Talk:Cinavia (DRM)

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Revision as of 03:45, 16 September 2014 by Mysis (talk | contribs)
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LOAD:00000000000226E4 loc_226E4:                              # CODE XREF: sub_22830-17C�j
LOAD:00000000000226E4                                         # sub_22830-170�j
LOAD:00000000000226E4                 rlwinm    r0, r31, 0,29,29
LOAD:00000000000226E8                 cmpwi     cr7, r0, 0
LOAD:00000000000226EC                 beq       cr7, loc_226FC
LOAD:00000000000226F0                 li        r3, 4        # "msg_error_cinavia_msg_code3"
LOAD:00000000000226F4                 lbz       r4, 0xD8(r1)
LOAD:00000000000226F8                 bl        sub_8B2C      
LOAD:00000000000226FC loc_226FC:                              # CODE XREF: sub_22830-144�j
LOAD:00000000000226FC                 lis       r0, 0x3801 # 0x38010028
LOAD:0000000000022700                 li        r29, 0
LOAD:0000000000022704                 ori       r0, r0, 0x28 # 0x38010028
LOAD:0000000000022708                 and       r9, r31, r0
LOAD:000000000002270C                 cmpwi     r9, 0
LOAD:0000000000022710                 beq       loc_2272C
LOAD:0000000000022714                 lwz       r0, 0x100+var_90+4(r1)

msg_error_cinavia_msg_code1 doesnt seem to be taken in bdp_plugin.prx

bdp_plugin builds up a proxy communication to bdp_BDMV/bdp_BDVD and communicates with the process - Cinavia DRM is implemented there, bdp_plugin only handles IDs for Input/UI.(including messages)

Cinavia Code sets up callback handlers in audio processing code. In videoplayer sprx they are called: CallBackAudioWmNHUDetected / CallBackAudioWmTSDetected