Talk:RCOXML Animations

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Dual table with common and specific attributes + using the same headers than the tables on Resource Container (RCO)

The purpose is to standarize a bit the tables used in wiki by creating tables that contains templates, and move all the info related to attribute entry types to separated wiki pages

Also, is needed to include in the table info about how are represented the values inside the TOC (raw values like in an hexeditor view with offset, length, etc...) and in the RCOXML (values converted to XML), also the data types that indicates the conversion method from TOC to XML for every value

(0x09 0x03) Recolour
Attribute How it works
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
object ref Yes Yes PS3 icon object:ps3logo links the animation to an object
duration float Yes Yes 1000
accelMode int Yes Yes 0x0
red float Yes Yes updates the value of attribute ColorScaleR from the animated object
green float Yes Yes updates the value of attribute ColorScaleG from the animated object
blue float Yes Yes updates the value of attribute ColorScaleB from the animated object
alpha float Yes Yes updates the value of attribute ColorScaleA from the animated object
Attributes for entry_type 0x09030000 (Recolour)
Offset Length Data type Console Example Name Notes
PSP icon PS3 icon HEX XML
0x00 0x08 reference Yes Yes FF FF 00 00 FF FF FF FF PS3 icon object:ps3logo object links the animation to an object
0x08 0x04 float Yes Yes 44 7A 00 00 1000 duration
0x0C 0x04 integer Yes Yes 00 00 00 03 3 accelMode
0x10 0x04 float Yes Yes 3F 80 00 00 1 red updates the value of attribute ColorScaleR from the animated object
0x14 0x04 float Yes Yes 3F 80 00 00 1 green updates the value of attribute ColorScaleG from the animated object
0x18 0x04 float Yes Yes 3F 80 00 00 1 blue updates the value of attribute ColorScaleB from the animated object
0x1C 0x04 float Yes Yes 3F 80 00 00 1 alpha updates the value of attribute ColorScaleA from the animated object
<entry duration="1000" />

RCO TOC entry_type 0x09030000 (Recolour)
Offset Length Data type Name PSP icon PS3 icon Example (HEX) Example (RCOXML) Notes
0x00 0x04 int entry_type Yes Yes 09 03 00 00 / 00 00 <<Recolour /> name="label"/> entry_type[2], padding[2]
0x04 0x04 int entry_label_offset Yes Yes FF FF FF FF label_string_table_offset[4] (optional)
0x08 0x04 int attributes_offset Yes Yes 00 00 00 00 represents XML hierarchy Attributes offset relative to the start of this entry (optional)
0x0C 0x04 int children_offset Yes Yes 00 00 00 28 First children offset relative to the start of this entry (optional)
0x10 0x04 int children_number Yes Yes 00 00 00 00 Number of subentries
0x14 0x04 int next_sibling_offset Yes Yes 00 00 00 00 Next sibling offset relative to the start of this entry (optional)
0x18 0x04 int prev_sibling_offset Yes Yes 00 00 00 00 Previous sibling offset relative to the start of this entry (optional)
0x1C 0x04 int parent_offset Yes Yes 00 00 00 00 This entry offset relative to the start of the parent entry
0x20 0x08 unk toc_entry_unk Yes Yes 00 00 00 00 .. . no XML representation Unknown
0x28 0x08 ref object Yes Yes 04 09 / 00 00 / 12 34 56 78 <Recolour object="object:label"/> links the animation to an object (ref_type[2], padding[2], label_string_table_offset[4])
0x30 0x04 float time Yes Yes 44 7A 00 00 <Recolour time="1000"/>
0x34 0x04 int accelMode Yes Yes 00 00 00 03 <Recolour accelMode="0x3"/>
0x38 0x04 float red Yes Yes 3F 80 00 00 <Recolour red="1" /> updates the value of attribute ColorScaleR from the animated object
0x3C 0x04 float green Yes Yes 3F 80 00 00 <Recolour green="1" /> updates the value of attribute ColorScaleG from the animated object
0x40 0x04 float blue Yes Yes 3F 80 00 00 <Recolour blue="1" /> updates the value of attribute ColorScaleB from the animated object
0x44 0x04 float alpha Yes Yes 3F 80 00 00 <Recolour alpha="1" /> updates the value of attribute ColorScaleA from the animated object