Talk:PSP Emulator Compatibility List

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Custom PSPemu Configuration Files

Configuration files created by users to improve PSP emulator compatibility on PS4.

God Of War - Ghost Of Sparta




local axObj = getAXObject()
local emuObj = getEmuObject()

local patcher = function()



God of War: Chains of Olympus



Dante's Inferno




-- Dantes Inferno

apiRequest(1.0)  -- request version 1.0 API. Calling apiRequest() is mandatory.

local emuObj  = getEmuObject() -- emulator
local axObj  = getAXObject() -- allegrex

local patcher = function()

--30 FPS
local code_check1 = axObj.ReadMem16(0x001C239C)

local code_check2 = axObj.ReadMem16(0x103E4B40)

if code_check1 == 0x0064 and  code_check2 == 0x001E then

axObj.WriteMem32(0x20022EE4,0x3D088889) --1/30 = 0.03333




Tekken 6



# Emu used = Syphon Filter Dark Mirror

Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny


--present=setframebuf #,setframebuf,drawsync
--texclutmode=filter  #,full
--texloadmode=launch  #ondemand_lz4
--texrecent=true  #async, lastused

# Emu used = Syphon Filter Dark Mirror

Miami Vice: The Game



Wild Arms XF



--antialias="off" #ssaa4x off msaa4x
--texcachemode=rondo #drawbounds,drawboundsloco,patchworkheroes,locoroco2,rondo

Burnout Dominator




-- Burnout Dominator
-- lua by Stayhye

apiRequest(1.0)  -- request version 1.0 API. Calling apiRequest() is mandatory.

local emuObj  = getEmuObject() -- emulator
local axObj  = getAXObject() -- allegrex

local patcher = function()
--30 FPS V.2 [Default]
local code_check1 = axObj.ReadMem16(0x02574C)
if code_check1 == 0x0000 then
--60 FPS V.2
local code_check2 = axObj.ReadMem16(0x02574C)
if code_check2 == 0x001A then
axObj.WriteMem32(0x2002574C, 0x00000000)
axObj.WriteMem32(0x201A0358, 0x00000000)
axObj.WriteMem32(0x204F08BC, 0x3C888888)
axObj.WriteMem32(0x2019AE90, 0x3C043F00)



Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2


# Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 (all regions)









#  Emu used = Syphon Filter Dark Mirror

Call of Duty: Roads to Victory


# Call of Duty: Roads to Victory (all regions)








#  Emu used = Syphon Filter Dark Mirror

SpongeBob's Truth or Square


# SpongeBob's Truth or Square (all regions)






# following settings are machine-generated


# Emu used = Syphon Filter Dark Mirror

Harvest Moon Hero of Leaf Valley


# Harvest Moon Hero of Leaf Valley (all regions)






# following settings are machine-generated


# Emu used = Syphon Filter Dark Mirror

Incomplete configurations

This is a list of configurations that were unsuccessful or were never completed, or information that might help people in the future.
A place for research and sharing useful info.

Crash Tag Team Racing


Reaches 0x8A7292C 	jal	zz_sceKernelLoadModule
Similarly to YU-GI-OH! 5D's Tag Force 4, and then crashes after 2 instructions.

YU-GI-OH! 5D's Tag Force 4


local axObj = getAXObject()
local emuObj = getEmuObject()

local patcher = function()



Official PSPemu Configuration Files

Configuration files extracted from official packages to improve PSP emulator compatibility on PS4

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror


# SyphonFilterDarkMirror (all regions)





# following settings are machine-generated



-- Lua 5.3
-- Title: Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror

-- Patches for fixing issues with post fx in games using the Syphon Filter/Resistance engine

apiRequest(1.0)	-- request version 1.0 API. Calling apiRequest() is mandatory.

local emuObj = getEmuObject()
local cpu = getAXObject() 

