np:service:remoteDownload [BGFT] push add event sceKernelShutdownEx N12EventService14EventSchedulerE np:service:events: N12EventService17EventSynchronizerE SceEventServiceEventSynchronizer N12EventService7ManagerE W:\Build\J01429941\vsh\shell\eap_core\libecm\libecm_api.c LibEcm CORE is already initialized invalid parameter

ecmInputInit failed (0x%08x)

ecmInputInit() failed (0x%08x)

libSceEapCoreMonitor has not been initialized yet

[%s L.%d] ERROR DEBUG W:\Build\J01429941\vsh\shell\eap_core\libecm\libecm_input.c ecmInput is already initialized



start ecmParseCmdRegister(0x%08x)

stop ecmInput has not been initialized yet

eapCoreCallback(%08x) type[GET_EAP_CORE_STATE]

eapCoreCallback(%08x) type[HDD_STATE]

eapCoreCallback(%08x) type[BGFT_DL_TASK_LIST]

eapCoreCallback(%08x) type[BGFT_UL_TASK_LIST]


<%02X> EAP Core Monitor> W:\Build\J01429941\vsh\shell\eap_core\libecm\libecm_output.c emptyTaskList is Empty

ecmListGetFirstEntry is Failed

ecmCsInit() failed (0x%08x)

ecmCreateEventFlag() failed (0x%08x)

ecmWaitEventFlag() failed (0x%08x)

_executeOutputTask() failed (0x%08x)

taskList is not found

_makePrintHeader is Failed(0x%08x)

sceBase64Encoder is failed(0x%08x)

pTask->bufSize(%d) is too large...

[%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d] KernelEapInit SceEapCoreMain PsnCore JSON BGFT BgDailyChecker AbstractStorage EapCoreMonitor DeviceDiscovery SpZeroconf EventServiceEap [SceEapCore] %s %llu msec

[SceEapCore] *CRITICAL ERROR* Failed to initialize %s (0x%x)

[SceEapCore] Completed initialization

[SceEapCore] Start shutdown sequence

SceEapCoreAbsStorage [SceEapCore] vsh/release_branches/release_03.500 r110564 (build#703859)

[SceEapCore] Faild. sceXmlShellCoreInit: 0x%x

[SceEapCore] Faild. sceXmlShellCoreTerm: 0x%x

sceNetCtlRegisterCallbackVsh(::PowerControl::onNetCtlStateChange) failed. %x

[SceEapCore] JsonManager: already initialized.

[SceEapCore] JsonManager.Initialize: 0x%x

SceEapCoreJsonHeap [SceEapCore] sceBgftInit: 0x%x

[SceEapCore] sceBgftRegisterPushNotificationCallback: 0x%x

[SceEapCore] sceBgftUnregisterPushNotificationCallback: 0x%x

[SceEapCore] sceBgftTerm: 0x%x

[SceEapCore] BgDailyChecker Initialize: 0x%x

[SceEapCore] BgDailyChecker Terminate: 0x%x

[SceEapCore] AbstractStorage Initialize: 0x%x

[SceEapCore] AbstractStorage Terminate: 0x%x

[SceEapCore] sceEcmInit: 0x%x

[SceEapCore] sceNetCtlRegisterCallbackEap: 0x%x

[SceEapCore] sceUpdaterEapRegisterCallback: 0x%x

[SceEapCore] sceStart: 0x%x

[LibnetCallback] eap callback eventType=%d, errorCode=0x%x, ipAdderess=%s


[UpdaterCallback] eap callback Type=%d, size=%d, error_code=%#x, result=%d, datetime='%s', title_id='%s', app_ver='%s'

[SceEqpCore] sceEcmStop: 0x%x

[SceEapCore] sceEcmTerm: 0x%x

SceEapCoreSpZeroconfThread [SceEapCore][spZeroconfInit] failed to create SceEapCoreSpZeroconfThread. (0x%08x)

N12_GLOBAL__N_118EseAbsStgAllocatorE N12_GLOBAL__N_111MyAllocatorE N15AbstractStorage12MemAllocatorE W:\Build\J01429941\vsh\shell\eap_core\np_push_rcv\np_push_rcv.c [SceEapCore] npPushRcvInit() failed (0x%08x)

[SceEapCore] npPushRcvCsInit() failed (0x%08x)

[SceEapCore] npPushRcvCreateEventFlag() failed (0x%08x)

[SceEapCore] pthread_create() failed (0x%08x)

[SceEapCore] NpPushReceive has not been initialized yet

[SceEapCore] sceNpPushVshRegisterNotificationPacketCallback() failed (0x%08x)

[SceEapCore] npPushRcvWaitEventFlag() failed (0x%08x)

[SceEapCore] sceKernelShutdownEx failed (0x%08x)

[SceEapCore] _npPushRcvThread Something wrong .

sceRegMgrGetInt(SCE_REGMGR_ENT_KEY_SYSTEM_POWER_remote) failed : %d

sceRegMgrGetInt(SCE_REGMGR_ENT_KEY_SYSTEM_POWER_signin) failed : %d

sceRegMgrGetInt(SCE_REGMGR_ENT_KEY_REMOTEPLAY_rp_enable) failed : %d

getClientType() failed.

getRoomId() failed.

sceNpManagerVshOnlineId2UserId() failed. ret = 0x%08x

_npPushNotifyPacketCbFunc() unknow dataType=%s

or Registry setting may be wake-up disabled state.

np:service:wakeup:remotePlay W:\Build\J01429941\vsh\shell\eap_core\np_push_rcv\np_push_rcv_util.cpp [SceEapCore][np_push_rcv]NpPushReceive::getRoomId() argument error! or not exist.

[SceEapCore][np_push_rcv]Json::Parser::parse() 0x%x

[SceEapCore][np_push_rcv]Json::Value::getType() %d

roomId [SceEapCore][np_push_rcv]Json::Value["roomId"]::getType() %d

[SceEapCore][np_push_rcv]NpPushReceive::getClientType() argument error! or not exist.

clientType [SceEapCore][np_push_rcv]Json::Value["clientType"]::getType() %s

[SceEapCore][np_push_rcv]NpPushReceive::npPushRcvUtilGetJsonParam() argument error! or not exist.

data1 [SceEapCore][np_push_rcv]Json::Value["data1"]::npPushRcvUtilGetJsonParam() %s

data2 [SceEapCore][np_push_rcv]Json::Value["data2"]::getType() %s

22NpPushRcvUtilAllocator ScePowerControl /eap_user/SUSPEND [ScePowerControl] MainSoC has been in suspend-to-ram.

