Hidden Modes

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Graphic Test Mode

[Available only on FW 1.500.000?]

It will show some dolphins and a seashell. in this mode you can test the spotlight performance on the PS Vita.

To enable this mode: Turn off the device and then hold POWER + R + PS button (this has been translated from Japanese, by using Google translate, so it can be wrong)

To disable this mode: ??

Name Function Commands Description
Direction [on / off] Enable/Disable the three upper bulbs
Point [on / off] Enable/Disable the single bulb near the seashell
Spot [on / off] Enable/Disable the reflector
- [Spline Model / Polygon Model] Switch the Model type
HCNT [420 / 132] This value will change when you will switch the Model type
Button You need to Hold it? What Does Description
O no Change Values
/\ no Change Function
L yes Zoom- it will zoom out on the seashell's pearl
R yes Zoom+ it will zoom in on the seashell's pearl
Select yes UNKNOWN Three text appears: the main two are OK NG (you can choose one of these with the arrows) and the third one a memory address (0x00000000) probably from the HCNT.
Arrows no These will works only in the Select menu.

?? Mode