Rights Information Files

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The PS4 content license files are, like on PSP, PS3, PS Vita and PS5, the .rif files.

But for the first time, the format has changed a lot:

  • Since System Software 5.00 at least, there is only one .rif file (and .idx) per Service ID instead of one per Content ID. Concretely, on PSP, PS3 and PS Vita, there was one .rif per content (one for the game and one for each additional content), whilst on PS4, the .rif files contains many RIF structures (one for the game, and one for each additional content).
  • This is handled by adding each DLC license to the game .rif. To determine where the license for a specific content is in the .rif, the PS4 generates a .idx file (RIF index).
  • When a .rif is downloaded from PSN by SceShellCore, it is added to the current .rif (RIFA) file of the game,if existing. Then the .idx is generated. SceShellCore calls npdrm_ioctl to get a 0x10 bytes HMAC-SHA256 per-console key from SAMU. A HMAC-SHA256 digest is computed over the RIF data and is written to the .idx entry. The aim of this procedure is both to ensure license integrity and to make sure that the licenses cannot be copied to another PS4 console.

See also PSP, PS3 and PS Vita RIF files.

See also Sample RIF files.

Location[edit | edit source]

The PS4 Rights Information Files and associated files can be found in:

  • /user/license/*.rif, /user/license/*.idx for fake/free RIFs, for all users
  • /user/home/<User ID>/license/*.rif, /user/home/<User ID>/license/*.idx for per-account RIFs (KDS)
  • /mnt/disc/license/rif on Bluray Disc, for per-disc RIFs, for all users
  • /preinst2/app/CUSA00001/app.rif on internal HDD, for The Playroom free RIF, for all users
  • Sc0/license.dat, in PKG entries

RIF[edit | edit source]

For a RIF file that is paired with an IDX file, see RIFA file.

RIF Structure[edit | edit source]

Fields are big-endian.

Name Offset Size Example Remark
Magic 0x000 4 52 49 46 00 ('RIF\0')
Version 0x004 2 00 01, 00 02, 00 03 See Type
Unknown 0x006 2 FF FF, 00 02 FF FF on fake and disc, 00 02 on KDS.
NP Account ID 0x008 8 AB CD EF 01 02 34 78 91 Zeroed if not KDS: fake, disc, etc.
Start Timestamp 0x010 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 00 00 00 00 52 85 64 00, 00 00 00 00 67 57 64 B3 Start timestamp (unix/epoch). Zeroed on fake.
End Timestamp 0x018 8 7F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF End timestamp (unix/epoch). When no expire date, set to INT64_MAX (7F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF).
Content ID 0x020 0x30 IP9100-CUSA00001_00-PLAYROOM00000000 The actual Content ID is 0x24 bytes and the rest is usually zeroed.
Type 0x050 2 01 01 See Type
DRM Type 0x052 2 00 0F (Local (PS4)) Same as PKG DRM Type. PS5 uses 00 10 for Local (PS5).
Content Type 0x054 2 00 1A (PS4GD), 00 1B (PS4AC) Same as PKG Content Type. PS5 uses 00 20 for PS5GD.
SKU Flag 0x056 2 00 00, 00 01, 00 03 Not Bootable: 0, Trial: 1, Full Game: 3
Extra Flags 0x058 4 00 00 00 00
Unknown Flags 0x05C 4 00 00 00 00, 00 04 00 00 00 04 00 00 on free RIF, 00 00 00 00 on disc and debug
Unknown 0x060 4 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 on PS5
Unknown 0x064 4 00 00 00 00, 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 on a Kiosk demo, KDS, debug, 00 00 00 00 on disc, on a debug, on a free
Unknown 0x068 3 00 00 00, 00 4A 00 00 4A 00 on a debug, KDS, 00 00 00 usually. Maybe related to Network.
Unknown 0x06B 1 01, 02, 03 01 on a debug, KDS, 02 on some old RIFs (3.55), 03 on some new RIFs (5.00)
Unknown 0x06C 0x2 00 00, 00 02 00 02 on a debug, KDS, 00 00 usually. Maybe related to Network.
Unknown 0x06E 0x1D2 -
Disc Key 0x240 0x20 - Present on disc. zeroed on demo, debug and KDS.
Secret Encryption IV 0x260 0x10 - On debug for fPKG RIF, it is the first 16 bytes of the SHA-256 hash of the 0x30 bytes of Content ID. On debug for PKG, demo, KDS and disc, the algorithm is unknown. On debug for finalized PKG RIF, it is independent of the Content ID as it is the same for a game in two regions.
Encrypted Secret 0x270 0x90 - See Secret for when decrypted. Present even on debug.
Signature 0x300 0x100 - RSA2048 signature. Verified using the public key depending on the Type.