[ScePowerControl] sceKernelGetPowerMode(SCE_KERNEL_POWER_SEL_HDD) failed. ret = 0x%x

[ScePowerControl] sceKernelSetPowerMode(SCE_KERNEL_POWER_SEL_HDD, SCE_KERNEL_POWER_MODE_ON) failed. ret = 0x%x

/user /dev/gpttype/c638477a-e002-4b57-a454-a27fb63a33a8.crypt [ScePowerControl] sceKernelMount("ufs", "/user", SCE_KERNEL_MNT_PART_USER, MNT_RDONLY, NULL) failed. ret = 0x%x

/eap_user /dev/gpttype/21e4dfb4-0040-4934-a037-ea9dc058eea6.crypt [ScePowerControl] sceKernelMount("ufs", "/eap_user", SCE_KERNEL_MNT_PART_EAP_USER, 0, NULL) failed. ret = 0x%x

[ScePowerControl] sceKernelUmount("/user", 0) failed. ret = 0x%x

[ScePowerControl] sceKernelUmount("/eap_user", 0) failed. ret = 0x%x

[ScePowerControl] sceKernelSetPowerMode(SCE_KERNEL_POWER_SEL_HDD, SCE_KERNEL_POWER_MODE_OFF) failed. ret = 0x%x

[ScePowerControl] %s acquires HDD (refCount %d)

[ScePowerControl] %s releases HDD (refCount %d)

[ScePowerControl] Periodic Status Report: %s

[ScePowerControl] USB Charge: on (no timeout)

[ScePowerControl] USB Charge: on (%.1f min remains)

[ScePowerControl] USB Charge: off

[ScePowerControl] HDD Power: %s

[ScePowerControl] module: %s, refCount: %d

[ScePowerControl] Network Device: wired, connected

[ScePowerControl] Network Device: wired, disconnected for %llu sec, %s

main soc suspended main soc shutdown [ScePowerControl] Network Device: wireless

[ScePowerControl] Network Device: UNKNOWN

[ScePowerControl] sceNetCtlGetInfoVsh() failed %x

[StandbyAcceleratedTest] State transition in %llu seconds (Pattern#%d)

W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\lib\libthr\thread\thr_cond.c thread was already on queue. Fatal error '%s' at line %d in file %s (errno = %d)

Thread %p has called pthread_exit() from a destructor. POSIX 1003.1 1996 s16.2.5.2 does not allow this! W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\lib\libthr\thread\thr_exit.c Warning: old _pthread_cleanup_push was called, stack unwinding is disabled.

_Unwind_ForcedUnwind returned exception should be rethrown thread exits with resources held! thr_exit() returned W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\lib\libthr\thread\thr_init.c Can't set session ID /dev/console Can't revoke console Can't open console Can't set login to root Can't set controlling terminal Can't allocate initial thread Cannot allocate red zone for initial thread Cannot get kern.usrstack from sysctl kern.smp.cpus LIBPTHREAD_SPINLOOPS LIBPTHREAD_YIELDLOOPS W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\lib\libthr\thread\thr_kern.c locklevel <= 0 W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\lib\libthr\thread\thr_mutex.c mutex is on list mutex is not on list 0123456789abcdef_thr_rtld_lock_create failed

Thread %p has exited with leftover thread-specific data after %d destructor iterations

W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\lib\libthr\thread\thr_spinlock.c Spinlock called when not threaded. Spinlocks not initialized. Warning: exceeded max spinlocks W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\lib\libthr\thread\thr_umtx.c rdlock error wrlock error unlock error W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\lib\libthr\thread\thr_attr.c failed to get sysctl kern.sched.cpusetsize St9bad_alloc bad allocation address family not supported address in use address not available already connected argument list too long argument out of domain bad address bad file descriptor broken pipe connection aborted connection already in progress connection refused connection reset cross device link destination address required device or resource busy directory not empty executable format error file exists file too large filename too long function not supported host unreachable identifier removed illegal byte sequence inappropriate io control operation interrupted invalid argument invalid seek io error is a directory message size network down network reset network unreachable no buffer space no child process no link no lock available no message available no message no protocol option no space on device no stream resources no such device or address no such device no such file or directory no such process not a directory not a socket not a stream not connected not enough memory operation canceled operation in progress operation not permitted operation not supported operation would block owner dead permission denied protocol error protocol not supported read only file system resource deadlock would occur resource unavailable try again result out of range state not recoverable stream timeout text file busy too many files open in system too many files open too many links too many symbolic link levels value too large wrong protocol type St16invalid_argument St11logic_error St12length_error St12out_of_range St14overflow_error St13runtime_error St17bad_function_call St11regex_error bad function call regex_error(error_collate): The expression contained an invalid collating element name. regex_error(error_ctype): The expression contained an invalid character class name. regex_error(error_escape): The expression contained an invalid escaped character, or a trailing escape. regex_error(error_backref): The expression contained an invalid back reference. regex_error(error_brack): The expression contained mismatched [ and ]. regex_error(error_paren): The expression contained mismatched ( and ). regex_error(error_brace): The expression contained mismatched { and }. regex_error(error_badbrace): The expression contained an invalid range in a { expression }. regex_error(error_range): The expression contained an invalid character range, such as [b-a] in most encodings. regex_error(error_space): There was insufficient memory to convert the expression into a finite state machine. regex_error(error_badrepeat): One of *?+{ was not preceded by a valid regular expression. regex_error(error_complexity): The complexity of an attempted match against a regular expression exceeded a pre-set level. regex_error(error_stack): There was insufficient memory to determine whether the regular expression could match the specified character sequence. regex_error(error_parse) regex_error(error_syntax) regex_error W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\ isDependentException(ex->unwindHeader.exception_class) Attempting to rethrow an exception that doesn't exist!

