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            a@@@@a                    Unicorns gathered one day
        a@@@@@@@@@@@@a       heard man talk about pwn ps3 in a smartly way
      a@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a              But little did they know
    a@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a         that already without much show
    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@     the dump was down at their cloaved hooves
     `@@@@@@`\\//'@@@@@@'              That all simple proves
          ,,/ || \,,                  Never try to hide things
         /(-\ || /.)m             from eliptic curve horned beings
    ,---' /`-'||`-'\ `----,           as they shit crypto poo
   /( )__))   ||   ((,==( )\        its just in their nature to do
_ /_//___\\ __|| ___\\ __\\ ___
    ``    `` /BL\   ''   ''              award of excellence