Teensy++ 2.0

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Teensy 2.0 ++ Information

NORway usage

Usage: %s serialport [command] [filename] [address]
serialport  Name of serial port to open (eg. COM1, COM2, /dev/ttyACM0, etc)
command     dump       Reads entire NOR to [filename]
            erase      Erases one sector (128KB) at [address]
            write      Flashes (read-erase-modify-write-verify) [filename]
                       at [address] to NOR
            writeimg   Same as write, but prepend a 16-byte length header
                       [address] is required
            program    Flashes (erase-write-verify) [filename]
                       at [address] to NOR
            release    Releases NOR interface, so the PS3 can boot
filename    Filename for [dump|write|writeimg|program]
address     Address for [erase|write|writeimg|program]
            Default is 0x0, address must be aligned (multiple of 0x20000)

Hardware Picture

Teeny++ Dev Board

Installation Requirements

The following items are required to perform the installation of the Teensy++ to most PS3 consoles. You could get away with not using a couple of the items described below but when doing any soldering work they are all recommended for the best install and also make the end result clean and tidy. Items as follows:

1x Sony Playstation 3 Console
1x Teensy 2.0 ++
1x Dremel Tool
1x Drill
1x Roll of Double Sided Foam Tape
1x 30AWG Kynar Wire or 26 AWG Kynar Wire. (Few have reported 30AWG may be too small and has interference but does work if done well.)
1x Torque 10(T-10) Screwdriver
1x Regular Phillips Head Screwdriver
1x Solder (Can be leaded or no-lead)
1x Soldering Iron (Radioshack 15-30 Watt Will Work.)
1x Bottle Of Flux No-Clean
1x Bottle Of 99% Isoprobyl Alcohol
1x Box of Q-Tips (For spreading flux and alcohol where needed.)
1x Pair Of Steady Hands (Not Joking. Tremor Fingers will not cut it. You are soldering 40+ points and all must be done very well.)
1x Good Lighting (Either very well lighted room, or a Lamp. You need to be able to check your work.)
1x Magnifying Glass (To check your soldering joints.)
1x Patience.

As you can see it requires a lot of materials to perform this kind of job. If you do not already have the parts for this kind of project, it will probably be cheaper to pay someone else to do it and ship it to and from them. Also if you are not confident in your soldering technique, it is a very realistic possibility that you will ruin your Playstation 3 Console during this process as there are a LOT of soldering joints that need to be perfectly made.

Hardware Installations (Case Modifications by CECH Model)

First open the PS3. Follow youtube videos to learn how (Just search).

Once opened, look at the motherboard model printed there. Depending on which model you have follow the case modifications below to install teensy.

There are two methods to use a Teensy 2.0++ Flasher.

1.) Install while the PS3 is somewhat opened still with everything plugged in. (Be careful of shorts.)

2.) Internal Case Modifications. This is the best way to go as you can install the teensy inside of the PS3 for later use. This is the advantage of using a Teensy 2.0++ because it's just small enough to install inside the PS3 with a little case modification. Other flashers are generally too large to do this with the PS3 closed up. You will find there is just no room for it.

COK-001, COK-002, COK-002W, SEM-00 1

      • Pictures to be added later...

DIA-001, DIA-002

Teensy++ tucked away below where the psu sits, usb cable hanging out.
Teensy++ soldered to NOR testpoints


First dremel area. These 4 pictures show before and after affects and where to dremel on the top side shielding.

DYN-001 Placement Area and first dremel
DYN-001 Wire direction and second dremel
DYN-001 Post dremel for Teensy placement
DYN-001 Teensy fits. Need to wait until MB is back in shielding

Second dremel area. These pictures show before and after affects and where to dremel on the bottom side shielding.
This helps with interference by running wires outside the shielding instead of inside. This method has to be done
on these models as unlike JSD-001 Models there are no holes or spaces between the HDD and shielding. It's connected
on DYN-001 Models.

DYN-001 Wire direction and third dremel


No dremel required. Design of this CECH 2500 series has an opened hole area to put wires through.

JSD-001 Teensy Placement. Mounted using double sided foam tape.
JSD-001 Port cut and drilled to view teensy usb port from outside.
JSD-001 Post wire job from motherboard view with wire wrap.
JSD-001 Teensy placement and wired up. Notice open space.
File:Nor testpoints.png
JSD-001 Motherboard NOR Test Points.


      • Pictures to be added later...