Template:Standard attributes for RCOXML objects

From PS3 Developer wiki
Revision as of 14:35, 10 December 2015 by Sandungas (talk | contribs) (decided... i dont like the word "grid" anymore, at some time i will change it by "override" in all the other attributes i used it... this is assuming the purpose of all the values inside the XMB Layouts is to override others)
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standard object attributes
Attribute How it works
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
stdPositionX float Yes Yes Object X,Y,Z position, in pixels
stdPositionY float Yes Yes
stdPositionZ float Yes Yes
stdScaleColourR float Yes Yes Object Red,Green,Blue,Alpha channels override, scale 0-1
stdScaleColourG float Yes Yes
stdScaleColourB float Yes Yes
stdScaleColourA float Yes Yes
stdSizeX float Yes Yes Object X,Y,Z size, in pixels
stdSizeY float Yes Yes
stdSizeZ float Yes Yes
stdScaleSizeX float Yes Yes Object X,Y,Z size override, scale 0-1
stdScaleSizeY float Yes Yes
stdScaleSizeZ float Yes Yes
stdAnchorPointMode int Yes Yes Object "handle point", by default located in the center of the object
stdOnInit event Yes Yes Triggers an event when the object is loaded, see RCOXML Structure
stdOverridePositionX unk No Yes Overrides stdPositionX, stdPositionY, stdPositionZ with values from XMB Layouts
stdOverridePositionY unk No Yes
stdOverridePositionZ unk No Yes
stdOverrideSizeX unk No Yes Overrides stdSizeX, stdSizeY, stdSizeZ with values from XMB Layouts
stdOverrideSizeY unk No Yes
stdOverrideSizeZ unk No Yes
  • The anchor point affects the position of the object and all transformations (resize, rotate, etc...), there are only 9 posible values:
0x11 0x10 0x12
0x01 0x00 0x02
0x21 0x20 0x22