-- The bloom filter uses 1.5 pixel jitter to make a ghetto blur. When up-ressed, this doesn't look good.
-- To compensate, reduce the jitter amount before rendering.
function BloomJitterPlusAdjust()
	-- 1.5 pixel "+" pattern
	emuObj.AdjustUVJitter(0, 4, 0.0, 1.5)
	emuObj.AdjustUVJitter(4, 4, 0.0, -1.5)
	emuObj.AdjustUVJitter(8, 4, 1.5, 0.0)
	emuObj.AdjustUVJitter(12, 4, -1.5, 0.0)

function BloomJitterCrossAdjust()
	-- 1.5 pixel "x" pattern
	emuObj.AdjustUVJitter(0, 4, 1.5, 1.5)
	emuObj.AdjustUVJitter(4, 4, -1.5, 1.5)
	emuObj.AdjustUVJitter(8, 4, 1.5, -1.5)
	emuObj.AdjustUVJitter(12, 4, -1.5, -1.5)

local jitterFixPlus = emuObj.AddGPUHook(0x40dc000, 0, 16, 0x40d4000, BloomJitterPlusAdjust)
local jitterFixCross = emuObj.AddGPUHook(0x40d4000, 0, 16, 0x40dc000, BloomJitterCrossAdjust)

function depthquery()
	local querystruct = 0x8eda968		-- this is always in a fixed location
	-- the depth query struct is fixed to 24 entries
	-- 0..15 seem to be always used for lights, 16..23 are for npcs
	for i=0,23 do
		local querytype = cpu.ReadMem32(querystruct+0)
		local valid = cpu.ReadMem32(querystruct+1*4)
		if valid ~= 0xffffffff then
			--local queryx = cpu.ReadMem32(querystruct+2*4)
			--local queryy = cpu.ReadMem32(querystruct+3*4)
			--local querydepth = cpu.ReadMem32(querystruct+4*4)
			--local querywidth = cpu.ReadMem32(querystruct+5*4)
			--local queryheight = cpu.ReadMem32(querystruct+6*4)
			--local param1c = cpu.ReadMem32(querystruct+7*4)
			--local param20 = cpu.ReadMem32(querystruct+8*4)
			local param24 = cpu.ReadMem32(querystruct+9*4)
			--local result = cpu.ReadMemFloat(querystruct+10*4)
			if param24 <= 0 then
				cpu.WriteMem32(querystruct+1*4, 0xffffffff)		-- to be removed from the list -> mark as invalid
				if querytype == 3 then		-- n x n coverage based occlusion used by lights. Object opacity is set to (visible_samples / total_samples)
					cpu.WriteMemFloat(querystruct+10*4, 0.0)	-- always hide lights
				else						-- Enemies use a 5-point (corners + center) occlusion check. Object is visible if any of the points is visible.
					cpu.WriteMemFloat(querystruct+10*4, 1.0)	-- set always visible
		querystruct = querystruct + 0x2c

cpu.AddHook(0x8c163d4, 0x27bdff80, depthquery)			-- = addiu sp, sp, -0x80
-- the hook code replaces the occlusion function, so just adjust the stack and return
cpu.InsnReplace(0x8c163d8, 0x34040000, 0x27bd0080)		-- addiu sp, sp, 0x80
cpu.InsnReplace(0x8c163dc, 0xafa40048, 0x03e00008)		-- jr ra
cpu.InsnReplace(0x8c163e0, 0x3c0408ee, 0x00000000)		-- nop



# Echochrome (all regions)

# following settings are machine-generated




-- Lua 5.3
-- Title: Echochrome  NPUG 80135  (US)

--  WBD  5/10/2022	prevent Console Msg about Memory Stick from being displayed
--  WBD  5/22/2022  remove Send and Receive menu options

apiRequest(1.0)	-- request version 1.0 API. Calling apiRequest() is mandatory.

local gpr	= require( "ax-gpr-alias" ) -- you can access Allegrex GPR by alias (gpr.a0 / gpr["a0"])
local emuObj = getEmuObject()
local cpu = getAXObject()

local hook = 0x88468f0

function SkipMsg()
	local v1 = cpu.GetGpr(gpr.v1)
	local v0 = cpu.GetGpr(gpr.v0)
	cpu.SetGpr(gpr.a0, v1)
	cpu.SetGpr(gpr.v0, 0)
	cpu.WriteMem32(v1+4, v0)
	print "_NOTE: Skipping Memory Stick Message"
cpu.AddHook(hook, 0x00602021, SkipMsg)

function DisableSendReceive()
	cpu.WriteMem32(0x8909940, 0)		-- overwrite Send with 0
	cpu.WriteMem32(0x890991c, 0)		-- overwrite Receive with 0
cpu.AddHook(0x8846fb4, 0xae130090, DisableSendReceive)

LocoRoco Midnight Carnival


# LocorocoMidnightCarnival (all regions)

--ps5-uds=0# following settings are machine-generated


; Windows configuration file for PSPHD

; Game Image

; Use this to run the automatic font dumper.