W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\ ex->handlerCount > 0 && "Rethrowing uncaught exception!" W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\ 0 != ex && "Ending catch when no exception is on the stack!" Out of memory attempting to allocate exception

W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\ buffer > 0 && "Trying to free something that is not an emergency buffer!" Fatal error during phase 1 unwinding

Terminating due to uncaught exception %p

of type %s

W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\build\stdlibs\..\..\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt/dwarf_eh.h:167 bit < sizeof(uint64_t) * 8 W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\ exceptionObject == info->currentCleanup W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\ __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(guard_object, 1, 0) W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\ __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(guard_object, 1, (1<<31)) St9exception St9bad_alloc St8bad_cast St10bad_typeid std::exception cxxrt::bad_alloc std::bad_cast std::bad_typeid St9type_info N10__cxxabiv123__fundamental_type_infoE PKDn PKDh PKDs PKDi N10__cxxabiv117__array_type_infoE N10__cxxabiv120__function_type_infoE N10__cxxabiv116__enum_type_infoE N10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE N10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE N10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE N10__cxxabiv117__pbase_type_infoE N10__cxxabiv119__pointer_type_infoE N10__cxxabiv129__pointer_to_member_type_infoE _GLOBAL__I_ global constructors keyed to %s


W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:214 v->capacity > 0 vector_str_grow W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:218 tmp_cap > v->capacity W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:554 d->output.container != NULL cpp_demangle_data_init W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:555 d->output_tmp.container != NULL W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:556 d->subst.container != NULL W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:557 d->tmpl.container != NULL W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:558 d->class_type.container != NULL guard variable for virtual function covariant override virtual function non-virtual override typeinfo for VTT for virtual function virtual override vtable for W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:1798 start != NULL cpp_demangle_read_offset_number virtual offset : operator std::allocator std::basic_string std::iostream std::istream std::ostream std::string W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:1989 nth > 0 cpp_demangle_read_subst std:: W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:2206 nth > 0 cpp_demangle_read_tmpl_param scope resolution operator vendor extened operator W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:1876 ddata->output.size > 0 cpp_demangle_read_sname W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:1734 len >= 0 cpp_demangle_read_number W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:1735 negative_factor == 1 || negative_factor == -1 W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:2159 size > 0 cpp_demangle_read_tmpl_args sizeof bool long double float __float128 unsigned char unsigned int unsigned long __int128 unsigned _;int128 unsigned short void wchar_t unsigned long long ellipsis W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\freebsd\contrib\libcxxrt\libelftc_dem_gnu3.c:871 num_len > 0 cpp_demangle_read_array


SunMonTueWedThuFriSat JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec [RTC] ERR: %s registry network time offset is invalid (offset=0x%llx)

sceRtcGetCurrentNetworkTick [RTC] ERR: %s sceRtcGetRegDateNetworkOffset() Fail :%d

[RTC] ERR: %s eap_rtc_get_time() ret:%0x%x, nvs_rtc_status:%0x%x

/user/system/etc/timezone.dat TMZN /eap_vsh/etc/timezone.dat $LastChangedRevision: 20525 $ EAP database file = %s

/user/settings/system.eap %s open error... (%08x)

%s seek error... (%08x)

%s read error... (%08x)

EAP database Check Scramble.(%08x)

EAP database Not Scramble

EAP HEAD version: %08x

EAP HEAD KeyCnt: %8d (%d)

EAP HEAD BinCnt: %8d (%d)

EAP HEAD hash: %08x

%s hash error... (%08x)

%s read error... (%zd) -> (%zd)

%s read error... [%zd/%zd] (%d) -> (%d)

%s close error... (%08x)

Invalied param %10u -> %08x

Invalied regId %10u -> %08x

Invalied hash %10u %08x -> %08x

Invalied type %10u %d -> %08x

Invalied size %10u %zd -> %08x

No base addr... (0x%08x)

No hash addr... (0x%08x)

No hash size... (0x%08x)

No interfaces found (%x).

sceNetConfigDelIfaddr6() failed (0x%08x)

[%s]:%d, ret = %08x

send_neighbor_solicitation_msg SceNetAddrConfig6 SceNetAddrConfig6Icmp SceNetAddrconfig6 icmp_chk_nd6_options() error


icmp_recv SceNetConfigUpInterface SceNetConfigDownInterface SceNetConfigSetIfaddr6 sceNetConfigSetDefaultScope SceNetConfigDelIfaddr SceNetConfigSetRoute SceNetConfigSetIfmtu SceNetConfigSetIfaddr SceNetConfigAddArp SceNetConfigDelArp SceNetDhcp SceNetDhcpd SceNetConfigEtherControl SceNetPppoe SceNetConfigWlanControl eth0 eth1 dbg0 wlan0 wlan1 gbe0 phone0 pppoe0 %u.%u.%u.%u /dev/bpf0 SceNetLibnetSync SceNetDhcpSync SceNetDhcpdSync SceNetDupIpDetSync SceNetAddrconfig6Sync SceNetInit [LIBNET] scePthreadCreate -> %x [LIBNET] usleep %d

[LIBNET] scePthreadMutexInit -> %x

[LIBNET] scePthreadCondDestroy -> %x

[LIBNET] scePthreadMutexDestroy -> %x

[LIBNET] %s(lock) -> %x

libnet_sync_wait [LIBNET] scePthreadCondWait -> %x

[LIBNET] scePthreadMutexUnlock -> %x

libnet_sync_signal [LIBNET] %s(cond) -> %x

[LIBNET] %s(unlock) -> %x

[LIBNET] kqueue -> %x

[LIBNET] wait cb %d No routing table

No routing table memory Destination Gateway Flags No routing table6 No memory

Type:Ethernet HWaddr:%s Type:Wlan Type:BT Type:Phone [%s:%d] inet:%s ->%s(%s)


inet6: %s RUNNING BROADCAST MULTICAST POINTOPOINT MAIN MTU:%d(max:%d) Link status: 10BaseT Half Duplex 10BaseT Full Duplex 100BaseTX Half Duplex 100BaseTX Full Duplex 1000BaseT Full Duplex (valid link) %08x (no link) RX packets TX packets: time: %d:%02d:%02d

No dns addresses found.

dns addresses

%s, No dns(6) addresses found.


[%d] not in use

[%d] free_size=%7d/free_min=%7d %s

No statistics found.


kernel: free_size=%8d/free_min=%8d

libnet: free_size=%8d/free_min=%8d


eth0:tx=%d, rx=%d

wlan0:tx=%d, rx=%d

default %02x%s link#%d No socket info

No libnet memory

--- ID, type, [self/R/S/RE/SE//NB], ... ---

ID:%4d tcp2p udp2p (epoll) (0x%02x,%2d,%2d)

 R-Q: %-6d/%-6d
 S-Q: %-6d/%-6d
 TX:%dbps/%dbps, %dvbps
 RX:%dbps/%dbps, %dvbps
 TX: %d dropped (%d) 
 RX: %d dropped

(%5s,N/A,%2d) (%5s,%3d,%2d)


No memory SceNetEventCallback******** 0123456789abcdef 0123456789ABCDEF SceNetMemSync ScePafJob ScePafJobDefault

W:\Build\J01429941\vsh\common_lib\paf\misc\allocator\heap_allocator.cpp total free size = %d bytes / num of free spaces = %d ScePafHeapAllocatorList N3paf6memory15MemoryAllocatorE N3paf6thread6ThreadE N3sce4Json12MemAllocatorE [libSceJson] unknown notification[%#x]

[libSceJson] Allocation Fail. size = %u

%lld %llu \u%04x SceJson_internal N3sce4Json12AllocWrapperE W:\Build\J01429903\sys\internal\usermode\src\libjson2\paf_json\src\string.cpp strcat dest dest+strlen(dest) != src+strlen(src) strchr W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\build\libsce\..\..\..\internal\usermode\src\libjson2\paf_json\include\string erase index <= count W:\Build\J01429903\sys\eap\build\libsce\..\..\..\internal\usermode\src\libjson2\paf_json\include/__tree__ getnext !nil rotate_left !x->right->nil rotate_right !x->left->nil %s:%d: %s: Assertion `%s' failed.

