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Revision as of 21:30, 24 February 2011

PSGroove is an open source program for executing the 'PSJailbreak' exploit, and injecting unsigned code into the lv2 gameos kernel during the PS3 boot process.

Supported Hardware

  • AT90USB162
  • AT90USB646
  • AT90USB647
  • AT90USB1286
  • AT90USB1287
  • ATMEGA32U4

... and maybe more


Linux Prerequisites avr-gcc / avr-libc / git Under Gentoo:

emerge -av portage-utils crossdev git USE="-openmp" crossdev -t avr --without-headers Under Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install gcc-avr avr-libc git-core dfu-programmer (for installing) Download here:

Older version available in the Ubuntu repository.

sudo apt-get install dfu-programmerCloning the repository The repository uses the LUFA library as a submodule. To clone, use something like:

git clone git:// cd psgroove git submodule init git submodule update Configuring Chip and board selection can usually be handled in the Makefile. In particular, update the MCU, BOARD, and F_CPU lines. Suggested values:

Teensy 1.0:

MCU = at90usb162 BOARD = TEENSY F_CLOCK = 16000000 Teensy++ 1.0:

MCU = at90usb646 BOARD = TEENSY F_CLOCK = 16000000 Teensy 2.0:

MCU = atmega32u4 BOARD = TEENSY F_CLOCK = 16000000 Teensy++ 2.0:

MCU = at90usb1286 BOARD = TEENSY F_CLOCK = 16000000 AT90USBKEY / AT90USBKEY2:

MCU = at90usb1287 BOARD = USBKEY F_CLOCK = 8000000 AVROpendous v1.1:

MCU = at90usb162 BOARD = USER (need to manually attribute LED pins in Board/LEDs.h) F_CLOCK = 8000000 ATAVRXPLAIN:

MCU = at90usb1287 BOARD = XPLAIN F_CLOCK = 8000000 Minimus AVR USB:

MCU = at90usb162 BOARD = USBKEY F_CLOCK = 16000000

Building On Linux, use the AVR GCC toolchain (Debian/Ubuntu package: gcc-avr).

make clean make Programming Now program psgroove.hex into your board and you're ready to go. For the AT90USBKEY and other chips with a DFU bootloader preinstalled, you can get the dfu-programmer tool, put your board in programming mode, and run

make dfu For the Teensy boards, you probably have to use the [Teensy Loader]( software.

Windows Download and install WinAVR .

Download and install msysgit

After installing msysgit, follow the Cloning the repository, Configuring and Building instructions listed for the Linux section.

Upload the hex to the appropriate device using the appropriate software.

OSX Once the prerequisites are installed, this is pretty much the same as the Linux process listed above.

Prerequisites Install the following to get started :

XCode - download from apple or install directly from an OSX DVD MacPorts - BSD ports functionality on OSX CrossPack AVR AVR toolchain for OSX

Open a new terminal window and enter the following:

sudo port install git-core dfu-programmer Everything else

  1. get the source

git clone git:// cd psgroove git submodule init git submodule update

  1. do the build

make clean make

  1. put the board into programming mode

make dfu Notes MacPorts includes a portfile for the AVR toolchain, however, the included version of avr-gcc(4.0.2) does not support the AT90USB1287, it may be suitable for other boards.

Haven't tested the programming part yet, still waiting for a board to arrive. The programming command is likely to be "sudo make dfu".

Using To use this exploit:

Hard power cycle your PS3 (using the switch in back, or unplug it) Plug the dongle into your PS3. Press the PS3 power button, followed quickly by the eject button. After a few seconds, the first LED on your dongle should light up. After about 5 seconds, the second LED will light up (or the LED will just go off, if you only have one). This means the exploit worked! You can see the new "Install Package Files" menu option in the game menu.

Board-specific notes Teensy boards only have one LED, so it will turn off when the exploit succeeds rather than turn green. Older Teensy 1.0 boards also have the polarity inverted. In general, a LED should do something when the board is powered, and do something different when the exploit works.

Links Github Page

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