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Obama Unapologetic About Drone Massacre Of Yemen Wedding Party

US Continues Extra-Judicial Drone AssassinationsIn Spite Of Innocents Being Murdered When will the Obama Administration learn that the highly misguided and illegal use of drones will always come back to haunt them? No matter how many times they try to justify the unlawful use of deadly force by drones, innocent people are always caught in the middle. The death ...
[Obama Unapologetic About Drone Massacre Of Yemen Wedding Party]

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The Welfare States of America: Government food aid recipients now outnumber full-time private sector workers

Ethan A. Huff Natural News July 19, 2013 For the first time in history, the number of people in the United States receiving assistance from the federal government to pay for food has exceeded the number of full-time, private sector workers, according to new data released by the U.S.Department of Agriculture(USDA). Based on the latest available figures, the overall number...
[The Welfare States of America: Government food aid recipients now outnumber full-time private sector workers ]

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Lawmakers press DOJ for Aaron Swartz files

Julian Hattem The Hill January 11, 2014 A bipartisan group of lawmakers is demanding answers from Attorney General Eric Holder about the Justice Departments treatment of the late Internet activist Aaron Swartz. Eight lawmakers from both chambers wrote to Holder on Friday ahead of the anniversary of the programmers death and charged that the department has not been ...
[Lawmakers press DOJ for Aaron Swartz files ]

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A Rogue State and Failed Social Visions

Michael S. Rozeff September 14, 2013 In mid-June of this year, Obama authorized sendingweapons to Syrian rebels. Thoseweapons are now arriving. Obamas authorization is worthless because he doesnt have any legal authority to take the U.S. into this war. Hes actually violating both the Constitution and the UN Charter, signed by the U.S. ...
[A Rogue State and Failed Social Visions ]

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Gun Freedom Documentary Blasts Into Infowars Paul Revere Film Festival Finals

In a display of how many tens of thousands can be informed via a 30 minute informational blast of reality, my film Disarmed: A History of Gun Controlis now among the many great works of video magnificence within the Infowars Paul Revere Film Festival a liberty minded film juggernaut campaign that has amassed countless millions of views worldwide. Risen by ...
[Gun Freedom Documentary Blasts Into Infowars Paul Revere Film Festival Finals]

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