(null) 0123456789ABCDEF commonName countryName stateOrProvinceName localityName organizationName organizationalUnitName pkcs9_emailAddress SceLibSsl B + ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ @56789:;<=>


SceNanoSslGc_mutex mocEntropy mocSslMn mocSshMn mocSsh mocDbgCon SceNanoSsl_mutex sce_socket sce_socket_nonBlocking SSL stack shutting down. RTOS_mutexWait( ) failed. RTOS_mutexRelease( ) failed. SSL server accept connection. SSL server negotiated connection. SSL client made connection. 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


master secret key expansion sslsock.c: RTOS_mutexWait() failed. sslsock.c: RTOS_mutexWait() #1 failed. client finished server finished CLNT SRVR

UE y".% jUEDM 3WG} @ZW=


sceSslGetNameEntryInfo() returns %x N3sce3Xml19MemAllocatorAdapterE N3sce4bXCe12MemAllocatorE N3sce3Xml12MemAllocatorE N3sce4bXCe16DefaultAllocatorE version="1.0" N3sce3Xml3Dom12NodeListImplE N3sce3Xml8ImplBaseI12bXCeNodeListEE N3sce3Xml6ObjectE N3sce3Xml16ImplBaseCopyableI12bXCeNodeListEE Content-Encoding HEAD POST TRACE DELETE SceLibHttp SceLibHttpEhList SceLibHttpEh SceLibHttpRedirectCache http https 1.2.7 User-Agent mailto HTTPS HTTP Proxy-Authorization %d.%02d WWW-Authenticate Proxy-Authenticate Basic CONNECT OPTIONS Digest username realm cnonce opaque md5-sess auth-int auth Basic stale algorithm %s%s%s%s%s%s%s SceLibHttpAuthCache Host [HTTP:COOKIE] cookie validate check failed %s discard=%d, deleted = %d expires =%lld %s currentTick %lld %s

[HTTP:COOKIE] domain %s

[HTTP:COOKIE] name %s

[HTTP:COOKIE] value %s

[HTTP:COOKIE] path %s

SceLibHttpCookie Set-Cookie secure Max-Age expires domain path SceLibHttpCtx _sceHttpDumpByte: dump start = %p, length = 0x%x


        • libhttp debug information ****




current      max

%8x %8x

failed to _sceHttpGetObjectList()... %#x

num. of current request = %d

out of memory...

id status connId

%8x %4d %8x

http https - %s %s

num. of active connection = %d

id sock port leased4 stat

%8x %5d %3d %8x %4d sock: invalid

sceNetGetSockInfo() failed. ret=%x

sock: 0x%x localport: %hu remoteport: %hu

(n/a) HTTP/1.0 Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive Proxy-Connection: close Content-Length: Transfer-Encoding: chunked Accept-Encoding: gzip HTTP/ HTTP/0.9 200 OK

ETag Last-Modifiled Location Transfer-Encoding Proxy-Connection libhttp/%s (PlayStation 4) Set-Cookie SceBgDailyCheckConfig /user/system/updater/eap/last_updatecheck_on_mainsoc.json MAINSOC_LAST_USED_DATETIME N3sce15bg_dailychecker14BgDailyCheckerE N3sce15bg_dailychecker6ConfigE common patch_checker expiration_hours random_time_median random_time_range [BgDailyChecker] version = %u

m_patchCheckerExpirationHours = %u

m_randomTimeMedian = %u

m_randomTimeRange = %u

SceBgDailyCheckConfFile /eap_vsh/etc/bgdc/config.xml /system_data/priv/bgdc /user/system/etc/bgdc dbg_info.json config.%s.xml e1-np %s/%s N3sce15bg_dailychecker17CallbackProcessorE SceBgdcCbProc N3sce15bg_dailychecker19ConfigFileProcessorE bg_daily_checker_conf category N3sce4bXCe3SAX15DocumentHandlerE sceBgDailyCheckerJobQueueThread N3sce15bg_dailychecker14JobQueueThreadE N3sce15bg_dailychecker14RandomDateTimeE a+^{c~ J\qA% NJ@E ^xv/ SceBgdcCbOnSystemResume N3sce15bg_dailychecker27SystemResumeCallbackProcJobE sceBgDailyCheckerTimerThread sceBgDailyCheckerTimerThreadRdt sceBgDailyCheckerTimerThreadNet sceBgDailyChckerJobQueue next check datetime: %s (median=%u, range=%u)

start check [mode=%d] (%s)

%s [enqueued] (%s)

%s [skipped] (%s)

IPOBTAINING IPOBTAINED N3sce15bg_dailychecker11TimerThreadE BgDailyCheckerAutoResumeDownloadJob N3sce4BGFT21AutoResumeDownloadJobE SceBgdcConfigCheckJob Checking %s

If-Modified-Since N3sce15bg_dailychecker20ConfigUpdateCheckJobE N3sce15bg_dailychecker10HttpClientE SceBgdcConfHttpClient SceBgDailyChecker/1.00 ScePatchCheckJob WAKE UP MAINSOC [%s]

N3sce13patch_checker13PatchCheckJobE BgDailyCheckerPreOrderJob N3sce4BGFT11PreOrderJobE BgDailyCheckerTzdataUpdateJob TzdataUpdateCheck %02u N3sce13tzdata_update15TzdataUpdateJobE SceUpdateCheckJob N3sce7Updater14UpdateCheckJobE N3sce15bg_dailychecker7JobItemE %s canceled (%s)

%s end (%s)