; Uncomment these to play around with font dumping.

; Scaling factor (Windows only - 1: 480x272, 2: 960x544, 3: 1440x816, 4: 1920x1088 ... 8: 3840x2176)

; Language selection (Windows only - the PS4 version auto-selects based on the PS4 language setting)
; Switch the PSP language to one of the following:
; "en": English (default)
; "jp": Japanese
; "fr": French
; "es": Spanish
; "de": German
; "it": Italian
; "nl": Dutch
; "pt": Portuguese
; "ru": Russian
; "ko": Korean
; "chs": Chinese Simplified
; "cht": Chinese Traditional

; Redirect host0: to a another directory (uncomment to enable).
; By default it's mapped to the working directory where the executable starts

; To dump the original video in PMF format, uncomment the --dumpvideos line
; For example, with the current setting, it will save them in a "D:\Sony\PSPHD\videos" directory (make sure the directory exists)

; To dump the original audio in Atrac3 format, uncomment the --dumpaudio line
; For example, with the current setting, it will save them in a "D:\Sony\PSPHD\audio" directory (make sure the directory exists)

; To save the in-game textures as the game runs, uncomment the --texsave line
; For example, with the current setting, it will save them in a "D:\Sony\PSPHD\texdump" directory (make sure the directory exists)

; To replace specific textures as the game runs, uncomment the --texreplace line
; For example, with the current setting, it will load them from the "D:\Sony\PSPHD\texreplace" directory
; If the --scale setting is set to 4 or 8, the program will also look for replacement textures on '4x' or '8x' directories within this directory

; This forces alpha blending to on for replaced textures. (uncomment to enable)
; With this we can freely make use of a normal alpha channel on replacement textures

; This enables bilinear filtering on replaced textures. (uncomment to enable)

; Antialiasing mode. SSAA4x looks best, MSAA4x only smooths edges.
; Choices: off, SSAA4x, MSAA4x

; Allows to switch between replacement and original textures using L3 on the DS4 or the T key.

; Turns on the auto-resampler. Assumes textures in texreplace are at 8x resolution and resamples them at load

; Turns on filtering of CLUT hashes to avoid repeat indexed textures

; Enable Multiple Savegames

; Custom locoroco2 texture hasher


-- Lua 5.3
-- Title: Locoroco Midnight Carnival NPEG-00024  (EU)

--  WBD  5/25/2022	prevent RANKING option from being selected

apiRequest(1.0)	-- request version 1.0 API. Calling apiRequest() is mandatory.

local gpr	= require( "ax-gpr-alias" ) -- you can access Allegrex GPR by alias (gpr.a0 / gpr["a0"])
local emuObj = getEmuObject()
local cpu = getAXObject()

function DisableRanking()
	local a2 = cpu.GetGpr(gpr.a2)
	local a1 = cpu.GetGpr(gpr.a1)
	local check = cpu.ReadMem8(a1+0x2c)			-- make sure we're in the correct menu
	local ptr = a1+a2+0x34
	local new_indx = cpu.ReadMem8(ptr)
	if (new_indx == 2) then
		if (a2 == 2 and check == 0x2b) then		-- moving right
			cpu.WriteMem8(ptr, 3)
			print "_NOTE: NEW changed to 3"

		elseif (a2 == 3 and check == 0x3e) then		-- moving left
			cpu.WriteMem8(ptr, 1)
			print "_NOTE: NEW changed to 1"

cpu.AddHook(0x8a205c4, 0x00c58821, DisableRanking)

