
From PS4 Developer wiki
Revision as of 21:31, 7 October 2017 by Hydrogen (talk | contribs) (Added in the NP-34926-4 Values that were missing. 98% Complete.)
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Name Errorcode Returncode Remarks
SCE_NP_ERROR_NOT_SIGNED_UP NP-31734-8 0x8055000A Called in the not signed-up state
SCE_NP_ERROR_AGE_RESTRICTION NP-31735-9 0x8055000B Applicable to age restriction
SCE_NP_ERROR_LOGOUT NP-31736-0 0x8055000C Called in the log out state
SCE_NP_ERROR_LATEST_SYSTEM_SOFTWARE_EXIST NP-31737-1 0x8055000D A new version system software update file exists
SCE_NP_ERROR_LATEST_SYSTEM_SOFTWARE_EXIST_FOR_TITLE NP-31738-2 0x8055000E A new version system software update file exists
SCE_NP_ERROR_LATEST_PATCH_PKG_EXIST NP-31739-3 0x8055000F A new version update file exists
SCE_NP_ERROR_LATEST_PATCH_PKG_DOWNLOADED NP-31740-5 0x80550010 A new version downloaded update file exists
SCE_NP_AUTH_ERROR_CONSOLE_ID_SUSPENDED NP-31765-2 0x80550427 Use of the client console is temporarily suspended - (Console ID suspended)
SCE_NP_AUTH_ERROR_ACCOUNT_CLOSED NP-31766-3 0x80550430 Account closed
SCE_NP_AUTH_ERROR_ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED NP-31767-4 0x80550431 Account suspended
SCE_NP_MATCHING2_ERROR_TIMEDOUT NP-31952-0 0x80550C36 Could not connect to the network // Retry the Internet connection test and make sure all of your network settings are correct. It's also possible that the PSN may be be undergoing maintenance. You can check the status of the PSN here.
NP-32091-5 Trophy data is corrupted. // Step 1: Back up the save data using USB device or PS+ online storage, and then go to [Settings] > [Initialization] > [Initialize PS4] and try the PS4 initialization. Step 2: Transfer the saved data back to PS4 and retry the Trophy sync.
SCE_NP_WEBAPI_ERROR_NOT_SIGNED_IN NP-32222-1 0x80552907 Called API which requires user to be signed in when not be signed in. You can check the status of the PSN here.
SCE_NP_AUTH_SERVER_ERROR_OBSOLETE_11 NP-32244-5 0x80552A11 Account suspended - obsolete error code
SCE_NP_AUTH_SERVER_ERROR_OBSOLETE_12 NP-32245-6 0x80552A18 Console suspended - obsolete error code
SCE_NP_AUTH_SERVER_ERROR_OBSOLETE_18 NP-32251-3 0x80552A18 Account closed - obsolete error code
NP-34846-5 Trophy error // Step 1: Close the application and restart the system. Step 2: If the error occurs again, back up your saved data, and then go to [Settings] > [Initialization] and choose [Initialize PS4].
SCE_NP_COMMUNITY_SERVER_ERROR_SAVEDATA_UPDATED NP-34926-4 0x8055088A Since the save data of the same title was uploaded to PS plus's cloud save from two or more hardware, the latter became an error by the conflict. // You will see a message that says Saved data with the same name was uploaded from another PS4. Do you want to overwrite this saved data? Choose [Yes] to overwrite the data and upload your saved data.
NP-35000-8 PSN is undergoing maintenance // PSN is undergoing maintenance. Please try again later. You can check the status of the PSN here.