JOB name  : %s

JOB m_job_id  : %d

JOB m_is_wup_cause : %s

JOB m_mode  : %d

JOB m_data  : %p

JOB m_data_length  : %d

N3sce15bg_dailychecker6ResultE ScePatchCheckerInt ScePatchChecker N3sce13patch_checker16PatchCheckerCoreE ScePatchCheckerCore [ScePatchChecker] check (title_id='%s', app_version='%s', check_option=%d): status=%d, dl_status=%d, trigger=%d userId=%#x return %#x

ScePatchCheckerCoreJobQueue N3sce13patch_checker10BaseObjectE N3sce13patch_checker14HandlerManager9BusyScopeE 24ScePatchCheckHandlerImpl ScePatchCheckHandler AsyncPatchCheckThread N3sce13patch_checker16PatchCheckThreadE N3sce13patch_checker16AppLaunchTriggerE N3sce13patch_checker16AppLaunchTrigger5TimerE SceAppLaunchTrigger ScePatchCheckNetTrigger Patch Check trigger by IP_OBTAINED (type=%d trigger=%d)

N3sce13patch_checker14NetworkTrigger6WorkerE N3sce13patch_checker14NetworkTriggerE N3sce13patch_checker5CacheE PatchCheckerCache /user/system/patch_checker/cache.json N3sce13patch_checker12PatchCheckerE N3sce13patch_checker5AppDbE last_atime ERR: %#x

/user/system/updater/eap/appdb.json N3sce13patch_checker9AppDbJsonE N3sce13patch_checker12AppDbWrapperE ScePatchCheckerAppDb ScePatchCheckerAppDbCB N3sce13patch_checker14HandlerManagerE SceUpdateService N3sce13patch_checker11BgftWrapperE N3sce13patch_checker10CacheEntryE errcode required_sys_ver option_flag has_bootable_app_ver remaster patchgo ScePatchCheckerAppDbWorker N3sce13patch_checker11AppDbWorkerE N3sce13patch_checker12BgftMemCacheE SceStorageManagerCsLock N15AbstractStorage15DefultAllocatorE St10_Ref_countIN15AbstractStorage7StorageEE St15_Ref_count_base N15AbstractStorage7ServiceE SceBgftHeap [SceBgft] Nas Term

[SceBgft] Nas Terminated

[SceBgft] Nas Abort

[SceBgft]Nas Aborted

N3ese8EseAlarmE N12_GLOBAL__N_114EseAlarmThreadE SceBgftAlarm SceBgftCancel SceBgftAlarmThread N3ese16IEseTaskRunnableE SceBgftEseCancel AttachCancelCall duplicated...

DetachCancelCall no function...

N3ese9EseCancelE ese_libhttp_net [FILE:%s,Line:%d] %s error :[%d] [0x%x]

W:\Build\J01429941\vsh\common_lib\bgft\core\esecron\src\eseBase\esehttp.cpp sceNetPoolCreate() sceSslInit() sceHttpInit() sceHttpTerm() sceSslTerm() sceNetPoolDestroy() SceBgftHttpTransaction Content-Disposition filename= realm=

DumpResponseHeaders(%p) --------


%08x%08x Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s" Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s" Content-Type: %s Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary multipart/form-data; boundary= Content-type --


N3ese13EseHttpClientE N3ese18EseHttpTransactionE N3ese15EseHttpProgressE N3ese10EseHeapObjE N3ese18EseLocalFileReaderE N3ese18EseLocalFileWriterE N3ese20EseLocalFileExtenderE N3ese23EseLocalFileCacheReaderE [BGFT] ERROR: [%d] offset_end = %llx, file_length = %llx [BGFT] [%d] Over cache. [cache_end = %llx, offset = %llx, offset_end = %llx]

           [buffsize = %llx, cache size = %llx]

0001-01-01T00:00:00.00Z SceBgftSystem %04X invalid path : '%s' expected_path(%s)

[BGFT] suspend disc

[BGFT] resume disc

SceBgftBdScheduler BD Copy : 0x%x

N3ese14EseBdScheduler16BdCopyControllerE N3ese14EseBdScheduler17IBdCopyControllerE N3ese14EseBdScheduler14NullControllerE N3ese13EseJobManagerE N12_GLOBAL__N_112EseJobThreadE SceBgftJobThread [BGFT] ERROR [fid=%04X][%d] SceBgftFsUtilTruncate N3ese14EseJobTruncateE SceBgftNotificationManager unsupported pkg. content_type(0x%08X)

unsupported pkg. multi-pfs-image

unsupported pkg. multi-disc(num_of_splits=%u)

unsupported pkg. invalid sum of split_size (%llu!=%llu)

unsupported pkg. invalid nth_of_image(%u>%u)

ScePlayGoBdCopyBitmap ScePlayGoBitmap .backup '%s' : SHA-256 verification failed.

Buffer must not be null.

Blocksize must be %lu bytes.

mask.m_buff_addr == nullptr

mask.m_block_size != m_block_size

mask.m_package_size != m_package_size

SceBgftDownloadHistory /user/bgft/pushlist/game.dat SceBgftIntervalChecker NOTIFY_CHECK_EVERY_1MIN N3ese18EseRemoteDlManagerE SceBgftRemoteDlManager preorder [EAP] checking DL date [EAP] checked DL date [BGFT] [Pre-Order] [EAP] set SCE_BGFT_ERROR_NEED_WAKEUP_MAINSOC.

waitfordownload stopped playable ps4cancelled notstarted SceBgftRemoteDlRequestQueue %s (%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d, 0x%x)

EseRemoteDlTimerFile /user/bgft/timer/remotedl2.dat [BGFT] [Pre-Order] %s (%04u/%02u/%02u %02d:%02d:%02d, %s, %s, %x)

SceBgftRifManager /user/bgft/userlist/activated.dat content id mismatch "%s" != "%s"

%lu %lu

SceBgdlRMutexUpdate unregisterTask [0x%08x] not found

SceBgftProhibit Task %08x : deleted

task_patch_version[%s], query_patch_version[%s]

01.00 %08x: PlayGo is timeout

%08x: Could not create new PlayGo task.

%08x: Could not add new PlayGo task.

%08x: Could not create new PlayGo(BDCopy) task.

%08x: Could not add new PlayGo(BDCopy) task.



GameStartBoot(%s, %d)

GameStopBoot(%s, %d)

GameWillStart(%s, %d)

Could not start playgo task.

Could not start game copy mode.

GameStopped(%s, %d)

Could not start ripping mode.