Patapon 2


-- Lua 5.3
-- Title:   Patapon 2 PSP - UCUS-98732 (USA)
-- Author:  Ernesto Corvi

-- Changelog:
-- v1.1: US only.  Change the word "Paraget" to "Patagate" in two strings.

apiRequest(1.0)	-- request version 1.0 API. Calling apiRequest() is mandatory.

local gpr		= require( "ax-gpr-alias" ) -- you can access Allegrex GPR by alias (gpr.a0 / gpr["a0"])
local emuObj	= getEmuObject() -- emulator
local axObj		= getAXObject() -- allegrex
local pad		= require("pad")

-- Hook memcpy to catch framebuffer effects
axFuncReplace(0x881D194, "patapon_memcpy")

-- Accelerate some functions
axFuncReplace(0x8804670, "__ptmf_scall")
axFuncReplace(0x8892230, "Renderer__makeWorldMatrix__4psysFv")
axFuncReplace(0x88209A8, "patapon_strcmp")
axFuncReplace(0x8815130, "sceGupSetStatus")
axFuncReplace(0x8851D84, "FMtx44__setRow__3PydFv")
axFuncReplace(0x88437F0, "Script__Talk__Controller__setDeltaTime__3PydFv")
axFuncReplace(0x8843B6C, "Script__Talk__Controller__setCmdId__3PydFv")
axFuncReplace(0x88441DC, "Script__Talk__Controller__getArgValuePtr__3PydFv_0")
axFuncReplace(0x89B25B0, "sceGmoCol4Multiply")
axFuncReplace(0x8910A60, "Gfx__CacheModel__getNodeMtx__6SystemFv")
axFuncReplace(0x8911440, "Gfx__StaticGmoModel__getNodeIdx__6SystemFv")
axFuncReplace(0x89114C8, "Gfx__StaticGmoModel__getNodeMtx__6SystemFv")
axFuncReplace(0x891157C, "Gfx__StaticGmoModel__getNodeMtx__6SystemFv_0")
axFuncReplace(0x881462C, "sceGuEnable", 0x8B3C050) -- param = gupbase pointer
axFuncReplace(0x8814684, "sceGuDisable", 0x8B3C050) -- param = gupbase pointer
axFuncReplace(0x89B2D84, "sceGmoFCurveEval_fastpath", 0x89B2D88) -- param = function entry if not fast path
--axFuncReplace(0x88D0788, "Game__Map__Weather__WindLocus__update__4LaboFv_loop", 0x88D0864) -- param = continue address

axFuncReplace(0x890FCBC, "convertLowerString__6SystemFv")
axFuncReplace(0x8877104, "convertLowerString__6SystemFv") -- convertLowerString__21@unnamed@BNDFile_cpp@Fv, same functionality
axFuncReplace(0x897927C, "__extendsfdf2")
axFuncReplace(0x8979AF8, "__muldf3")
axFuncReplace(0x8979A8C, "__adddf3")
axFuncReplace(0x897A750, "__truncdfsf2")
axFuncReplace(0x88CBD64, "RemapPacket", 0x8ACC394) -- param comes from RemapPacketAddr24 & RemapPacketAddr16
axFuncReplace(0x890FEA0, "patapon_strcmp") -- strcmpFast__6SystemFv ('fast' strcmp)

-- Switch Select command to "Options" button.

-- Remove "Transfer Patapon Saved Data" option from New Game option
--axInsnReplace(0x8A46660, 0x24070002, 0x24070001) -- li  a3,0x2  (change 2 menu options to 1)
emuObj.RemapSavedata("UCUS98711", "CUSA06171", "504e802b04a1838c32b616abbe0b475fbea1c823825ef0df06cc2bad129ce2f7")

