Talk:PlayStation archive (PSARC)

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PSARC structure notes

Debian psarc Kplugin structure. From Manuel Stahl (thymythos) @

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <struct name="header">
    <primitive name="magic" type="UInt32" />
    <primitive name="version" type="UInt32" />
    <primitive name="compression" type="UInt32" />
    <primitive name="TOC length" type="UInt32" />
    <primitive name="TOC entry size" type="UInt32" />
    <primitive name="num_entries" type="UInt32" />
    <primitive name="max block size" type="UInt32" />
    <primitive name="archive flags" type="UInt32" />
    <array name="TOC" length="num_entries">
      <struct name="entry">
        <array name="MD5" length="16"><primitive type="UInt8"/></array>
        <primitive name="zIndex" type="UInt32" />
        <bitfield name="length" width="40" type="unsigned" />
        <bitfield name="offset" width="40" type="unsigned" />
    <array name="block sizes" length="num_entries">
      <bitfield name="size" width="16" type="unsigned" />

PSARC header example:

Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
00000000  50 53 41 52 00 01 00 04 7A 6C 69 62 00 01 23 BA  PSAR....zlib..#º
00000010  00 00 00 1E 00 00 09 16 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 02  ................
Offset Size Name Example Value (conversion) Notes
Header 0x00 0x04 magic 50 53 41 52 PSAR PlayStation Archive
0x04 0x04 version 00 01 00 04 v1.4 First 2 bytes is the main version, next 2 bytes is the subversion and are processed separatedlly, so 0001.0004 is "translated" to 1.4 by the system
0x08 0x04 compression type 7A 6C 69 62 zlib zlib (default) or lzma
0x0C 0x04 table of content length 00 01 23 BA 0x123BA
0x10 0x04 table of content entries size 00 00 00 1E 30 Bytes Default is 30 bytes
0x14 0x04 number of entries 00 00 09 16 1+2325 files The filecount includes the "file path/names definitions" as an additionall file always placed at first position in the list and without an assigned ID
0x18 0x04 block size 00 01 00 00 65536 Bytes Default is 65536 Bytes
0x1C 0x04 archive flags 00 00 00 02 2 Default is 2. Unknown yet but is a "bit value" so 2 is a single flag