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Revision as of 02:47, 6 April 2014 by Mysis (talk | contribs) (→‎Exports)
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VSH is the internal name used by Sony for the VShell aka VirtualShell. It then loads up the XMB you know.XrossMediaBar (XMB). This, is a user space executable (vsh.self), loaded by lv2_kernel/sys_init_osd.

from here several other functions/syscalls to other modules are made, e.g. lv2 (SELF decryption), lv1 (Secure_RTC, Storage_Manager, Gelic_Device, BD_Drive) etc.

not much is documented (yet) about this module. Please fill in where possible.


possible arguments to pass when executing vsh.self:

  • --mode=gametool
  • --mode=gametool2
  • --arcade=true


Function 3.55 3.41 3.15 Notes
- - - - -
sub_308EE4 check_Is_Act_Dat_for_This_Acc_ID


Export Library Export NID Notes Usage
sys_io - - -
sys_fs - - -
sys_fs 0x18DD4604 cellFsOpen2 -
sys_fs_ps2disc 0x8160A811 switches /dev_ps2disc(1) mount?
vsh - -
vsh 0xF48562D cellSsAimIsCEX
vsh 0x145991B4 cellSsAimIsArcade
vsh 0x172B05CD update_mgr_write_eprom syscall
vsh 0x1B890AD2 update_mgr_get_token_seed syscall
vsh 0x1F80E287 cellSsAimIsTool
vsh 0x2C563C92 update_mgr_read_eprom syscall
vsh 0x3231E012 vtrm_Decrypt_Master syscall
vsh 0x349F1535 update_mgr_set_token syscall
vsh 0x3B4A1AC4 AIM GetDeviceId syscall
vsh 0x3F062337 AIM GetPsCode syscall
vsh 0xE44F29F4 cellFsUtilMount syscall
vsh 0xE7C34044 retrieves vsh memory container by "id" 0=game,1=app,2=debug,3=fg, 4=bg sys_memory_container_t vsh_E7C34044(int id)
vsh 0xE932A8C0 reboot and show minimum version
char can be "text whatever you like", no check etc.
int vsh_E932A8C0(char * )
vsh 0xFF4A1633 cellFsUtilMount syscall
vsh 0x7D73E7CD inflate_init
vsh 0x4DB8DD87 inflate_end
vsh 0x20215547 inflate_buffer
vsh 0x1C68CC75 inflate
sdk - -
sdk 0xB5877BBF cellAvsetGetMonitorInformation
sdk 0x5FAFE92B cellCryptoPuSha1Hash
sdk 0xB45387CD AesCbcCfb128Decrypt
sdk 0x55ACAB8A sha1_init
sdk 0x831E89EE sha1_update
sdk 0x3CABD075 sha1_final
sdk 0x4484A101 sha1_hmac_update
sdk 0x547B602C sha1_hmac_init
sdk 0x300B99F2 sha1_hmac_final
sdk 0x74A2A1FE sha1_hmac_buffer
sdk 0x68B630D5 aes_omac_mode1
paf - -
paf 0xBB04609B GetSparkInfo
paf 0x65BE85B3 _UnloadView _paf_65BE85B3(char * plugin_name,0,0)
paf 0x350B4536 Job_Start
paf 0xFE0C1F10 Job_Queue
paf 0xA1DC401 sets Interface from plugin uint32_t SetInterface(unknown, uint32_t identifier, void * ptr_structure)
paf 0x23AFB290 gets Interface from plugin, should allow calling its exports/funcs uint32_t plugin->GetInterface(uint32_t return from paf_F21655F3, uint32_t identifier)
paf 0x3A8454FC finds/gets Texture/Resource Example: out: uint32_t*, return from paf_F21655F3, "tex_notification_info"
paf 0x3CEC3833 sets up a plugin widget ? (page_...)
