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GEM errors

Name Errorcode Remarks
CELL_GEM_ERROR_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILED 0x80121801 libgem initialization failed to allocate the required resources.
CELL_GEM_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED 0x80121802 libgem initialization failed as the library is already initialized.
CELL_GEM_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED 0x80121803 Call failed because libgem is not initialized.
CELL_GEM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x80121804 Call failed because one or more parameters passed was not valid.
CELL_GEM_ERROR_INVALID_ALIGNMENT 0x80121805 Call failed because the video buffer could not be read.
CELL_GEM_ERROR_UPDATE_NOT_FINISHED 0x80121806 cellGemUpdateStart() call failed because it was called before cellGemUpdateFinish() completed.
CELL_GEM_ERROR_UPDATE_NOT_STARTED 0x80121807 cellGemUpdateFinish() call failed because it was called before cellGemUpdateStart().
CELL_GEM_ERROR_CONVERT_NOT_FINISHED 0x80121808 cellGemConvertVideoStart() call failed because it was called before cellGemConvertVideoFinish().
CELL_GEM_ERROR_CONVERT_NOT_STARTED 0x80121809 cellGemConvertVideoFinish() call failed because it was called before cellGemConvertVideoStart().
CELL_GEM_ERROR_WRITE_NOT_FINISHED 0x8012180A cellGemWriteExternalPort() call failed because it was called before previous cellGemWriteExternalPort() completed.
CELL_GEM_ERROR_NOT_A_HUE 0x8012180B Returned by cellGemGetTrackerHue() if the controller is not currently being tracked.