Type[edit | edit source]

Type Platform Min Version Max Version Name Description Remarks
0x000 All 1 1 KDS (NPDRM) Used for digital content Revoked in at least 4.05
0x001 All 2 2
0x002 All 3 3
0x101 All 1 1 Isolated ("free" RIF) Used for truly free content (Playroom, Omsk, Kiosk Demo, Vue, Spotify). For OMSK Daemon, the RIF is copied and renamed to "free" from a .rif file in the same folder as the .pkg.
0x102 All 1 1 Disc Used for Blu-ray content
0x200 DEX/TEST 1 1 Debug ("fake" RIF) Used for testing/debugging on DEX/TEST ?and for all users?. The fake RIF is ?extracted from Sc0/license.dat in ?f?PKG or? when installing a fPKG without any RIF through the Package Installer.
0x303 CEX 1 1 ?
0x304 ? (not CEX) 1 1 ?
0x305 DEX/TEST 1 1 ?

Secret[edit | edit source]

PS4 RIF Secret size is 0x90 bytes. The last 0x70 bytes of the RIF Secret may be what maxton call "Derived Keys".

On debug for fPKG RIF, the decrypted secret is empty except the first 16 bytes, which are the second 16 bytes of the Content ID hash.

The following structure corresponds to the decrypted form.

Name Offset Size Example Remark
Content ID Hash Part 2 0x00 16 - On debug for fPKG RIF, this is the second 16 bytes of the Content ID hash.
Padding 0x10 16 - Zero byte padding (16 bytes)
Reserved (?dk0, overwritten with passcode or RSA-encrypted passcode?) 0x20 16 - Zero byte padding (16 bytes)
Content Key Seed (?dk1/EKPFS?) 0x30 16 - Used to generate PFS key
SELF Key Seed (?dk2?) 0x40 16 - Used to generate SELF key
Unknown (?dk3?) 0x50 16 - Random 16 bytes of unknown purpose
Unknown (?dk4?) 0x60 16 - Random 16 bytes of unknown purpose
Entitlement Key (?dk5?) 0x70 16 - Usually all zeroes. Used on Additional Content. On debug for finalized PKG RIF, it is independent of the Content ID as it is the same for a game in two regions.
Padding (?dk6?) 0x80 16 - Zero byte padding (16 bytes)

RIFA File[edit | edit source]

This RIF form is paired with a .idx file. See also RIDX structure for the paired IDX file.

When in this form, a RIFA header is present, followed by sequential RIFs.

RIFA Header[edit | edit source]

Fields are big-endian. Size is 0x400 bytes.

Name Offset Size Example Remark
Magic 0x000 4 72 69 66 61 ("rifa")
Service ID 0x004 0x14 IP9100-CUSA00001_00\0 Size assumed
Unknown 0x018 0x3D8 full of zeroes

RIDX File[edit | edit source]

RIDX Structure[edit | edit source]

Fields are little-endian. Size is 0x20 bytes (header) + entries_count * 0x30 bytes (entry_size).

Name Offset Size Example Remark
Magic 0x00 4 78 64 69 72 ('xdir', standing for RIF Index)
Entries Count 0x04 4 code>01 00 00 00, 03 00 00 00
Version 0x08 1 01 1 (current)
Service ID 0x09 0x13 IP9100-CUSA00001_00
Unknown 0x1C 4 01 00 00 00, 00 00 00 00
Entries 0x20 0x30 * Entries_Count - See RIDX entry

RIDX Entry[edit | edit source]

Fields are little-endian. Size is 0x30 bytes.

Name Offset Size Example Remark
Entitlement Label 0x00 0x10 PLAYROOM00000000
RIF Offset 0x10 8 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 Offset into RIFA file
RIF Size 0x18 8 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00
Unknown 0x20 1 01
Unknown 0x21 1 00
RIF Digest 0x22 8 - First 8 bytes of HMAC-SHA256 digest of RIF data (?0x400 bytes?) using per-console data as key
Unknown 0x2A 6 -