paf 0x794CEACB finds widget in a plugin Example: plugin->FindWidget(return from paf_F21655F3, "page_autooff_guide")
paf 0x89B67B9C gets msg_ text from plugin resource Example: (w)char (return from paf_F21655F3, "msg_help_system_off_soon_by_setting")
paf 0xF21655F3 finds a loaded plugin Example: uint32_t paf::View::Find("system_plugin")
vshcommon - -
vshcommon 0x7F5C551B System_plugin#1_Interface func 11 vshcommon_7F5C551B(int * texture_dialog, int* texture_dialog_shadow, wchar * infotext1, wchar * infotext2, int)
vshcommon 0x94F43BE7 System_plugin#1_Interface func 12 vshcommon_94F43BE7(uint8 )
vshcommon 0xF9E43DA2 returns "msg_ok" wide char text
vshcommon 0xCCD2C319 returns "msg_cancel" wide char text
vshcommon 0x746C5F88 returns "msg_option" wide char text
vshcommon 0xF995E53F returns "msg_back" wide char text
vshcommon 0x26F18EDF returns "msg_enter" wide char text
vshcommon 0xE9E8DA5 returns "msg_no" wide char text
vshcommon 0xB8E256D7 returns "msg_yes" wide char text
vshcommon 0x79A562D5 System_plugin#1_Interface func 25 circle_cross
vshcommon 0x75DC9C2D System_plugin#1_Interface func 26 cross_circle
vshcommon 0x60DEE5B3 System_plugin#1_Interface func 27 triangle
vshcommon 0xF7A67D49 System_plugin#1_Interface func 28 rectangle
vshcommon 0x2438F1A4 System_plugin#1_Interface func 21 - anim_cross_circle_show_hide
vshcommon 0x9BD8429E System_plugin#1_Interface func 22 - anim_cross_circle_show_hide
vshcommon 0xE011E7D0 System_plugin#1_Interface func 23 - anim_triangle_show_hide
vshcommon 0x73F85259 System_plugin#1_Interface func 24 - anim_rectangle_show_hide vshcommon_73F85259(uint8 )
vshcommon 0x16106ACD returns "impose_plugin" interface 1 uint vshcommon_16106ACD()
vshcommon 0x8B2110D5 reads boot_history.dat
vshcommon 0x9A43140 adds info to /pushlist/patch.dat
vshcommon 0x9EA67737 vsh::ws_boot_history::Set() { uint8 type, char TitleId [0x1F] }
titleid to boot_history.dat (creates if not present)
vshcommon 0xCC2C67F2 reads /pushlist/patch.dat vshcommon_CC2C67F2(int* count,uint8_t buf[0x680])
x3 - -
x3 0x16FA740A xCore_GetInterface() uint32_t* interface xCore_GetInterface()
x3 0x11409ED3 xRegistryGetDefaultInstance int xRegistryGetDefaultInstance (1, &handle)
x3 0x9C246A91 xBDVDGetInstance
x3 0xCB1D791D Obtains SS Key
x3 0xECACA8AD xRegistry SetValue Example: int SetValue(handle, "/setting/categoryVersion", 0,0,0)
mms_db 0x8EC9A2A7 xCB_Interface::GetInterface
vshnet - -
vshnet 0xCF725EB1 sceNpInstallerRegetSigninTicket int sceNpInstallerRegetSigninTicket (0)
vshnet 0x7084A801 sceNpCommerceSetDataFlagFinish int sceNpCommerceSetDataFlagFinish ( int req_id )
vshnet 0x572A4D1D sceNpSommerceSetDataFlagStart int sceNpSommerceSetDataFlagStart ( ctx_id, licensee_id, dataflagContainer, dataflag_num, * req_id )
vshnet 0xFF500259 sceNpCommerceGetDataFlagFinish int sceNpCommerceGetDataFlagFinish ( int req_id )
