User talk:Derf

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Wiki manteinance feedback


After some experiments i can confirm the syntaxhighlight extension is working, the reason why it was confusing me latelly is because time ago (when everything was working fine) we was using a different color selection for the xml language highlights
Long story short... we was trying to use the same default xml colors than notepad++ that looks a bit like this color sample and are a lot more friendly, but it was not exactly the same colors (was simplifyed for wiki)
As far i remember it was euss who did after a talk we had, but he never told me what he did, and now i think he customized some colors, today i been reading a bit the documentation and it seems there is a file named Genshi.css where the colors can be configured, i dont have access to that file but im guessing the changes was made in it, but im wondering it was lost years ago in one of the defyboy attempts to fix syntaxhighlight, if you have some old backup please take a look if there is some file with that color settings
For curiosity sake... at some point i was doing a tricky combination of templates "broken" in pieces where i was using real systaxhighlight tags with fake ones (forcing the color highlighting manually with <span style>) to match with the custom colors from the real syntaxhighllight. IE: in this section (click in edit to see how is composed and which xml code is real or fake highlight) that is loading chunks of the table from this template

  • Basically... i was doing this color selection (elements in blue color:#000077, and the value of elements in red color:#ff3333):
    • <span style="font-family:Courier New;">'''<Entry''' <span style="color:#000077;">positionX</span><span style="color:#ff3333;">="100"</span> '''/>'''</span>
  • To display it like this:
    • <Entry positionX="100" />

Right now i dont remember how i "chery picked" that colors, all i remember is i dedicated some time to match with what the sysntaxhighlight was doing (and all the other details about bold and font family was important because syntaxhighlight is doing it too), but as you can see the current color selection looks very different:

  • <Entry positionX="100" /> <--- Current
  • <Entry positionX="100" /> <--- Colored manually by me to match with the "old style"

So far thats the explanation of why i was not sure latelly if syntaxhighlight was working, and a rough resume of how it was customizzed, now if you want to know my oppinion about what to do with this there are some things to consider. The custom xml colors used by euss really looks way better than the defaults (this was an improvement). And some of the pages i made have a dependancy with that color selection (i know, this was a bad idea but at that time i was experimenting a bit with wiki, as usual). I would like to restore that custom colors but if there is some room for improvements im fully into it. As far i understand euss customized only 2 xml colors, but in notepadd++ are at least 3 and are asigned in a different way than what euss did, the idealistic color selection to match 100% with notepad++ would be something like this (with 3 custom colors):

  • <Tag element="value" />

If you find how to configure it to match this notepad++ color selection please do it because is better than what euss did --Sandungas (talk) 11:41, 22 April 2023 (CEST)

  • I don't have any experience with the extension, but I vaguely recall seeing an option to choose what color scheme you want to be default (like a preset palette) or an option to choose it via a parameter on the element via page editor. I'll look into it more when I get a chance - probably next weekend. Derf (talk) 23:59, 22 April 2023 (CEST)