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Spock is the PSP hardware cryptography engine responsible for the raw sector level decryption of UMD’s. Named after Captain Spock of Star Trek.

Executing commands

You can more or less access Spock through Lepton's ram (there is some hidden test mode on Lepton allowing you to do this). Mathieulh will tell more on this later if he ever get the time to clean up those sources.


SPOCK Operations:
0x01: Init1
0x02: Init2
0x03: Step1
0x04: Step2
0x05: Step3
0x08: Decrypt UMD master key
0x09: Decrypt IDStorage UMD leaves
0x0A: Decrypt UMD Disc Sector
0x0B: Reset SPOCK

Command 1 (Init 1)

Command 2 (Init 2)

Command 3 (Step 1)

Command 4

Command 5

Command 6

Command 7

Command 8 (decrypt UMD master key)

Command 9 (decrypt IDStorage UMD leaves)

Spock command 9 key is used to decrypt UMD leaves stored in IDStorage. Those leaves are then used in Spock command 8 to decrypt the UMD master key (per disc key). Then this key is used in Spock command 10 to decrypt the UMD raw sectors. Each different PSP region seems to have its own set of UMD keys.

u8 spock_cmd9_key[16] = {	0x9F, 0x46, 0xF9, 0xFC, 0xFA, 0xB2, 0xAD, 0x05,
				0x69, 0xF6, 0x88, 0xD8, 0x79, 0x4B, 0x92, 0xBA};

more info on Spock by mathieulh

Command 10 (Decrypt UMD raw sectors)

Command 11

Command 12