GameSuspended(%s, %d)

GameWillResume(%s, %d)


/mnt/backup invalid content_id. (%s)

task not found. (%s)

PS4AC PS4MISC http:// https:// .PKG Not supported extension.





disc inserted : %s

[BDCOPY] version : %0x, language_mask = %016llx

ReDownload Remaster Package %08x

chunk_info_xml : [%s]

content_id  : [%s]

[playGoSnapshot] title_id=[%s], filename=[%s]

[playGoSnapshot] task_id=[0x%08x]


[playGoSnapshot] play_go.snapshot=[0x%08x]

[PlayGo Debug] %s : Reset to Initial Payload : scenario=%s

[PlayGo Debug] %s : Reset to Download Completed : %s(0x%016llx)

All Languages Current Language [BDCOPY] %08x : complete data disc install

/app.json %08x: delete to restore task.

%08x: failed to restore task. (0x%x)

%08x: failed to invoke task. (0x%x)

%08x: couldn't open task param. (0x%x)

%08x: AUTO_DELETE is enabled.

%08x: AUTO_DELETE_BOOTUP is enabled.

%08x: couldn't get task_type. (0x%x)

%08x: couldn't get task_subtype. (0x%x)

%08x: couldn't get task_data_source. (0x%x)

%08x: couldn't get task_state. (0x%x)

%08x: unknown task_state (%d)

%08x: couldn't get playgo_type. (0x%x)

%08x: unknown type (%d)

/mnt/ext0/ /user/bgft/trash/_temp_param.sfo N3ese14EseTaskManagerE N3ese21IEseTaskQueueListenerE N3ese25ResetFuncToInitialPayloadE N3ese17EsePlayGoBitmapUT9ResetFuncE N3ese28ResetFuncToDownloadCompletedE N3ese19ResetFuncToSnapshotE %c %d

title_id=[%s], title length=(%d)

/app.pkg /app_0.pkg /app_1.pkg /app_h.pkg /preinst2/app /user/patch /user/bgft /user/bgft/task /user/bgft/trash /user/bgft/task/ /user/av_contents/ Uploaded the file path is invalid. (%s)


app.pkg patch.pkg bdcopy.pbm /mnt/disc/app/ /user/app/ /user/patch/ /system_data/playgo/ app.pbm patch.pbm pfs.pbm app_0.pkg app_1.pkg app_h.pkg SceBgftTaskPlayGoListners SceBgftTaskPlayGo invalid map/set<T> iterator map/set<T> too long N3ese13EseTaskPlayGoE N3ese21EseTaskPooledExecutorE N3ese21EseTaskPooledExecutor6WorkerE St10_Func_implISt13_Callable_objIZN3ese21EseTaskPooledExecutor8StartAllEvE3$_0Lb0EESaISt11_Func_classIvJPNS1_7EseTaskEEEEvJS7_EE ZN3ese21EseTaskPooledExecutor8StartAllEvE3$_0 St10_Func_implISt13_Callable_objIZN3ese21EseTaskPooledExecutor7StopAllEvE3$_1Lb0EESaISt11_Func_classIvJPNS1_7EseTaskEEEEvJS7_EE ZN3ese21EseTaskPooledExecutor7StopAllEvE3$_1 St10_Func_implISt13_Callable_objIZN3ese21EseTaskPooledExecutor8AbortAllEvE3$_2Lb0EESaISt11_Func_classIvJPNS1_7EseTaskEEEEvJS7_EE ZN3ese21EseTaskPooledExecutor8AbortAllEvE3$_2 SceBgftTaskWaitMutex SceBgftTaskPooledExecutor Task %08x : deleting

Task %08x : stop

Task %08x : stop error (%08x)

Task %08x : ext deleting

Task %08x : %016llu [type=%d,subtype=%d,slot=%02u] : started

Task %08x : %016llu(%llu msec) [type=%d,subtype=%d,slot=%02u] : ended (state=%d,runstate=%d,error=0x%x)

SceBgftWorkerThread invalid vector<T> subscript St10_Func_baseIvJPN3ese7EseTaskEEE N3ese12EseTaskQueueE N3ese20EseDownloadTaskQueueE St10_Func_implISt13_Callable_objIZN3ese12EseTaskQueue16findDeleteTargetERNS1_11EseTaskListEE3$_4Lb0EESaISt11_Func_classIbJPNS1_7EseTaskEEEEbJS9_EE ZN3ese12EseTaskQueue16findDeleteTargetERNS_11EseTaskListEE3$_4 SceBgftTaskQueue /mnt/ /pfs.pbm /app.pbm /app.xml /patch.pkg /patch.pbm /patch.json SceBgftMergePipelineC N3ese16EseMergePipeline7RequestE N3ese23EseMergePipelineManager14EsePipelineMgrE N3ese15EsePipelineDataE N3ese17EseMultiPkgReaderE serverIpAddr= x-cache N3ese12EsePkgReaderE N3ese16EsePkgHttpReaderE Pragma no-cache Cache-Control bytes=%lu- status = %d

CDN-info X-CDN X-Cache no x-cache info.

akamai-x-cache-on Level3 !!! Cannot download.

!!! CDN Auth failed. (0x%x)

!!! If the problem persists for more than 30 minutes,

!!! contact DevNet technical support with the content ID to request an investigation.

!!! CDN Auth OK. !!!

!!! CDN Auth Expired !!!

http://gs2.ww. https://sgs2. invalid source.offset (%llu)

invalid source.length (%llu)

mismatch package size (%llu!=%llu)

Invalid length of Package Digest

Invalid Package Digest

Mismatched Package Digest

numberOfSplitFiles pieces fileSize fileOffset packageDigest SceBgftPlayGoPipelineC N3ese19EseTransferPipeline7RequestE N3ese26EseTransferPipelineManager14EsePipelineMgrE /mnt/usb /mnt/disc/ /user/ /host/ /hostapp/ invalid path %s : '%s'

.bak CopyPartial(%s) failed(0x%x) (retry=%d)

N3ese17EseAppDbSemaphoreE EseAppDbSemaphore SceBgftEseAppUTMutex /preinst2/app/ WARNING : REPORT STATUS is invalid (%08x)

SceBgftEseParamMutex SceBgftRWLock INTERNAL %x

/d1.pdb /d0.pdb /f0.pdb invalid map<K, T> key N3ese12EseParamBaseE N3ese18EseParamExtractionE N3ese19EseParamTransactionE SceBgftTaskMutex SceEseTask EseBgftTaskState::IsRunning() == true

EseBgftTaskState::IsRunning() == false

Task %08x : %016llu [type=%d,subtype=%d,slot=%02u] : rebooted

[BGFT] complete pause=[%d], error=[0x%08x]

N3ese7EseTaskE N3ese16IEseGameListenerE task(%08x) %s

[PLAYGO] %08x : chunk transfer stopped (%x)

SceBgftPlayGoMutex SceBgftPlayGoCond [PLAYGO] %08x : transfer started (%llu/%llu)

[PLAYGO] %08x : transfer stopped (%llu/%llu)

[PLAYGO] %08x : chunk #%d transfer started

[PLAYGO] %08x : chunk #%d ready

N3ese12EseActPlayGoE ZN3ese12EseActPlayGo11mainProcessEvE8Listener N3ese18IEsePlayGoListenerE N3ese22IEseTaskPlayGoListenerE N3ese24IEseTaskProgressListenerE N3ese25IEseDownloadEventListenerE N3ese23IEsePlayGoEtaCalculatorE task(%08x) disc is disabled.