vshnet 0x15910AE7 sceNpCommerceGetDataFlagState int sceNpCommerceGetDataFlagState ( int req_id, dataflagContainer, dataflag_num )
vshnet 0x13D56523 sceNpCommerceGetDataFlagAbort int sceNpCommerceGetDataFlagAbort ( int req_id )
vshnet 0x854FE623 sceNpCommerceGetDataFlagStart int sceNpCommerceGetDataFlagStart ( ctx_id, licensee_id, dataflag [0x10] , dataflag_num, * req_id )
vshnet 0xE2A0CB65 sceNpCommerceGetProductCategoryResult int sceNpCommerceGetProductCategoryResult ( int req_id, uint8_t result_buf_size [0x10] )
vshnet 0xE84BBCAF sceNpCommerceGetProductCategoryFinish int sceNpCommerceGetProductCategoryFinish ( int req_id )
vshnet 0xD297EF28 sceNpCommerceGetProductCategoryAbort int sceNpCommerceGetProductCategoryAbort ( int req_id )
vshnet 0x3E20181D sceNpCommerceGetProductCategoryStart int sceNpCommerceGetProductCategoryStart ( int ctx_id, int category_id, int lang_code, int * req_id )
vshnet 0x2A4C99A6 sceNpCommerceDestroyCtx int sceNpCommerceDestroyCtx (ctx_id)
vshnet 0x98340E57 sceNpCommerceCreateCtx int sceNpCommerceCreateCtx ( int version, uint8_t npId[0x24], void * callback, int * arg,int * ctx_id, int (1) )
vshnet 0x594266BE sceNpBasicGetInitialPresence
vshnet 0xEF85527 sceNpSignalingAddExtendedHandler int sceNpSignalingAddExtendedHandler (ctx_id, 1)
vshnet 0xFC663F7F sceNpSignalingGetPeerNetInfoResult int sceNpSignalingGetPeerNetInfoResult ( ctx_id, req_id, uint8_t netinfo[0x1C], 1)
vshnet 0x2B2E098F sceNpSignalingGetLocalNetInfo int sceNpSignalingGetLocalNetInfo ( ctx_id, uint8_t netinfo[0x1C], 1)
vshnet 0xE5CBDF3D sceNpSignalingGetConnectionInfo int sceNpSignalingGetConnectionInfo ( ctx_id, conn_id, code, * rtt/bandwith/addr/port/packet_loss, 1 )
vshnet 0x995D1D2F sceNpSignalingGetConnectionStatus int sceNpSignalingGetConnectionStatus ( ctx_id, conn_id, int * conn_status,int * peer_addr,uint16_t * peer_port, 1 )
vshnet 0x158032C9 sceNpSignalingDestroyCtx int sceNpSignalingDestroyCtx ( ctx_id, 1)
vshnet 0x8478A915 sceNpMatchingGetRoomMemberListLocal int sceNpMatchingGetRoomMemberList ( ctx_id, uint8_t opt[0x1C], int * size, uint8_t roomStatus[ ], int (1) )
vshnet 0x3139980 sceNpMatchingGetRoomMemberList int sceNpMatchingGetRoomMemberList ( ctx_id, uint8_t opt[0x1C], req_id, int (1) )
vshnet 0x24B26C3F sceNpMatchingLeaveRoom int sceNpMatchingLeaveRoom ( ctx_id, uint8_t opt[0x1C], req_id, int (1) )
vshnet 0x14211FB9 sceNpMatchingDestroyCtx int sceNpMatchingDestroyCtx ( ctx_id, 1 )
vshnet 0x4C9F0992 sceNpManagerGetPsHandle int sceNpManagerGetPsHandle ( int (0), uint8_t psHandle[0x14]
vshnet 0x4E276F38 sceNpManagerGetSubjectRegion int sceNpManagerGetSubjectRegion ( int (0), uint8_t subjectRegion[4]
vshnet 0x58AB86D8 sceNpManagerGetSubjectStatus int sceNpManagerGetSubjectStatus ( int (0), uint8_t subjectStatus[4]
vshnet 0x7A9421D8 sceNpManagerGetStatusDuration int sceNpManagerGetStatusDuration ( int (0), uint64_t * statusDuration
