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Introduction[edit | edit source]

Datecodes are found on the sticker behind the battery on the PSP. They can be useful in determining information about the unit without taking it apart or running 3rd party software. For example if you are planning to get a specific motherboard and buy online where the seller provides no hardware info and you have to defer from a couple pictures.

In some cases the datecode is enough to know the exact motherboard/shipped firmware. If not additional information which can usually be found on the battery sticker--such as serial/part numbers and FCCID is enough. Other times it is impossible to tell without a program or taking it apart. It all depends on what region/model it is.

The datecode consists of one number followed by one letter: the number is the last digit the year it was manufactured and the letter is the quarter of the year. For example 5A would mean first quarter of 2005, 9D would mean fourth quarter of 2009, 0A would mean first quarter of 2010, 3D would mean fourth quarter of 2013.

- A = January/February/March

- B = April/May/June

- C = July/August/September

- D = October/November/December

Not all regions have datecodes - In Japan doesn't have them for any model, except in Europe and in Korea. In North America, only has them on Fat models up to 7C on "FUxxxxxxx" variants (except HUxxxxxxx). Also this information seems to be present on the bottom sticker of the E100x Street model. On the PSP Go it is on the back of the screen.

Serials[edit | edit source]

Serial numbers consist of two letters followed by 7 numbers: the first letter is the first letter of the place of manufacture (S=SKZ KISARAZU, F=FOXCONN, etc) and the next letter is the region it was manufactured for (J=Japan, U=US/Canada, etc). The 7 numbers are the actual serial number of the unit. It appears to be incremental with most models having a specific range, however some exceptions do apply. Most limited edition units (Star Wars, God of War, Madden 09, etc) have a specific range that deviates from the standard Piano Black units. For example PSP-2001 Star Wars are always HU7xxxxxx.

Additional Info[edit | edit source]

The top corner of the battery sticker just says "PSP" for TA-079v5 and earlier units in some regions (e.g. Japan/North America). From TA-079v4 onwards this was changed to "PSP(TM) PlayStation(R) Portable" in some regions (e.g. United Kingdom/Europe, but also in Japan/North America from TA-081v1 onwards). This is consistent with everything else in the product line being changed. Such as the gameboot logo and help screen in firmware 2.00, IDStorage USB, and instruction manuals.

Boxcode Letter[edit | edit source]

The letter on the side of the PSP box (usually under model number) can determine what firmware the PSP shipped with. Some known dates are below.

  • PSP-1000 Fat
    Letter Firmware
    (None) 1.00 (Japan)
    (None) 1.50 (US)
    A 1.50
    B 1.51
    C 1.52
    D 1.52 (?-Unconfirmed)
    E 1.52 (?-Unconfirmed)
    F 2.00
    G 2.01
    H 2.50
    I 2.60
    J 2.70
    K 2.71
    L 2.81
    M 3.01
    N 3.03
    O 3.10
    P 3.11
    Q 3.30
    R 3.40
    S 3.50
    T 3.51
    U 3.52
  • PSP-2000 Slim
    Letter Firmware
    (None) 3.60
    A 3.70
    B 3.71
    C 3.72
    D 3.73
    E 3.80
    F 3.90
    G 3.95 / 4.01
    H 3.95 / 4.01
    I 4.01
    J 4.05
  • PSP-3000 Brite
    Letter Firmware
    (None) 4.20
    A 4.20/4.21
    B (?-Unconfirmed)
    C 5.02
    D (?-Unconfirmed)
    E (?-Unconfirmed)

Datecode Table[edit | edit source]