[BDCOPY] %08x : need data disc install

SceBgftPlayGoBdCopyMutex SceBgftPlayGoBdCopyCond [BDCOPY] %08x : transfer started (%llu/%llu)

[BDCOPY] %08x : transfer stopped (%llu/%llu)

[BDCOPY] %08x : chunk #%d transfer started

[BDCOPY] %08x : chunk #%d ready

N3ese18EseActPlayGoBdCopyE ZN3ese18EseActPlayGoBdCopy11mainProcessEvE8Listener N3ese15EseActPlayGoEmuE N3ese9EseFileExE CreateDirectory(%s) %x

CreateFile(%s) %x

DeleteFile(%s) %x

DeleteFileIfExists(%s) %x

GetFileLength(%s) %x

Move(%s, %s) %x

not found : %s

%s%c%s SyncDirectory(%s) %x

0IJW N3ese11EsePipelineE N3ese11EsePipeline6WorkerE %s%u SceBgftPipelineThread SceBgftPipeline N3ese28EsePlayGoStatusXmlDocBuilderE psproject playgo-status 1000 chunk_status chunk_count chunks language_mask chunk req_locus scenarios scenario N3ese16EseXmlDocBuilderE N3ese28EsePlayGoStatusXmlDocHandlerE Error [playgo-status.xml] unknown attribute : '%s' attribute in <%s>


Error [playgo-status.xml] missing attribute : '%s' attribute in <%s>

Error [playgo-status.xml] invalid attribute : '%s' attribute in <%s>

---> <psproject fmt="%s" ...> : fmt attribute value must be "playgo-status"

---> <psproject version="%s" ...> : version attribute value must be "1000"

Error [playgo-status.xml] invalid tag position : <%s> in %s

the first element ---> <chunk_status chunk_count="%s" ...> : chunk_count attribute value must be same as chunk_count in playgo-chunks.xml

<psproject> ---> <chunks language_mask="%s" ...> : language_mask attribute value is invalid

<psproject><chunk_status> ---> <chunk id="%s" ...> : id attribute value is invalid

---> <chunk id="%s" ...> : id attribute value must be less than chunk_count attribute of <chunk_status>

---> <chunk id="%d" locus="%s" ...> : locus attribute value is invalid

---> <chunk id="%d" req_locus="%s" ...> : req_locus attribute value is invalid

Error [playgo-status.xml] internal error : no enough memory <psproject><chunk_status><chunks> <psproject><chunk_status><scenarios> unknown position Error [playgo-status.xml] invalid text value : in <%s>

---> <scenario>%s</scenario> : scenario text is incorrect

N3ese22EsePlayGoXmlDocHandlerE N3ese18EsePlayGoXmlParserE Error [%s] invalid xml file

Error [%s] xml file read error (0x%x)

Error [%s] invalid xml file (0x%x)

N3ese21EseXmlDocumentHandlerE N3sce3Xml3Sax15DocumentHandlerE N3ese6EseJobE /commerce/api/v100/users/me/notification/download platformString totalResults notifications entitlementType entitlementId playgoScenarioId createdTime /commerce/api/v100/users/me/notification/download/status reasonCode /meta/api/v1/ /sku/ /entitlement/ ?fields=game_meta entitlement_attributes playability_date platform_id downloadable_date entitlement_id entitlement_key_flag reference_package_url package_file_size package_sub_type icon_url Bearer application/json; charset=utf-8 N3ese11EseNpWebApiE N3ese19EseNpCommerceWebApiE N3ese26EseNpCatalogMetadataWebApiE N3ese18EseNpCdnAuthWebApiE SceEsePlayGo /user/data/sce_coredumps/ [TODO] size=%d

todo[%d] : chunk=%d, req_locus=%d

[CHUNK] size=%d

chunk[%d] : locus=%d

N3ese9EsePlayGoE Invalid chunk count (app_chunk_cuunt=%u)

Invalid chunk count (patch_chunk_count < app_chunk_count) : app_chunk_cuunt=%u, patch_chunk_count=%u

app.getMchunkList(%u) = 0x%x

app.getInnerMchunkList(%u) = 0x%x

patch.getMchunkList(%u) = 0x%x

patch.getInnerMchunkList(%u) = 0x%x

file size error

userdefined1 userdefined2 [header]magic error (%08x)

[header]n_discs error (%u)

[header]n_images error (%u)

[header]n_chunks error (%u)

[header]n_mchunks error (%u)

[header]n_scenarios error (%u)

[header]offset error

[header]list size error

[header]list 1 chunk attr size error

[header]list 1 mchunk attr size error

[header]list 1 scenario attr size error

[header]list 1 inner mchunk attr size error

[header]list 3 size error

[chunk_attr][%u] mchunks error (%u)

[chunk_attr][%u] disc no error (%u)

[chunk_attr][%u] disc no error (%u) n_discs=%u

[chunk_attr][%u] layer no error (%u)

[chunk_attr][%u] image no error (%u)

[chunk_attr][%u] req_locus error (%u)

[chunk_attr][%u] mchunk list offset error

[chunk_attr][%u] label offset error

[mchunk_attr][%u] image no error (%u)

[mchunk_attr][%u] offset=[%llu], length=[%llu], mchunk attr offset error

[inner_mchunk_attr][%u] image no error (%u)

[scenario_attr][%u] scenario chunk list offset error

[scenario_attr][%u] scenario chunk label offset error

[scenario_attr][%u] scenario chunks error

[scenario_attr][%u] scenario ini chunks error

ScePlayGoPfsBitmap ppbm @@@@@@ WARNING ... @@@@@@

sha_offset is over the pkg_size!

[BGFT] [INFO] Remastered Package

mismatched package digest.