vshnet 0x4216DF9F sceNpManagerRegisterCallbackExt int sceNpManagerRegisterCallbackExt ( void * callback, void * arg)
vshnet 0x572FFDFB sceNpManagerGetSubHandle int sceNpManagerGetSubHandle (int (0), uint8_t subHandle[0x34])
vshnet 0x2C393B42 sceNpManagerUnregisterCallbackExt int sceNpManagerUnregisterCallbackExt ()
vshnet 0x4DD12D0C sceNpManagerGetUserIconURL int sceNpManagerGetUserIconURL ( int (0), uint8_t icon[0x80] )
vshnet 0x99666F31 sceNpManagerGetEnvnamae int sceNpManagerGetEnvnamae ( uint8_t envname[0x0F] )
vshnet 0x319E53BD sceNpManagerLoadCachedInfo int sceNpManagerLoadCachedInfo ( int userId, uint8_t cachedInfo[0xF8] )
vshnet 0x9EF14F7C sceNpManagerIsPlus int attr_is_plus sceNpManagerIsPlus ( int (0) )
vshnet 0xC3417866 sceNpManagerGetTicketParam
vshnet 0x788759C6 sceNpManagerGetSigninTicket sceNpManagerGetSigninTicket ( int (0), uint8_t signinTicketData[], int * signinTicketSize
vshnet 0x1FA25660 sceNpManagerSubSignout int sceNpManagerSubSignout (int (0), uint8_t npId [0x24]
vshnet 0xB79B2FE0 sceNpManagerGetNetworkTime int sceNpManagerGetNetworkTime (int (0), uint8_t casualClock[8])
vshnet 0xFACC5962 sceNpManagerGetMyLanguages int sceNpManagerGetMyLanguages (int (0), uint8_t myLang[0x10]
vshnet 0xFC7303C5 sceNpManagerGetNpId int sceNpManagerGetNpId ( int (0), uint8_t npId[0x24]
vshnet 0x1D555F5F sceNpUpdateClockStart
vshnet 0x50EE5602 gets updatelist txt and compares version
vshnet 0x731E546F prints Firmware version ("%02d.%02d) int vshnet_731E546F(out: const char*)
vshnet 0xEBEA23A1 sceNetHttpXmlConsoleInfoBitOpe int sceNetHttpXmlConsoleInfoBitOpe(0x190, xml?,1,1)
vshmain - -
vshmain 0xF32CEC81 loadRegistryNetautoDlFlag int loadRegistryNetautoDlFlag ( void )
vshmain 0xB84B751A saveRegistryNetautoDlFlag saveRegistryNetautoDlFlag ( uint8 )
vshmain 0xAE35CF2D Executes Action based on Input (More Info: XMB Plugin XMM0 Interface 23)


int vshmain_AE35CF2D(char *, int value)
vshmain 0xD609A2F6 shows up XMB Login?
vshmain 0xF3F75BE sysutil::BeginService
vshmain 0x505FA917 cxmlutil::GetFile
vshmain 0x7606AF6F VersionFile::Get
vshmain 0x981D7E9F Gets ScreenShot Flag int vshmain_981D7E9F()
vshtask - -
vshtask 0xA02D46E7 Displays a notification in XMB int vshtask_A02D46E7(0 /*ignored*/, "your text" )
cellHttp 0x8FC281F7 cellHttpCookieFlush
cellHttp 0xDCDF003A cellHttpAuthCacheFlush

To help documenting offsets+exports, you can use this dumper tool for vsh (actually,no need to dump anymore).

Memory Containers

id name
0 game
1 app
2 debug
3 fg (foreground?)
4 bg (background?)

Display Buffers

VSH uses 2 of 8 available display buffers. Information about them can be aquired by vsh plugins using this code snippet: [[1]]
In FW 4.46 DEX the buffer info looks like this (for 1920x1080):

Type This
offset: 0xdc80000
pitch: 0x2000
width: 0x780
height: 0x438

offset: 0xe500000
pitch: 0x2000
width: 0x780
height: 0x438