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Description[edit | edit source]

Strings. Arrays of chars. In this case these arrays make sense and display information about what is happening inside the console. The goal of this page is to find as many strings as possible for documentative purposes.

Are these strings legal[edit | edit source]

They're words. I don't know any case of illegal words (except the ones illegal to say on TV or in senate: e.g.1)

Tools used[edit | edit source]

Only a few tools were used:

  • Cygwin x86 was used as a command line interface on Windows
  • Dumps were made with MultiMAN or Memdump on the PS3
  • The extraction of the Playstation Update Package (PUP) was done with pupexplode
  • The strings linux command on the extracted/decompressed/unencrypted files.

Strings[edit | edit source]