= EsePlayGoToDoList (size=%lu)

+- todo[%d] : id=%d, locus=%d

= EsePlayGoToDoList (end)

= EsePlayGoChunkList (size=%lu)

+- chunk[%d] : id=%d, valid=%s, language=0x%016lX, reqLocus=%d

= EsePlayGoChunkList (end)

= EsePlayGoLocusList (size=%lu)

+- status[%d] : id=%d, locus=%d

= EsePlayGoLocusList (end)

= EsePlayGoMChunkList (size=%lu)

= EsePlayGoMChunkList (end)

+- mchunk[%4u] : image_no=%u, offset=0x%16lx, length=0x%16lx

http Copyright (c) 1992-2012 by P.J. Plauger, licensed by Dinkumware, Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


<Service unavailable $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/csu/arm/crt1.c 216338 2010-12-09 21:31:21Z dim $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/csu/common/crtbrand.c 217375 2011-01-13 20:44:31Z dim $ clang version 3.7.1 (EAP clang version 25412029) $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/csu/arm/crti.S 135679 2004-09-23 23:00:51Z cognet $ clang version 3.4 (PS4 clang version $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/closedir.c 174221 2007-12-03 14:33:51Z des $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/dlfcn.c 217154 2011-01-08 17:13:43Z kib $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/errno.c 104704 2002-10-09 08:04:24Z peter $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/getpagesize.c 211416 2010-08-17 09:13:26Z kib $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/opendir.c 205424 2010-03-21 20:45:06Z ed $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/readdir.c 178772 2008-05-05 14:05:23Z kib $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/signal.c 165903 2007-01-09 00:28:16Z imp $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/sigsetops.c 165903 2007-01-09 00:28:16Z imp $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/sleep.c 200150 2009-12-05 19:31:38Z ed $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/sysconf.c 223136 2011-06-16 02:22:24Z davidxu $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/sysctl.c 204170 2010-02-21 13:57:02Z ed $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/sysctlbyname.c 204172 2010-02-21 14:58:01Z ed $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/sysctlnametomib.c 204170 2010-02-21 13:57:02Z ed $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/telldir.c 178772 2008-05-05 14:05:23Z kib $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/termios.c 214680 2010-11-02 17:00:56Z ed $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/time.c 201194 2009-12-29 12:47:47Z kib $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/usleep.c 200150 2009-12-05 19:31:38Z ed $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/wait.c 165903 2007-01-09 00:28:16Z imp $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/waitpid.c 165903 2007-01-09 00:28:16Z imp $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/_pthread_stubs.c 213153 2010-09-25 01:57:47Z davidxu $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/inet/inet_ntop.c 170244 2007-06-03 17:20:27Z ume $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/net/recv.c 165903 2007-01-09 00:28:16Z imp $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/net/send.c 165903 2007-01-09 00:28:16Z imp $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/stdlib/atexit.c 211894 2010-08-27 19:57:17Z kib $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/stdlib/div.c 165903 2007-01-09 00:28:16Z imp $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/stdlib/exit.c 165903 2007-01-09 00:28:16Z imp $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/stdlib/getenv.c 200198 2009-12-07 00:22:10Z scf $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/stdlib/ldiv.c 165903 2007-01-09 00:28:16Z imp $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/stdlib/merge.c 165903 2007-01-09 00:28:16Z imp $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/stdlib/rand.c 174541 2007-12-11 20:39:32Z ache $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/stdlib/reallocf.c 204636 2010-03-03 15:43:26Z jh $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/stdlib/system.c 200150 2009-12-05 19:31:38Z ed $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/string/stpncpy.c 189136 2009-02-28 06:00:58Z das $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/string/strlcat.c 189133 2009-02-28 05:15:02Z das $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/string/strlcpy.c 189133 2009-02-28 05:15:02Z das $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/sys/fcntl.c 179434 2008-05-30 14:47:42Z dfr $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/sys/ftruncate.c 171219 2007-07-04 23:27:38Z peter $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/sys/lseek.c 171219 2007-07-04 23:27:38Z peter $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/sys/mmap.c 171219 2007-07-04 23:27:38Z peter $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/sys/pread.c 171219 2007-07-04 23:27:38Z peter $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/sys/pwrite.c 171219 2007-07-04 23:27:38Z peter $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/sys/stack_protector.c 213785 2010-10-13 16:57:06Z rpaulo $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/sys/truncate.c 171219 2007-07-04 23:27:38Z peter $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/arm/sys/cerror.S 164109 2006-11-09 01:28:16Z cognet $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/arm/sys/sigreturn.S 129202 2004-05-14 12:04:31Z cognet $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/arm/sys/syscall.S 129202 2004-05-14 12:04:31Z cognet $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/arm/string/bzero.S 204607 2010-03-02 22:16:40Z joel $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/arm/string/memset.S 172616 2007-10-13 12:06:31Z cognet $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/arm/string/memcmp.S 137464 2004-11-09 16:49:14Z cognet $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/arm/string/memmove.S 204607 2010-03-02 22:16:40Z joel $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/arm/string/strcmp.S 137464 2004-11-09 16:49:14Z cognet $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/arm/string/strncmp.S 194585 2009-06-21 13:15:56Z stas $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/aux.c 211416 2010-08-17 09:13:26Z kib $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/exec.c 200136 2009-12-05 18:55:16Z ed $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/getprogname.c 93399 2002-03-29 22:43:43Z markm $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/_once_stub.c 199614 2009-11-20 20:43:34Z jhb $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/gen/__getosreldate.c 211416 2010-08-17 09:13:26Z kib $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/string/index.c 165903 2007-01-09 00:28:16Z imp $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/string/strsep.c 188080 2009-02-03 17:58:20Z danger $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/libc/arm/string/bcopy.S 129202 2004-05-14 12:04:31Z cognet $ $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/lib/csu/arm/crtn.S 216338 2010-12-09 21:31:21Z dim $ aeabi Cortex-A9 da8L =^OK .shstrtab .note.ABI-tag .init .text .fini .rodata .ARM.extab .ARM.exidx .eh_frame .tbss .init_array .fini_array .got .data .bss .comment .ARM.attributes .text_sign .rodata_sign .data_sign .collect_sign

Service mode public key

PublicKey=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100b5fc90e7027f67871e773a8fde8938c81dd402ba65b9201d60593e96c492651e889cc13f1415ebb53fac1131ae0bd333c5ee6021672d9718ea31a8aebd0da0072f25d87dba6fc90ffd598ed4da35e44c398c454307e8e33b8426143daec9f596836f97c8f74750e5975c64e2189f45def46b2a2b1247adc3652bf5c308055da9......4.0.50524.0...... ...


