Talk:PSP Custom Configs

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Revision as of 13:24, 5 September 2021 by Sandungas (talk | contribs)
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Orphan/unknown debug info

This info was published with the name "Experimental Patch", and has been waiting more than 5 years for either: identify the game... or delete it


00000000000285B0 empty_buffer:                           # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+74�j
00000000000285B0                                         # sceIofileAsync+140�j ...
00000000000285B0                 li        r31, 0        
00000000000285B4                 clrldi    r27, r3, 32   
00000000000285B8                 li        r29, 0        
00000000000285BC                 cmpwi     cr4, r31, 0   
00000000000285C0 IoFileMgrForUser_822ADD32:              # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+184�j
00000000000285C0                                         # sceIofileAsync+2D0�j
00000000000285C0                 clrldi    r7, r23, 32   # out data ptr 
00000000000285C4                 extsw     r3, r24       # id
00000000000285C8                 extsw     r4, r28       # cmd
00000000000285CC                 mr        r6, r27       # in size
00000000000285D0                 clrldi    r8, r25, 32   # out len 
00000000000285D4                 mr        r5, r29       # in data ptr
00000000000285D8                 bl        _IoFileMgrForUser_822ADD32 # pspFileSystem.... ?
00000000000285DC                 ld        r2, 0xC0+var_98(r1)
00000000000285E0                 mr        r31, r3
00000000000285E4                 beq       cr4, loc_285F4 # nop
00000000000285E8                 mr        r3, r29
00000000000285EC                 bl        _sys_libc_free
00000000000285F0                 ld        r2, 0xC0+var_98(r1)
00000000000285F4 loc_285F4:                              # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+B4�j
00000000000285F4                 stw       r31, 8(r30)   # return value


LOAD:00000000000285B0 loc_285B0:                              # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+74�j
LOAD:00000000000285B0                                         # sceIoIoctlAsync+140�j ...
LOAD:00000000000285B0                 bl        _sys_libc_malloc
LOAD:00000000000285B4                 clrldi    r26, r3, 32
LOAD:00000000000285B8                 lis       r28, 0x101 # 0x1010005                           # Seek cmd id
LOAD:00000000000285BC                 ori       r28, r28, 5 # 0x1010005
LOAD:00000000000285C0                 b         loc_28724
LOAD:00000000000285C4 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:00000000000285C4 loc_285C4:                              # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+184�j   #
LOAD:00000000000285C4                                         # sceIoIoctlAsync+2D0�j              # Both branches also modified, so we can use 5x4 bytes
LOAD:00000000000285C4                 clrldi    r7, r23, 32
LOAD:00000000000285C8                 extsw     r3, r24
LOAD:00000000000285CC                 extsw     r4, r28
LOAD:00000000000285D0                 mr        r6, r27
LOAD:00000000000285D4                 clrldi    r8, r25, 32
LOAD:00000000000285D8                 mr        r5, r29
LOAD:00000000000285DC                 bl        _IoFileMgrForUser_822ADD32
LOAD:00000000000285E0                 ld        r2, 0xC0+var_98(r1)
LOAD:00000000000285E4                 mr        r31, r3
LOAD:00000000000285E8                 mr        r3, r29
LOAD:00000000000285EC                 bl        _sys_libc_free
LOAD:00000000000285F0                 ld        r2, 0xC0+var_98(r1)
LOAD:00000000000285F4                 stw       r31, 8(r30)

Unsupported ID's will be replaced with empty buffers and simply sent through IoIoctl.
PGD = ID 0x04100001
This ugly and highly experimental poc code simply redirects unsupported cmd's to 0x01010005 (Seek Begin)
prolly breaks other cmd's

Supported cmd ID's:

0x1010005 (UMD file seek set)
0x1030008 (Read UMD file)
0x1F100A6 (UMD file seek whence)
0x1F30003 (UMD disc read sectors operation)

Referenced as help:

0x01020001 - Get UMD Primary Volume Descriptor
0x01020002 - Get UMD Path Table
0x01020003 - Get UMD sector size
0x01020004 - Get UMD file pointer
0x01010005 - Set UMD file seek
0x01020006 - Get UMD file start sector
0x01020007 - Get UMD file length in bytes
0x01030008 - Read UMD file
0x01D20001 - Get UMD device file current sector seek position
0x01F30003 - Read raw sectors from UMD device file
0x01F100A6 - Set UMD device file seek by sector
0x04100001 - Define decryption key (DRM by amctrl.prx)
0x04100002 - Set PGD offset
0x04100010 - Get PGD data size