Talk:CXML Containers

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CXML decompiler

Experimental tool coded by flatz for documenting purposes, three versions of the tool was released publically in a IRC channel the same day (first and second versions had bugs that was identifyed and fixed)

The tool can extract the files contained inside a CXML container (CXML, QRCF, P3TF, RAFO, etc...), and generates an .xml that represents the original CXML structure

  • Usage:
Type This
'''C:\Portables\cxml decompiler v3 alpha>decompiler.exe coldboot.rafo coldboot.xml'''
  • Changelog
v1 alpha - Basic .cxml support
v2 alpha - Fixed a bug related with RAFO header (coldboot.raf support added)
v3 alpha - Fixed offset/length displacements in the function that locates float values (xml tag attributes related with x,y,z axis in 3D space now looks correct)
Code Sample