System plugin
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1 Identifier:
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1 Interface
contains 36 subs:
0: 2 Parameter: char * , int flags - dev_hdd0/theme related, loads theme? 1: 2 Parameter: float, int 2: 1 Parameter: out: void * float[4] 3: 1 Parameter: in: void * float[4] 4: 1 Parameter: uint8_t [0x100?]- collects Progress Base/bar textures (tex_default_progress_base, tex_default_progress_base_shadow, and tex_default_progress_slider?) 5: 1 Parameter: uint8_t [0x148] - collects sounds (snd_decide, snd_cancel, snd_cursor and snd_category_decide) 6: 7: 2 Parameter: uint8 , float - page_default_theme / page_wallpaper_theme 8: 2 Parameter: uint8 , float (500.00) - page_default_theme / page_wallpaper_theme 9: 2 Parameter: float, float - wallpaper_theme_plane 10: 2 Parameter: int (1), float (100.0) 11: 5 Parameter: int * tex_dialog (ex. infoicon), int* tex_dialog_shadow (infoicon_shadow) , wchar * infotext1, char * infotext2, int type - create page_infobar /infoicon /infotext1/infotext2 12: 1 Parameter: uint8 ( 0 = _vshcommon_8D173737, else -> PageClose )- page_infobar 13: 0 Parameter: return uint8 (infobar activated (1)/closed (0)?) 14: 1 Parameter: uint8_t [ ] - infoicon 15: 1 Parameter: uint8_t [0x1C] {wchar * } - infotext1 16: 1 Parameter: uint8_t [0x1C] {wchar * } - infotext2 17: 0 Parameter: - busy_increase 18: 0 Parameter: - busy_decrease 19: 1 Parameter: uint8_t 0/1 - page_busy 20: 1 Parameter: uint8_t - busy_long / busy_short 21: 1 Parameter: uint8_t - anim_cross_circle_show_hide 22: 1 Parameter: uint8_t - anim_cross_circle_show_hide 23: 1 Parameter: uint8_t - anim_triangle_show_hide 24: 1 Parameter: uint8_t - anim_rectangle_show_hide 25: 2 Parameter: uint8_t [0x1C], wchar * - circle_cross 26: 2 Parameter: uint8_t [0x1C], wchar * - cross_circle 27: 2 Parameter: uint8_t [0x1C], wchar * - triangle 28: 2 Parameter: uint8_t [0x1C], wchar * - rectangle 29: 30: 1 Parameter: char * ("msg_press_ps_button") - warning message that appears in "notification window" when you turn on the PS3 by pressing the ON/OFF button of the console (so dualshock controller is disabled and is needed to "press PS button" to enable it)... this warning text (loaded from a .xml inside system_plugin.rco: <Text name="msg_press_ps_button">Press the PS button.</Text>) is supposed to appear after a check to the presence of the controller when the PS3 boots 31: 1 Parameter: char * bmp_path ("%s/screen%03d.bmp") - "saveBMP", takes a screendump - dumps MemoryContainerId 1 (app) 32: 0 Parameter: - page_notification 33: - not implemented 34: - not implemented 35: - not implemented