VSH is the internal name used by Sony for the VShell aka VirtualShell. It then loads up the XMB you know.XrossMediaBar (XMB). This, is a user space executable (vsh.self), loaded by lv2_kernel/sys_init_osd.
from here several other functions/syscalls to other modules are made, e.g. lv2 (SELF decryption), lv1 (Secure_RTC, Storage_Manager, Gelic_Device, BD_Drive) etc.
not much is documented (yet) about this module. Please fill in where possible.
possible arguments to pass when executing vsh.self:
- --mode=gametool
- --mode=gametool2
- --arcade=true
Function | 3.55 | 3.41 | 3.15 | Notes |
- | - | - | - | - |
sub_308EE4 | check_Is_Act_Dat_for_This_Acc_ID |
Export Library | Export NID | Notes | Usage |
sys_io | - | - | - |
sys_fs | - | - | - |
sys_fs_ps2disc | 0x8160A811 | switches /dev_ps2disc(1) mount? | |
vsh | 0xF48562D | cellSsAimIsCEX | |
vsh | 0x145991B4 | cellSsAimIsArcade | |
vsh | 0x172B05CD | update_mgr_write_eprom syscall | |
vsh | 0x1B890AD2 | update_mgr_get_token_seed syscall | |
vsh | 0x1F80E287 | cellSsAimIsTool | |
vsh | 0x2C563C92 | update_mgr_read_eprom syscall | |
vsh | 0x3231E012 | vtrm_Decrypt_Master syscall | |
vsh | 0x349F1535 | update_mgr_set_token syscall | |
vsh | 0x3B4A1AC4 | AIM GetDeviceId syscall | |
vsh | 0x3F062337 | AIM GetPsCode syscall | |
vsh | 0xE44F29F4 | cellFsUtilMount syscall | |
vsh | 0xE932A8C0 | reboot and show minimum version | int vsh_E932A8C0("text whatever you like") |
vsh | 0xFF4A1633 | cellFsUtilMount syscall | |
vsh | 0x7D73E7CD | inflate_init | |
vsh | 0x4DB8DD87 | inflate_end | |
vsh | 0x20215547 | inflate_buffer | |
vsh | 0x1C68CC75 | inflate | |
sdk | 0x5FAFE92B | cellCryptoPuSha1Hash | |
sdk | 0xB45387CD | AesCbcCfb128Decrypt | |
sdk | 0x55ACAB8A | sha1_init | |
sdk | 0x831E89EE | sha1_update | |
sdk | 0x3CABD075 | sha1_final | |
sdk | 0x4484A101 | sha1_hmac_update | |
sdk | 0x547B602C | sha1_hmac_init | |
sdk | 0x300B99F2 | sha1_hmac_final | |
sdk | 0x74A2A1FE | sha1_hmac_buffer | |
sdk | 0x68B630D5 | aes_omac_mode1 | |
paf | 0x23AFB290 | plugin->GetInterface | plugin_interface plugin->GetInterface(uint32_t return from paf_F21655F3), gets Interface |
paf | 0xF21655F3 | paf::View::Find | uint32_t paf::View::Find("system_plugin") , or any other _plugin |
vshcommon | - | - | |
x3 | 0x11409ED3 | xRegistryGetDefaultInstance | int xRegistryGetDefaultInstance (1, &handle) |
x3 | 0xCB1D791D | Obtains SS Key | |
x3 | 0xECACA8AD | xRegistry SetValue | Example: int SetValue(handle, "/setting/categoryVersion", 0,0,0) |
vshnet | - | - | |
vshmain | 0x981D7E9F | Gets ScreenShot Flag | int vshmain_981D7E9F() |
vshtask | 0xA02D46E7 | Displays a notification in XMB | int vshtask_A02D46E7(0 /*ignored*/, "your text" ) |
To help documenting offsets+exports, you can use this dumper tool for vsh (actually,no need to dump anymore).
Display Buffers
VSH uses 2 of 8 available display buffers. Information about them can be aquired by vsh plugins using this code snippet: [[1]]
In FW 4.46 DEX the buffer info looks like this (for 1920x1080):
GCMBUFINFO 0 offset: 0xdc80000 pitch: 0x2000 width: 0x780 height: 0x438 GCMBUFINFO 1 offset: 0xe500000 pitch: 0x2000 width: 0x780 height: 0x438