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It is currently unknown what these are used for. Presumably something for storing information about trophy images/files


Note: This isn't complete.

typedef struct{
	u32 unk1; //perhaps magic?
	u32 unk2; //looks like version or something (3) 
	u64 filesize; //size of full trp file
	u32 entryCount; //num entries
	u32 unk3; //this could either be max entries or sizeof() entry...
	u32 unk4; //padding probably
	u8 hash[20]; //md5? sha1?  Could also be an IV for a form of encryption
	u32 unk5; // 0x30313000 ??
	u8 unk6[0x2C];
} trp_h
typedef struct{
	signed char name[0x20];
	u64 entryStart; //relative to &buffer
	u64 entryLen;
	u32 unk1; //3 on some, 0 on others, could be flags or an enum to determine if encrypted or not?
	u8 unk2[0xC];
} entry_t;

Each individual entry data seems to be encrypted. That's all ~Jakes625

Image of Header + Entries:

Image of Encrypted Entry Data: File:Example.jpg|Caption1 File:Example.jpg|Caption2 </gallery>