-- Fix "Tree of Life" unaligned lines and shadows
axObj.AddHook(0x884600C, 0x8c850010, function() -- PSP::Gfx::PrimitiveContext::setVertex2f
	local context = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.a0)
	local cmdCount = axObj.ReadMem32(context + 0x14)
	if (cmdCount & 1) == 1 then -- we have at least 2 commands
		local cmdBuffer = axObj.ReadMem32(context + 0x10)
		local cx = axObj.GetFpr(12)
		local cy = axObj.GetFpr(13)
		local ox = axObj.ReadMemFloat(cmdBuffer-12)
		local oy = axObj.ReadMemFloat(cmdBuffer-8)
		if cx == ox then
			axObj.SetFpr(12, cx + 0.5)
			axObj.WriteMemFloat(cmdBuffer-12, ox + 0.5)
		elseif cy == oy then
			axObj.SetFpr(13, cy + 0.5)
			axObj.WriteMemFloat(cmdBuffer-8, oy + 0.5)

local langCode = "us" -- default
--local languageList = {"Japanese","English","UK","Italian","German","Spanish","French","Korean","Chinese","ns","nf","Dutch","Portuguese","gr","Belgium"}
--local gameLanguageCode = {"jp","us","uk","it","de","sp","fr","kr","cn","ns","nf","nl","pt","gr","be"}
local languageList = {"","English","","","","","","","","Spanish","French","","","",""}
local gameLanguageCode = {"","us","","","","","","","","ns","nf","","","",""}

-- US: english = 1, spanish = 9, french = 0xA (from Localize__Manager__setDefaultLangage)
-- EU: uk = 2, italian = 3, german = 4, spanish = 5, french = 6
-- JP: jp = 0
-- HP: ko = 7, ch = 8, 

local GLOBAL = 0x8B7D088 -- reawakeDeathUnit - offset 0x88A95E8 in $v1

function getGlobalAddr() -- gets Global to user data.
	-- address comes from: Labo::Bases::Camp::Controller::reawakeDeathUnit - offset 0x88A95E8 in $v1
	-- add 0x20 to address to align it with the word "none"
	local main = axObj.ReadMem32(GLOBAL)				-- fixed Global address from: 0x88A95E8 -> 0x8c9fbc0
	if main == 0xFFFFFFFF or main == 0 then
		return 0xFFFFFFFF
	local ptr = axObj.ReadMem32(main + 0x10c0)			--> sets to: 0x8d07840
	if ptr == 0xFFFFFFFF or ptr == 0 then
		return 0xFFFFFFFF

	return ptr


local H1 = function() -- Labo::Bases::Camp::Scene::updateTips
	local v0 = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.v0)
	if v0 > 0 then