Motherboard Model Part Number(s) PSP Model Generation Factory Firmware Datecodes Manufactured by Notes
TA-079v1 Fat 1000 01g - 1.00 (11-25-2004)
- 1.00 (12-01-2004)
(None) SKZ KISARAZU JAPAN - Japanese release
TA-079v2 Fat 1000 01g 1.00 (12-01-2004) (None) SKZ KISARAZU JAPAN - Japanese release
TA-079v3 Fat 1000 01g 1.50 5A SKZ KISARAZU JAPAN - North American release
TA-079v4 Fat 1000 01g 1.50/1.51/1.52 5B SKZ KISARAZU JAPAN - UK release
TA-079v5 Fat 1000 01g 1.52 5C SKZ KISARAZU JAPAN - European (PAL) release
Fat 1000 01g - 2.00/2.01/2.50/2.60 (early)
- 3.40 (late)
- 5C/5D/6A/6B (early)
- 6C/6D/7B (late)
- PSP-1001 (USA, without B on sticker)
TA-082 Fat 1000 01g 2.50/2.60/2.70/2.71 5D/6A/6B/6C FOXCONN LH SHEN ZHEN CHINA - PSP-1001B (USA) (early)
- PSP-1001B2 (USA) (late)
TA-086 Fat 1000 01g - 2.71 (early)
- 2.81-3.52 (late)
- 6B/6C (early)
- 6C/6D/7A/7B/7C (late)
- PSP-1001B2 (USA)
TA-085v1 Slim 2000 02g 3.60/3.70/3.71/3.80 7C/7D HONGFUTAI YAN TAI CHINA Pandora flashable version
TA-085v2 Slim 2000 02g 3.72/3.73/3.80 7D/8A HONGFUTAI YAN TAI CHINA Non-JigKick-flashable-battery version
TA-088v1 Slim 2000 02g 3.71/3.90/3.95 - 8A
- 8B (?)
Non-JigKick-flashable-battery version
TA-088v2 Slim 2000 02g 3.95 8B HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA Non-JigKick-flashable-battery version
TA-088v3 Slim 2000 02g 4.01/4.05 8C HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA Non-cIPL-hackable version
TA-090v1 0-FV2-001-P1 Slim 2000 02g N/A N/A HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA - Found in refurbished units only, scrapped revision
- Non-JigKick-flashable-battery version
TA-090v2 Brite 3000 03g - 4.20/4.21/5.03
- 5.02 (?)
- 8C/9A
- 8D/9B (?)
HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA Non-cIPL-hackable version
TA-090v3 Brite 3000 03g - 4.20/4.21/5.03
- 5.02/5.50 (?)
- 8D
- 9A/9B (?)
HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA Non-cIPL-hackable version
TA-091 Go N1000 05g - 5.70
- 6.10-6.31 (?)
9C-0C (?) HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA - Non-Jigkick version
- Does not contain 6.00 firmware according to PSAR-Dumper
- No UMD drive
TA-092 Brite 3000 03g 5.03-5.51 (?) 9B/9C HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA Non-cIPL-hackable version
TA-093v1 Brite 3000 04g 5.70-6.20 9D/0A HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA Non-Jigkick version
TA-093v2 Brite 3000 04g 6.20/6.30 0B/0C HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA Non-Jigkick version
TA-094v1 0-ST2-001-A2 Go N1000 06g 6.00 (None) HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA - Non-Jigkick version
- No UMD drive
- Scrapped revision of the PSPgo
TA-094v2 0-ST2-001-U4 Go N1000 06g 6.20 (None) HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA - Non-Jigkick version
- No UMD drive
- Scrapped revision of the PSPgo
TA-095v1 Brite 3000 09g 6.30/6.31 (?) 0C/0D (?) HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA Non-Jigkick version
TA-095v2 Brite 3000 09g 6.35-6.60 1A-1D HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA Non-Jigkick version
TA-095v3 Brite 3000 07g 6.35 0C/0D (?) HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA Non-Jigkick version
TA-095v4 Brite 3000 07g 6.35-6.60 1A-1D HONGFUJIN YANTAI CHINA Non-Jigkick version
TA-096 Street E1000 11g 6.50/6.60 1C-2B (?) MAINTEK SUZHOU CHINA - Non-Jigkick version
- Non-wireless version
TA-097 Street E1000 11g 6.60 2C-3D (?) MAINTEK SUZHOU CHINA - Non-Jigkick version
- Non-wireless version