Talk:Trophy files

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Revision as of 02:05, 23 June 2014 by Sandungas (talk | contribs) (→‎TROPSYS.DAT structure (decrypted))
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Red Squirrel TRP Extractor v1[edit source]

D/L mirror: TRPEX-Linux-MacOSX-source.rar (18.08 KB)

readme[edit source]

From the attached README:

What's it?
It's a simple tool to extract files and info from a PS3 TROPHY.TRP file (you can find it in any PS3 games with trophies support, browsing in the /PS3_GAME/TROPDIR/NPXXXXXXX_XX/ directory.). The TROPHY.TRP file contains all PNGs thumbnails of the trophies and the SFMs (XML coded files with all info about trophies, such as code, name, category and description) in every supported language.

Simply open a terminal and type: "./trpex /path/your/TROPHY.TRP /output/folder" It works in any Unix machine. If you get a "permission denied" error then give trpex file the execution rights using "chmod +x trpex".

In the release there is only a Unix version of the tool. However I inserted the source code in the release package. So you can compile it for Windows and MAC OS if you need. Source Code is under GPLv3 license.

To my girlfriend for her patience.

images[edit source]

Firmware changes[edit source]

PS3 firmware 4.30 supports displaying PSVita trophies and identifyes them assigning the icon PSvita icon... is very probable there is also support for PS4 trophies with the icon PS4 icon

Is probable the tropy data from "other sony consoles" is copyed to PS3 internall HDD when syncing with PSN servers ONLY in "one way direction" (from PSN servers ---> to all consoles of the user). In other words... the only trophy data accepted by the servers is the one that was generated in this same console (for security reasons)

  • Is unknown how the support for this fileformats is implemented in PS3, actually they had 2 choices:
    • Duplicate the trophy data for every console... and store it in PS3 in PS3 format (in separated folders)
    • Add some flag or identifyer in the standard PS3 fileformats to make appear in XMB the icon that identifyes the trophy installation compatible with "other sony consoles"
  • Note both images was used by sony to promote the 2 different trophies implementation, are separated by 4 years, contains the same games, with the same percentage of unlocked trophies (so initially one can think are a bit photoshopped). But in the newer one the wave is different, there are small icons identifying each trophy, and the trophies has been moved to the PlayStation Network
  • This probably means the apps that appears in the screenshot ("travel the solar system", "pluto attacks", and maybe the others) are internall apps used to betatest trophies (candidates to a rare TITLE_ID)

TROPSYS.DAT structure (decrypted)[edit source]

Can be decrypted with pfdtool.exe by using the command:

Type This
Usage : pfdtool -d <save game folder> <file>
C:\PFDtool 0.2.3>pfdtool.exe -d c:\_TROPSYS_ TROPSYS.DAT

Offset Size Example Notes
0x00 0x04 818F54AD Magic ?, timestamp ?
0X04 0x98 lot of unknowns seems to be chunks of 0x4 bytes
0x9C 0x04 0x03F Number of entries ?
0xA0 0x04 00000000 unknown, usually zeroes
0xA4 0x04 00000180 entry table offset ?
0xA8 0xD8 lot of unknowns seems to be chunks of 0x4 bytes
0x180 up to the end of the file entry table entries starts, 0x60 bytes each entry (see table below)

Entry size is 0x60

Offset Size Example Notes
0x00 0x04 00000100 unknown, usually 100
0x04 0x04 00000050 unknown, usually 50
0x08 0x04 00000001 entry number (first entry is 00, second is 01, etc...)
0x0C 0x04 00000000 unknown, usually zeroes
0x10 0x10 NPWR00651_00 Trophy ID / Trophy installation folder
0x20 0x04 02000000 02000000 = there is a hash/key in next area. 00000000 = no hash/key in the next area
0x24 0x0C zeroes unknown
0x30 0x10 hash/key only present in some entries (the ones with a 02000000 before)
0x40 0x10 zeroes unknown
0x50 0x10 zeroes unknown