local H2 = function() -- GameSystem__SaveDataController__setStateMessage
	local ptr = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.a2)
	local str = axObj.ReadMemStr16(ptr)
	local newStr = "Now loading. Do not turn off the power."
	-- english: Now loading./Do not remove the Memory Stick Duo™ /or turn off the system power.
	-- spanish: Cargando./No extraigas el Memory Stick Duo™ /ni apagues el sistema.
	-- french: Chargement./Ne pas retirer le Memory Stick Duo™ /ou éteindre le système.
	-- italian: Caricamento in corso.../Non rimuovere il Memory Stick Duo™ /e non spegnere il sistema.
	-- german: Lädt./Bitte den Memory Stick Duo™ nicht entfernen /und das System nicht ausschalten.
	-- japanese: システムデータをロード中です。/Memory Stick Duo™を抜き挿ししたり、/電源を切ったりしないでください。
	-- chinese: 系統資料載入中。/請勿插拔Memory Stick Duo™/或是關閉主機的電源。
	-- korean: 시스템 데이터를 불러오는 중입니다./Memory Stick Duo™를 빼거나/전원을 끄지 마십시오.
	if string.find(str, "Now loading") then
		newStr = "Now loading."										-- English: Now loading./Do not remove the Memory Stick Duo™ /or turn off the system power.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Checking Memory Stick") then
		newStr = "Please wait."										-- English: Checking Memory Stick Duo™.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Now saving")then
		newStr = "Now saving."										-- English: Now saving./Do not remove the Memory Stick Duo™ /or turn off the system power.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Cargando.") then
		newStr = "Cargando..."										-- Spanish: Cargando./No extraigas el Memory Stick Duo™ /ni apagues el sistema.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Guardando...")then
		newStr = "Espera..."										-- Spanish: Guardando.../No extraigas el Memory Stick Duo™ /ni apagues el sistema.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Comprobando el Memory Stick") then
		newStr = "Guardando..."										-- Spanish: Comprobando el Memory Stick Duo™.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Chargement.") then
		newStr = "Chargement."										-- French: Chargement./Ne pas retirer le Memory Stick Duo™ /ou éteindre le système.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Vérification du Memory Stick")then
		newStr = "Veuillez patienter."								-- French: Vérification du Memory Stick Duo™.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Sauvegarde.") then
		newStr = "Sauvegarde en cours."								-- French: Sauvegarde./Ne pas retirer le Memory Stick Duo™ /ou éteindre le système.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Caricamento in corso") then
		newStr = "Caricamento in corso."							-- Italian: Caricamento in corso.../Non rimuovere il Memory Stick Duo™ /e non spegnere il sistema.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Controllo del Memory Stick")then
		newStr = "Attendi."											-- Italian: Controllo del Memory Stick Duo™.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Salvataggio in corso") then
		newStr = "Salvataggio in corso."							-- Italian: Salvataggio in corso.../Non rimuovere il Memory Stick Duo™ /e non spegnere il sistema.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Lädt") then
		newStr = "Lädt."											-- German: Lädt./Bitte den Memory Stick Duo™ nicht entfernen /und das System nicht ausschalten.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Memory Stick Duo™ wird überprüft")then
		newStr = "Bitte warten."									-- German: Memory Stick Duo™ wird überprüft.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Speichert.") then
		newStr = "Speichert."										-- German: Speichert./Bitte den Memory Stick Duo™ nicht entfernen und /das System nicht ausschalten.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "システムデータをロード中です。") then
		newStr = "ロード中。"											-- Japanese: システムデータをロード中です。/Memory Stick Duo™を抜き挿ししたり、/電源を切ったりしないでください。
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Memory Stick Duo™のチェック中です。")then
		newStr = "お待ちください。"										-- Japanese: Memory Stick Duo™のチェック中です。
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "システムデータをセーブ中です。") then
		newStr = "セーブ中。"											-- Japanese: システムデータをセーブ中です。/Memory Stick Duo™を抜き挿ししたり、/電源を切ったりしないでください。
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "系統資料載入中。") then
		newStr = "載入中。"											-- Chinese: 系統資料載入中。/請勿插拔Memory Stick Duo™/或是關閉主機的電源。
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Memory Stick Duo™確認中。")then
		newStr = "請稍候。"											-- Chinese: Memory Stick Duo™確認中。
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "保存中。") then
		newStr = "存檔中。"											-- Chinese: 保存中。/請勿插拔Memory Stick Duo™/或是關閉主機的電源。
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "시스템 데이터를 불러오는 중입니다") then
		newStr = "불러오는 중입니다."										-- Korean: 시스템 데이터를 불러오는 중입니다./Memory Stick Duo™를 빼거나/전원을 끄지 마십시오.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Memory Stick Duo™ 체크 중입니다")then
		newStr = "잠시 기다려 주십시오."									-- Korean: Memory Stick Duo™ 체크 중입니다.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "시스템 데이터를 저장 중입니다") then
		newStr = "저장 중입니다."										-- Korean: 시스템 데이터를 저장 중입니다./Memory Stick Duo™를 빼거나,/전원을 끄지 마십시오.
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(ptr, newStr)

local H3 = function()	-- Localize__Manager__getLanguageName
	local v0 = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.v0)
	local langPtr = axObj.ReadMem32(v0)
	langCode = axObj.ReadMemStr(langPtr)

local bundleFileName = ""
local H4 = function() -- System::Util__BNDFile__doNameCallback
	local ptr = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.a0)
	bundleFileName = axObj.ReadMemStr(ptr)

local H5 = function() -- Labo::GameSystem__callbackFunc_MemoryObject
	local ptr = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.s5)
	local dataPtr = axObj.ReadMem32(ptr)
	if bundleFileName == "colony_data.pac" then
		axObj.WriteMem16(dataPtr + 0x79ba, 4)

-- Black Smith - Remove "KeyGuide" bug when hit anvil head while quenching --
local blackSmithRunning = false
local H6 = function() -- Sound__SubGame__Blacksmith__Command__start__4LaboFv
	blackSmithRunning = true
local H7 = function() -- Sound__BeatCommander__endSubGame__4LaboFv
	if blackSmithRunning == true then
		local a0 = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.a0)
		axObj.WriteMem8(a0 + 0x19c, 1)	-- set memory to 1 (instead of 0) otherwise brings up bad "KeyGuide"
	blackSmithRunning = false

-- TIPS System hacks --
axInsnReplace(0x8A73A44, 0x3C0342A8, 0x3C0342A4) -- change required number of Tips from 84 to 82.
local H8 = function() -- GameSystem__Tips__Viewer__setup__4LaboFv
	local global = getGlobalAddr()
	if global == 0xFFFFFFFF then

	local unitTable = axObj.ReadMem32(global + 0x1068)	--> sets to: 0x8d13580 (unit table)
	local tipsPtr = unitTable + 0x1F5E4
	local badTips = axObj.ReadMem32(tipsPtr + 8)
	badTips = badTips & 0xFFBBFFFF		-- remove tips 0x53 and 0x57 as they referred to Multiplayer
	axObj.WriteMem32(tipsPtr + 8, badTips)

-- Remove AutoSave menu from initial startup --
local H9 = function() -- GameSystem__SaveDataController__update__4LaboFv
	local s3 = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.s3)
	local flg = axObj.ReadMem32(s3 + 0x7eed)
	local val = axObj.ReadMem32(s3 + 0x7efc)
	if flg == 0 and val == 0x14 then
		axObj.WriteMem32(s3 + 0x7efc, 0x13)

-- Change game save name to "Patapon 2 Remastered" --
local H10 = function() -- Utility__SaveDataUtility__setDataParamsfoString
	local ptr = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.s1)
	local strPtr = axObj.ReadMem32(ptr)
	local newStr = "PATAPON™ 2 Remastered"
	axObj.WriteMemStrZ(strPtr, newStr)

-- Change description for the "Friendship" weapon to remove game sharing text --
local	itemsTable = {}
		itemsTable[1] = "Proof of friendship establish"			-- English
		itemsTable[2] = "Prueba de la amistad establecida"		-- Spanish
		itemsTable[3] = "Preuve de l'amitié établie"			-- French
		itemsTable[4] = "Preuve d'une amitié"					-- French alt
function changeStrings(strPtr) -- modify strings
	local str = axObj.ReadMemStr16(strPtr) -- ptr to the string
	local strFind = string.gsub(str, "/", " ")	-- change any slash to space to strings can match.
	strFind = string.gsub(strFind, "  ", " ")	-- change any double spaces due to above change to only 1 space.
	for i = 1, #itemsTable do
		local startPos, endPos = string.find(strFind, itemsTable[i])
		if startPos ~= nil then
			str = string.sub(str, 1, (startPos-1) )
			-- SPECIAL fixes --
			str = string.gsub(str, "Un oiseau avec de bons HP et /une grosse attaque.","Un oiseau qui augmente vos/HP.") -- French incorrect grammar (bird)
			str = string.gsub(str, "aumente","augmente") -- French incorrect grammar.

			axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(strPtr, str)
local H11 = function() -- from Bases__Item__ExplanationWindow__setItemId
	local ptr = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.a0)
	local a2 = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.a2)
	local valPtr = axObj.ReadMem32(ptr)
	local v1 = valPtr + 8
	local v0 = a2 * 4
	v0 = v0 + v1
	local strPtr = axObj.ReadMem32(v0)
	strPtr = strPtr + valPtr


-- Skip Memory message when selecting "Delete Save Data" on "Save the adventure" dialogue.
local menuSkip = false
local H12 = function()		-- Bases__Talk__CommandCamp__showDialog
	menuSkip = true
local H13 = function()		-- Bases__Talk__CommandCamp__showDialog
	if menuSkip == true then
		axObj.SetGpr(gpr.v1, 0)
		menuSkip = false
local H14 = function()		-- Bases__Talk__CommandCamp__showDialog
	if menuSkip == true then

-- HOOKS --
local hook1  = axObj.AddHook(0x88E9564, 0x0002102B, H1)		-- Labo::Bases__Camp__Scene__updateTips
local hook2  = axObj.AddHook(0x899E718, 0x00403021, H2)		-- GameSystem__SaveDataController__setStateMessage
local hook3  = axObj.AddHook(0x897771C, 0x00431021, H3)		-- Localize__Manager__getLanguageName
local hook4  = axObj.AddHook(0x88774D0, 0x00402821, H4)		-- System::Util__BNDFile__doNameCallback
local hook5  = axObj.AddHook(0x886889C, 0x02002021, H5)		-- Labo::GameSystem__callbackFunc_MemoryObject
local hook6  = axObj.AddHook(0x898BCDC, 0x27BDFFE0, H6)		-- Sound__SubGame__Blacksmith__Command__start__4LaboFv
local hook7  = axObj.AddHook(0x89220F8, 0xAC80019C, H7)		-- Sound__BeatCommander__endSubGame__4LaboFv
local hook8  = axObj.AddHook(0x8A734DC, 0x27BDFFC0, H8)		-- GameSystem__Tips__Viewer__setup__4LaboFv
local hook9  = axObj.AddHook(0x899CF4C, 0x92637EED, H9)		-- GameSystem__SaveDataController__update__4LaboFv
local hook10 = axObj.AddHook(0x88E7E48, 0x2490009C, H10)	-- Utility__SaveDataUtility__setDataParamsfoString
local hook11 = axObj.AddHook(0x897CF90, 0x26041718, H11)	-- Bases__Item__ExplanationWindow__setItemId
local hook12 = axObj.AddHook(0x88D9114, 0xAEA00014, H12)	-- Bases__Talk__CommandCamp__showDialog
local hook13 = axObj.AddHook(0x88D90B4, 0x9063C550, H13)	-- Bases__Talk__CommandCamp__showDialog
local hook14 = axObj.AddHook(0x88D907C, 0x8FA2003C, H14)	-- Bases__Talk__CommandCamp__showDialog
local hook15 = axObj.AddHook(0x8A394B4, 0x26241718, H11)	-- Bases__Organization__Managed__ItemSelectWindow__onSlotChange (note uses H11)

-- US game bug fix.  "Paraget" -> "Patagate" --
axObj.AddHook(0x88DC5F4, 0x00409021, function() -- from Bases__Camp__Person__Behavior__Idle__update__4LaboFv
	local strPtr = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.v0) + 0xE	-- 0xE skip over X/Y positions.
	local str = axObj.ReadMemStr16(strPtr)
	if string.find(str, "The Paraget will") then
		-- org string: The Paraget will teleport you to/another world…
		local newStr = "The Patagate can teleport you to/another world…"
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(strPtr, newStr)
	elseif string.find(str, "Paraget Shrine") then
		-- org string: This is the Paraget Shrine./Only <N0> and <N1> can/enter.
		local newStr = "This is the Patagate Shrine/Only <N0> and <N1> can/enter."
		axObj.WriteMemStr16Z(strPtr, newStr)

axObj.AddHook(0x08982F48, 0x24070001, function()
	if emuObj.NeoMode() then
		axObj.SetGpr(gpr.a3, 0) -- turn on 60fps mode

--- MOVIE FIX ---
local movieLastTime = 0.0
local movieFix = function() -- Labo::GameSystem__MovieModule__render
	local t = axObj.GetFpr(0)
	if t == 0 and movieLastTime > 0 then
		local s0 = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.s0)
		axObj.WriteMemFloat(s0 + 0x44, movieLastTime)
	elseif t > 0 then
		movieLastTime = t

axObj.AddHook(0x8A6A1DC, 0xe6000044, movieFix)

--- PAT2-16 FIX ---
axObj.AddHook(0x890E9E0, 0x02002021, function() -- Labo::Game__Gimmick__WindowAttacher__update
	local ptr = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.sp) + 0x28
	local posy = axObj.ReadMemFloat(ptr + 4)
	if posy < -30 then
		local obj = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.a0)
		axObj.WriteMem8(obj + 0x2a8, 0)